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Everything posted by Stumpel

  1. I suggest o take screenshots, and send it to admins.. And ask <=TM=> members to take info about players.. Iftheres anyone from TM around.. Player colours can be anykind of, I dont think peoples setting of player colours maked them banned.. But player can anytime tell to us if thinks some colour code looks unfriendly, but its other thing how we react to it.. More is about what they say or how provocative names they use.. I think its said already in upper posts.
  2. I think its 2.60b because ETLegacy its a MOD.. So I think its just 2.60/2.60b
  3. Have we Minastirith on map rotation now? If yes, sounds cool..
  4. Would be fun have the rank after every map that which player has typed the most /kill during the map..
  5. For me Kensta sounds familiar name.. Just sayin that you know.
  6. I had C64, but I sold it to my school mate with 20euros I had that wolfenstein on it too but fo real the wolfenstein which came 2002-2202 was better.. Wolf3d I play nowadays sometimes too... Most of my C64 games were broken because I keeped those games whenever whereever.. So they went bad..
  7. 10 years? I have been since 2011 in TM but, there was a part was away.. But I have been in ET scene and plaiyng since 2003... Soon 20 years I'm 100% sure 20 years will come too as playing time ready soon.. Will see then how goes then with 30 years in ET...
  8. I will do that ,thanks @Ctrz
  9. Players usually hear the plong plong sound or pling pling.. So the sound helps them.. I try look files someday.
  10. Whats the command for turn it off then?
  11. Sounds bad idea. Sory but, mostly the game only fills with that kill spam then.. It comes very annoying during the time..
  12. I think its better look first and not just !freeze because if we look only nationality then wrong guys got pusnished.. Australia is big country and there might come other players too.. So I agree totally with Ctrz
  13. So is it= Australian flag=!Freeze/!kick, or some IP range from there... I mean he can use many names...
  14. Ok, I try look it. But not now... Maybe tomorrow. Reason: my wife asks me to help her..
  15. I have no time to look it file looks big (Over 6Mb) , have you any timestamps added??? I havent loaded file and not opened but just for sayin like other people usually say..
  16. Just came into my mind again, Thief City map.
  17. http://wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/news/wolfenstein-enemy-territory/et-maps/item/1636-blackmoon-raid-beta-1 http://wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/news/wolfenstein-enemy-territory/et-maps/item/1629-mountain-pass-b4 http://wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/news/wolfenstein-enemy-territory/et-maps/item/1605-uje-factory-b2 http://wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/news/wolfenstein-enemy-territory/et-maps/item/1592-point-xmas-beta-1 http://wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/news/wolfenstein-enemy-territory/et-maps/item/1579-syphonfilter-beta-1
  18. Stumpel

    Confused !!!

    Have you punkbuster on? Sometimes its turning on helps..
  19. Things go better in next time.. I think that thing where it started has already noticed..
  20. So because I'm not so much used to write another chat (Discord) same time when game chat is on.. And I dont have 2 PC's... So it looks more that I am like that "lonely wolf looking in forest who sometimes reacts if needed: Auuuuuuuuuuuuuu Auuuuuuuuuuuuu Auuuuuuuuu!!!!"
  21. I m not on discord.. When TeamSpeak was I used it, but the discord.. I never heard peoples voices there only saw chat line.. Really havent used it much.. So I dont know much whats going on discord..
  22. @Dmxj Will act like you wish next time, doesnt matter how pro "rage" players is there or not.. Then we can only hope people stays on game.. This time there wasnt @Matu @Mister J @Jessica or any higher guys online... And I had to think whats the best option to solve that thing.. But if it needs thier reply first so then it will be then so... Likethis ---->>>>>> Step 1: Take infos Step 2: Record demos Step 3: Send data to forums.. Step 4: wait high admins/cheatbusters answers.. ----->>>> Case done.
  23. I hope I get access to that CB section too.. I was there some years ago.. But when I left a while those rights were taken away.. I only try to help.
  24. The thing why I vote and say and decided to kick him even aftef few rejoins, is because his aim snaps to target to other so fast.. That how good pc you had to have to get so fast shots... Ok he dont hit always head but that speed how fast aim moves... IT ISNT NORMAL... He said look Discord, ok I wasnt on discord.. I have few other demo parts from him, but because thought already from first demo today that he's not clean then "I just cant let that fast snapper play long in server or people leave" or people start to think how slowmotion guy I am... I didnt saw when did the topic that he is in some CUP team, but beeing a member a cup team doesnt mean always that is clean.. I like to see demo when he record from his pc when he plays like from his back that all can see is it bot or not, 'THE WAY HOW AIM SO FAST I HAVENT EVEN OUR BEST GUYS SHOOT THAT WAY.. ' because my logic cant stand the reaction changing time that guy aims like 0,1-0,2 sec to target to target ( but hits are not hs hs but hit hit hit still, it can be set is it hs or not..).... But some bots doesnt show on screen if all extra items are turned off.. Example hud..
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