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Everything posted by PREMEDITATED

  1. Yes! Get me a muppet shirt!
  2. Great art super cool idea! Lucky my eyes were on my name before I had to look haha. was cool remembering some members that have been and gone. Much love to all of the community! 🖤
  3. Well said Charlie. Very diplomatic. I almost replied last night but had a less diplomatic response in my head 😳 Just because someone is Russian doesn’t mean they approve of war or hate Ukrainians automatically. More likely they are angry at their own government.
  4. Look forward to seeing you on the server. Happy killing!
  5. Sorry I missed it troops! Was busy dishing out food 😴
  6. I probably won’t make it due to work. This saddens me been a long time since I joined one of these events. Next one hopefully! @Charlie you went for gold ain’t nothing wrong with that! It’s a 50/50 chance. Just not that time. my best valentines story is probably my current gf (mother of my child). First year we were together she came round to my apartment with gift and card and I was like wtf is that? She said your valentines gift and I said No! We don’t do that! I gave her the gift back (now this was supposed to be a joke but she kind of seemed understanding to the situation) anyway 4 years later and we still have never got valentines presents or anything For each other. +1 for money saving! 😂😂😂💪🏻
  7. What a lad! need to unban for the commitment there haha. How are people so immature like it’s not even a little funny? 😂
  8. I agree with this. I’m a slow typed these days 😂 I get the warning all the time. Especially if sending a private message to someone.
  9. Obviously we had further conversation on discord but thought best to put my opinion in here too since this is the main topic for this discussion. My opinion is it shouldn’t be changed as I like the self kill feature. however I see both sides and I think some people are forgetting that the aim is to find the happiest solution for everyone. As said by others I think the best course of action is award kill to person who last inflicted damage to the person who self kills. This way we can have the people who get frustrated by self kill get awarded and the people who use the self kill as a battle tactic to still be able to do this. As for the suicidal kamikaze self killer dilemma then surely self kill counts as a death? That way it decreases the likelihood someone will do this. But again if someone is doing this strategically they still can. this seems to be the fair and down the middle approach to me but feel free to disagree that’s why we have these discussions. Just remember bigger picture and not what you want. Much love my fellow Muppets 🖤
  10. Love sudden death this would be a great addition if it is possible
  11. I agree nothing worse than finally getting a different map than the usual ones for it then to be pushed to fueldump or goldrush
  12. VOTED!

    Christmas Event

    working Next 12 days

    Christmas Event

    Thanks for the fun games guys. Good way to get back into it. despite joking about kicking myself for the pan a mishap and actually doing it

    Christmas Event

    Computer decided to update when I was cooking. Be on asap

    Christmas Event

    Yes do it!
  17. The theme tells me it’s 12 days until Christmas ironically 30th of December is when I will be having Christmas with family as I’m working every other day haha how did it know!?
  18. I do like this map a lot. but as said only good with full server

    Christmas Event

    I am off work that day so the return of Pr3meditated
  20. Welcome. Good to see you here!
  21. Nah it’s a beast it can handle itself haha. Checked performance on it last night all was fine. Seems to be during the day all is fine then night time I just can’t play. As it is fine again right now. But last night server not busy and still low fps
  22. Yup Maxfps is 125. Tonight also 20-30 FPS unplayable really. Not sure what’s going on. Everything still same on my end. Any changes to server? @Eagle_cz @MiniMuppet
  23. I’m pretty sure my config is maxfps 125. But it always displays 166 on the meter so I dunno haha. Will check later when on pc
  24. I had this yesterday FPS dropped from 166 to 12 and I could not tell what was going on. Today seemed fine so I dunno if it’s just when server is packed but never had an issue before yesterday
  25. Welcome fellow Scotsman
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