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Everything posted by Bystry

  1. In addition to what I posted above, worth considering are the following maps as well: Village (old-school map) and Ufo.
  2. Replace erdenberg_b2 with erdenberg_t1 (the one that's used in competition). It has slight modifications and it's better version of this map, mainly because the flag is located downstairs so it's easier for allies during first stage, which can be pretty hard sometimes. Add night version of supply (alongside standard supply) to add some diversity to the server (supply is the second most popular map after goldrush, another version of goldrush alongside the standard one was added recently and it's working fine, so why not try with supply?) Much as I don't like Fuel Dump, I think it could stay, but with different mapscript (with spawn at CP for allies during second stage), without that I'd say remove it. Remove parisbastille and saberpeak. Dubrovnik is almost never played too.
  3. Yo Rivet, I see you're finally here after a long, long time of playing on our Legacy server
  4. @Charlie The problem is I'm not sure if legacy has shoutcaster support If not, then there's the problem of kicking admins/ TM members
  5. Actually an automatic kick is much less "serious" than manual kick IMO. I dunno, a manual kick seems to me more "personal" Whereas an automatic kick, it's just... automatic, nobody's responsible for it @Dmxj You don't need a script to kick inactive spectators, I just gave you a command for that.. g_spectatorinactivity...
  6. It's perfectly possible to kick spectators after certain amount of AFK time, the CVAR is g_spectatorinactivity, but it's gonna work against admins/clan members too. Only referees and shoutcasters are immune to this CVAR. + EDIT: CVAR for kicking AFK players after certain amount of time is g_inactivity.
  7. Well it says on the poster: 8 GMT, that's why I thought the event's gonna take place at that hour.
  8. Event will take place 20:00 GMT: UK uses GMT: 20:00 GMT Poland / Belgium / Netherlands all uses CET: 21:00 CET Correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. I probably won't be able to make it. Have fun fellas!
  10. Hello Rafał. Welcome to TM forums. Enjoy
  11. Which mod is this gonna take place on?
  12. What a pleasant surprise this morning. We did it girls and boys, two of Team Muppet servers in the top 20! This is great stuff. Nice to see TM servers growing like that, with Legacy advancing from rank 31st to 16th in only a month and ETPro to rank 17th in less then two weeks. Good job to everyone that made it possible So, now let's go for two TM servers in top 10? What do you say guys? #Let'sMakeTeamMuppetEvenGreater
  13. Yes, it seems that there is some bug, I noticed it only on oasis though.
  14. Eagle, I'm working on it
  15. Hello! If you're just back to business from a long break I suggest you first visit our ET: Legacy (which is main server and with most TM members playing there), the atmosphere there is friendly, there is decent amount of players, active admins, variety of maps and the level there is quite reachable for a "Mr Average". Our ETPro server is quite another story, the level there is crazy high as there are mainly pro players from the remaining ET pro scene playing there, so you could get easily discouraged (I get rekt there :D). But of course I encourage you to visit it and give it a try! Optionally you can try Beginners server which is running on nitmod, it's kind of a fun server with fast shooting, throwing knives, XP save and stuff like that. So as you can see there's something here for everyone, I suppose it depends on what kind of player you are. Good luck and have fun!
  16. As Rogan said, stats issue is nothing that a server admin can fix. Regarding spree sounds: what do you need them for?
  17. The fact that people like something, doesn't mean that they can't like it even more. Adrenaline is one of the things that a lot of people were complaining about. Maybe you haven't been playing there long enough to know that.
  18. I would just limit all skills to level 2, that's it. Would improve the gameplay imo.
  19. If it's about adrenaline syringe then I'm totally in favor of disabling it, it's way too overpowered, especially coupled with high HP. For now it's adrenaline boost, go out rambo style and res pawn in couple of seconds (short spawn time). Same goes for 4 lvl Panzerfaust and 4 lvl airstrike/artillery.
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