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Everything posted by Smirre

  1. http://www.malwarebytes.org/mwb-download/
  2. And update vga while you're at it.
  3. Just a thought, but scan your pc, did it on mine (found 9 trojans) and voila i can play again. Spybot or my av program couldn't find those viruses. Used this: http://www.malwarebytes.org/mwb-download/
  4. did you also update the pb?
  5. Merry Christmas!
  6. Smirre

    Xmas Event

    was fun.
  7. Just lol how long this took before they did anything for their clients. Are you gonna try the new server Craig?
  8. Hello Marta and welcome to the forums.
  9. Smirre

    Problems with ETPro :S

    As tomoyo said and also make sure your firewall isn't blocking the pb. What comes with programs that start with windows: press start - type run on search bar - press enter - type msconfig - press enter - you see a box, select programs tab and there is all programs listed that start with windows. Just be carefull, that you dont block some important programs!
  10. Smirre

    Problems with ETPro :S

    Put this in your etpro folder and exec it before going to the server: /exec naz.cfg then enter server and see if there is the "etconsole.log" naz.cfg If no file: reinstall et using this. http://www.teammuppet.eu/home/index.php?/files/file/21-wolfet-full-custom-install/
  11. Smirre

    Problems with ETPro :S

    Try this: Type on console, before connecting to etpro server: seta logfile "1" So next time you connect and your game crashes, goto your etpro folder and you should see "etconsole.log" file there. Post it here and it should show the error message.
  12. Smirre

    Etpro Grand Opening

    We are yet on very beginning with the server, so i'd like to see how it goes for some time. Personally i dont mind sk, just the camping makes me see red, especially when it's done by more experienced players, who could easily drop ppl like flies with just fair play. I do have a sk script that has a tweakable radius and propably it'll be added on some point if camping gets ridicilous, but first we need to take actions to prevent it.
  13. Smirre

    Etpro Grand Opening

    Dont thank me, but Mr and Micha
  14. Smirre

    Etpro Grand Opening

    It was a great success! About 2 hours before the opening, there was a half full server and during the opening time, same and ppl kept coming during the next 2 hours. Thanks to all involved and again thanks to Micha for fixing few lua's For the future, atleast i am going to be on server as much as i can during the evenings, lets say from 18-20 pm gmt, in case ppl want to play there.
  15. Smirre

    Etpro Grand Opening

    Almost forgot: thanks to Ben for the poster +1 to the beer!
  16. Smirre

    Etpro Grand Opening

  17. © Miraro3 Good evening everyone. I am proud to announce, that we are having a grand opening for our new etpro public server tomorrow, the 16th @ 18.00 GMT! First i would like to thank Micha, who has made the configuration on the server! Thank you mate, your help is very much appreciated! Now without too much of a talking, few points i'd like to share: - This server is made for you, who are interested of playing on etpro. - It is open for anyone who enjoys some more serious gaming and wishes to put their skills to the test. - If you want to improve your aim, this is a good place to start with! - It's a very good place to practise for the Muppets, especially now that we have still our own TM cup and the finals are closer So everyone, please feel free for some gaming and dont forget to tell your friends too about the server: TeamMuppet ETPro public
  18. http://www.teammuppet.eu/home/index.php?/files/file/50-et-hd-z-hdet/ "This is the 311 meg HD pk3 file that needs to be placed in your etmain directory, you will only see the HD textures on servers that have this installed."
  19. If you want better picture, make sure your monitor has lots of Hz in it. There are some HD flat screens that have over 100 Hz refresh rates, but i think they are expensive. That and ofc a HD video card is needed. Im not sure about that hdet thingy, it may cause you some lagging, but worth to try!
  20. I think you have wrong resolution for et that your monitor cant handle: ...setting mode 9: 1600 1200 FS <--- means you try to set 1600 x 1200 as resolution Set that to your desktop max value: seta r_mode "-1" seta r_customheight "1050" <--- change to your desktop value seta r_customwidth "1680" <--- change to your desktop value seta r_fullscreen "1" seta r_displayRefresh "60" <--- change to your desktop value (set the refresh rate of monitor)
  21. Hello and welcome to the site.
  22. + 1 Smurfer, allthough i'd remove some heavy weapons on some small maps and/or add a sk shield with radius, also for some maps. Vote really doesn't tell the whole truth, because i dont think most of the ppl who plays regular on server would come here just to vote.
  23. Hello and welcome back to the world of gaming.
  24. You have a cfg allready, so here is what you need: http://antman.info/wolf/cvar/#.UnP6shBGjq4 Feel free to ask if you need help.
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