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Everything posted by Virus

  1. Virus


  2. ET is CPU based game so what old CPU are you playing with? every modern cpu & decent config should run ET
  3. everybody mo mo

    1. Jesus


      everybody dance now tunz (etc etc) ahhahahahah

    2. Slarty


      Things that makes you go hmmmm.... :P

  4. other solution disable pb, we don't use it
  5. thinking ????

    1. Jesus


      dont think :O is not good :O

    2. Slarty


      Virus is lost in thoughts, its a strange and unfamiliar territory :D

    3. Charlie


      You can think? I love you xD lol

  6. yup the magic fps
  7. a reminder read this post
  8. Virus

    Missing Files

    did you do that in all your cfg's you edited
  9. update pb is the main problem files are here in the download section & /pb_sleep 500
  10. Version etpub common versions pack


  11. Virus

    name cycle

    from that txt file he posted bind / vstr Nick => let you choose your nick bind . vstr setNick => changes your name
  12. Virus

    Nitmod 2.2

    levels done
  13. pb_cl_enable in console or cl_punkbuster 1 in cfg
  14. should be solved
  15. did you first install the 2.6 patch and then the 2.60B some guesses here because of the low info, pb could cause the problem if you enabled pb update your pb folder http://www.teammuppet.eu/home/index.php?/files/file/66-pbzip/
  16. Virus


    look in your etpub/name/etconfig.cfg file for the seta name and see if that one is correct and you got a name changer here set f111 "seta name <=TM=[T]=>^2oli^3ve^1ira[pt] ; set 111 vstr f112" set f112 "seta name ^0the pu^1nis^0her ; set 111 vstr f113" set f113 "seta name ^2oli^3ve^1ira[pt] ; set 111 vstr f111" and your name in this cfg would be seta name "<=TM=>[T]^1oli^3vei^2ra[pt]" this is this correct ?
  17. Virus

    I haven't "pbguid"

  18. Virus

    Patch 2.6b


    2.6b version of ET for mac
  19. got my car today :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. miraro3


      nice! wich one did you buy?

    3. Virus
    4. Blitzkrieg


      Complety new ? post picture!! I also got a car and i love it!

  20. not on etpub plzzzzzzzzz
  21. bought my first car today

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MiniMuppet
    3. mylan


      Nice, I had fiesta once :) Nice small car, very good on gasoline consumption. Right now I have 1.9L diesel car and it's hungry, hungry beast :(

    4. Virus


      1.6 diesel 95horsepower

  22. 1 September starting to work

    1. MrMuppet


      How is the job going then Raf?

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