It's tons of fun! I'm an SRE engineer in Devtools, working on infrastructure / openshift / cloud resources with a good sprinkle of devops. So more ops-ish, but also helping to drive good patterns for our dev teams
At first I thought working from home would involve a lot of slacking off / short days, turns out it's the exact opposite as I never leave work. The opportunity to work without pants and the ability to turn off the webcam and mute my co-workers makes up for it though
I do on my personal laptop, but Centos on my work laptop which is the one that is docked most of the time.
Have been a Debian user for many years, have some servers on that too, so it's a mix of Fedora, Centos, RHEL & Debian.
A few pieces fell into place with that! Could never quite get a take on you
Gamename: fleshpulse (origin:
Age: 36
Real name: Paul
Gender: Male
Profession: Principal Software Engineer @ Red Hat
About me: Frequented NL clan PIMP's Jaymod servers as a non-member for many years, decided to join when PIMP and TM merged. Hung around the servers for a while and really enjoyed my time with TM - many great people here. The past few years work and my girlfriend (old and new!) have been occupying the most of my time. I'm 50/50 British/Norwegian and currently a remote worker for an American software company called Red Hat. I enjoy growing herbs and vegetables in my Oslo apartment and on the balcony (when the seasons permit), juggling, geeking around, hanging out at my local hackerspace and the occasional computer game (as long as it runs on Linux).
To all new members: welcome - to all old: nice to see you