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Everything posted by Smirre

  1. Bumping here also. After looking some demos, i saw that some members were talking about a cheater on the PUBLIC CHAT while speccing and recording! Do NOT do this in the future, or you scare the cheaters away! Luckily the cheater was dumb enough to not be able to turn all cheats off. Members should be able to do !userinfo via teamchat and fireteamchat (buttons y and u by default) and (maybe?) via clanchat also (/mc !userinfo x). As said above, use private chat with other members if you suspect someone and call an admin asap to take a look.
  2. bump. Please read how to post the demos, many reports were for the same guy and since topic+demo name wasn't referring to him, took some valuable time to solve and merge demos and topics.
  3. Only thing left is if you do a tracert to our server, just to see if there is some issues along the way.
  4. Hello fire and welcome to the forums. As i tried to help you already and i take none of that did any good, so you should either try to delete the etpub folder (save cfg first) or reinstall the game, we have full installer on downlads section, including minimizer and pb files. Also if you want you can show your cfg and we can take a look if there is anything wrong with it. For the choppy game, have you scanned your pc for viruses and malware etc? If not , use malwarebytes antimalware free program, it is good, you might have few trojans that cause hopping.
  5. Password! And !slap Darek, no minas or i start playing LOL
  6. I also agree on changing goldrush to ga version, but yet i think battery should go, its just a sk fest for axis and ppl get frustrated when they're stuck on spawns. Password is great map to be added, didn't really got to play many new maps to tell which would be good and bad. Also i'd yet go a bit further on map scripts, meaning to really restrict and even disable some heavy weapons on some maps, especially on the small ones (sp delivery with flamers is so fucking annoying!!). If it's the teamplay that ppl want to see more, it isn't going to happend if there is the 2-4 (known) guys camping with arty, mortar, flamer and panzer near the spawn which is also surrounded by mines, by own teammates and the enemys. That takes the bottom of the "fun" for gaming to end up in the same situation over and over again: go out and die after the 3 seconds. SK! SK! SK! they keep shouting, then ppl just try to get out there to kill as many enemies as they can, when the couple of engies try to survive on their own. This is also the reason i play rambo medic, BUT HEY, i do heal my teammates sometimes... i think
  7. Was nice playing some new/old maps that i hadn't played for years. Thanks to all who showed up!
  8. You should re-apply and start from a clean table, many ppl have done it before and most of them are here as members now. For me the attitude is important for the trialists: stay cool, dont get mad and answer if you're talked to. Anyways good luck with whatever you decide
  9. Glider is nice and also password, been ages since i last played those. If i remember maps, i'll post.
  10. Hey and welcome to the forums.
  11. Smirre

    Muppet Mail #4!

    Nice work and the interview was a good addition + Andy and wwebe...just lol
  12. Smirre


    You need to resize the crosshair: seta cg_crosshairSize "50" <--- beetween 25-100 i think seta cg_crosshairColor "red" <-- colour seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "red" <--- colour seta cg_drawCrosshair "5" <--- crosshair type, 5 is a dot
  13. new maps saturday 19.00
  14. Hello Tardis and welcome to the forums.
  15. Congrats to baggers.
  16. Nice games. Yeah lets try to do this on weekends @ 6pm gmt and if ppl can, same time during the week.
  17. I updated xfire page, dunno if all servers are there that we have.
  18. Nice intro. Welcome to the site aswell and cya in game.
  19. Finntards ofc
  20. while ingame press ctrl+alt+delete, it opens taskmanager, there under processes list right click mouse on et.exe, goto affinity and uncheck other than cpu0 box (or cpu1, which ever works best for you).
  21. Bump. Pinned this, it is usefull.
  22. Read this, might help you: http://www.teammuppet.eu/home/index.php?/topic/11602-etpub-lag-fix-read-it/
  23. He send the demo to me and i posted it on cb section, result was multihack and we also have the info. All the help regarding cheaters is appreciated, lately there has been army of these idiots around and more to come, so we need to drop them one by one like the flies. End of story.
  24. Hey. If you have demos, please post here, tho it is in wrong section, but yet. //EDIT: also what mod was this? Thanks in advance
  25. Bart it is your isp. Miki do a traceroute to etpub
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