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Everything posted by Bystry

  1. Just use ET:L client and type in the console r_primitives 2.
  2. Bystry

    Merry Christmas!

    I like how you put me with @sed in the same line! <3
  3. https://dev.etlegacy.com/issues/1254 Should be okay now after CVAR value change.
  4. It's due to the CVAR change and artillery-per-minute limitations rework made by the ETL dev team. Basically before the change you just had to set the value in seconds that had to elapse to call another airstrike (10, 15, 20 seconds, etc.) - after the change it's airstrikes/artilleries-per-minute limitation. Without going into details, I'll just say that I'm sure the change on the server wasn't deliberate and I noticed exactly when it happened. I believe it just needs some adjusting in the server config.
  5. If you don't even want to play scrims, why even comment on this thread...? Oh dear, that's a tremendous effort... Tremendous... -------------------------------------- I've been AWFULLY busy lately (and still am), but I can try to be there if you want to play some scrims in the following days. Edit: I don't play with players without microphone / not speaking on voice.
  6. Bystry

    Can't come back

    @DiNg your best chance to solve your issue is to copy your log file with the error and share it on ET: Legacy discord (invitation link: https://discord.gg/BKPEvH). Some of the ETL devs should help you. It might be some non-relevant issue that is crashing your client, but I think you would have solved it by now if it had been the case. Given that, I think asking the devs for help might be worth the effort.
  7. I agree with everyone above, it's a no for me as well. Accidental team damage happens a lot, especially with that amount of people on the server.
  8. It's kinda what he does or likes to do, if you haven't noticed yet
  9. I'm glad someone finally said it. I agree completely. No need to dramatize when there's a autobalancer working just fine.
  10. You can't always get what you want in life
  11. Get a PC. On a serious note, including some sort of log file or at least explaining what's the exact problem would help us help you. I played on a macbook until I fixed my another laptop to play on Windows, so I might be able to sort this problem for you. But I have to tell you that legacy on macbook is kinda unplayable.
  12. And if someone doesn't drink alcohol?
  13. I’ve been getting these since the server got populated, it’s normal with this amount of people playing at once. There’s nothing you can do about it.
  14. Connect from 2 PCs with the same name?
  15. What are your issues exactly? I’ve never have issues with classes binds in legacy, at least for medic, fops and engi. I know that numbers can differ for soldier and cvops. And for SMG with akimbo I just do /class m 1, without the second number. It chooses akimbo automatically.
  16. Limiting number of medics per team is a server-killer idea.
  17. Please, no. Just no. These are exactly the lame maps that we fought to remove from the server a couple of months ago because they kept killing it. I'd like to just quickly add my 2 cents here. Please, leave weird, custom, big-ass maps (like baserace) for nitmod, jaymod and other weird mods. Just like the legacy mod itself, this server should remain pure and simple. That's what I like about it and I'm sure that's what many players like and it's the reason they keep playing there. The simplicity and pureness. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying don't add new maps at all and play supply and grush all the time, but there should be more thought put before adding maps that were just removed.
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