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slowtobi last won the day on January 31 2020

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  1. Hello nice people, After update i have trouble joining a server. ETL starts regular. When connecting it drops to desktop. What was done. - Erase profile - Empty Dlcache - Test in windowed mode no success so far. Any ideas where this error is coming from? Anyone else with this issue? Its linux 64-bit binary version. Dont get confused by folder name in the screenshot, i copied the binaries over the previous version (wrong approach?) Thx
  2. Amazing Microsoft product on my desk https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTQ3OVgxNDc5/z/J3QAAOSwTnpfsfxc/$_3.JPG. But the wheel is really inaccurate
  3. slowtobi

    New year

    Happy new Year all!!! Was a bit lost in Pandora lately (Borderlands 2), but happy to see you again on the server in January!!!
  4. Actual build has some issues, like sometimes needle sign is not above dead players (dont have demo yet). But for the more funny ones attached a small one. If you /follow someone, somewhen it just looses focus on the player. Following stops but name and weapon is still visible. And you can fly in freemode. Looks like sebastian has decent new hacks
  5. @BladeWarrioR you wont get complains from me about this issue, it really takes some patience to stand the ignorance about members balancing. Started a thread about it in january. My actual way to avoid switching teams all the time, is going spec and for a smoke when it gets annoying. And dont switch in the last 3 minutes or when the obj is nearly done, as many people just drop because of defeat this is useless. I still stand with the statement from the former thread, i would go even further turn balancer off. Give responsibiltity for even teams back to the players and members. Although i dont have the impression that it got worse the last year. But having the balancer makes socializing with the players less necessary. When only 6 persons are on the server, balancing can only happen in social ways. Imo we have to insist on fun for all , not competitive play on our Legacy 1 server.
  6. Thanks for the story- i think you took the right decision. Regarding bug hunting, i can tell you from my side, that last year when you started to release test builds for the TM Server i thought, wow, gaming might become useful actually to keep this game and the community around it alive. But i never ran over bugs which actually bothered me or were not reported in your redmine or the TM forums (apart of server crashes in autumn last year). So im just grateful for running a stable linux client. You are doing a great job, and ETL Server counts will increase, looking at splatterladder Mod release version, might become more interesting now.
  7. I was on the server when this happened. Jessica warned at the beginning of the map that spawnkill with heavy will lead to kick. Then documented every kick in public chat not to repeat the failure of others. So there was some kind of warning. On the other hand i absolutely agree to you, that spawnkilling rules are enforced in a strict way which might seem stupid. And i fully agree that there are more important rules to comply like keeping teams even (without autoblancer, and giving responsibility back to players and members to make the server fun for both teams), stop insults, ... . I think Jessica is a great admin and one of my favorite members, but i dont like the way the whole spawn killing rule enforcement thing is going, when admins just spec spawn to warn/kick at the right time... . It is sad if game just get lost because of spawnkilling, so enforcement seems important to some. Nobody (maybe one :)) has fun warning/kicking people, that is for sure.
  8. Servercrash at 23:10 (german time) map pretoria.Nobody wanted to play it anyways...
  9. Oh Jessica, old wise man. Thats absolutely true i guess, At least for me. But i support to get rid of double/triple maps on the server. In some post i stated that the standard maps have to be online. But GR_TE is so much better. As well as the battery version we got online. Dont know if its easy possible to not show the voting results, but would be great to test. When playing Cortex not many knew their way around, so im not a fan. But having transmitter (which already was on) and warbell back...
  10. What a nice intro! Welcome ! Let the fun times stay
  11. If explained it should be in intermission, as that is the only time you can collect your points.
  12. For me this Prestige points thing is alright. Progression in Skillpoints needed to make higher prestige levels harder would be nice, but not necessary (to celebrate our best players we still have SR). In my last 2 weeks experience, i see much more different classes on the server. That is good but imo not always good for objective play. Overall i think the speed decreased a lot, not so much FOP spam (it will return as not many care about Prestige yet) but lots of mines. I see this really positive as it returns some gameplay even on full servers. For improvement i would suggest 5 out of 7 skills max should be sufficient for a prestige point, otherwise everyone (even me) is running around with BS4 and LW4 for ages (mines...).
  13. Warbell Want Goldrush SW back and GR- GA and Standard GR away. There was a time i thought standard maps have to be on server... TImes are changing.
  14. slowtobi


    Diablo 2, at that point you won my heart. Bully on
  15. had the "no weapon after revive" bug once(!) today in 3 hours play. On supply depot, revive after nade kill at 2020-01-04-210805. Didnt see this for ages. Weapon was not visible/usable/switchable, selfkill helped.
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