Even easier is if you have a log file. When ever you play et, it saves the whole console messages. The new etpub build will owerwrite the existing etconsole.log every time you start your et, so it saves just 1 session and therefore the file stays small. To have this file, all you need to do is to add this line in your config: seta logfile "1" What it does: 1 = console logging + et crash logging 2 = console logging + et crash logging + stats dump, means that it creates a folder called stats and in there is stats as a txt file for each map. When you do !userinfo xxx, it is saved in your etconsole.log and you can then search it easy by opening the file and pressing CTRL + F button, then a search box appears and you can type there word(s) to be searched (f.e. !userinfo xxx), then just copy and paste the info on the post with the demo of a suspected player. See here: Also notice that you can just save a text file, in case you think you might forget the userinfo later on, just type /condump somenamehere.txt (see the bottom of picture above) and it saves a single txt file in your etpub folder. Here you can see the difference, which would you prefer to look out for userinfo: ^/Userinfo of user ^7HAX ^/Slot Number: ^d20 ^/ETPub Client: ^d20140820 OR MAYBE THIS? ^/GUID: ^dF63C6F6F ^/IP: ^d91.238.142.57:62049 ^/MAC: ^d00:10:DC:30:E4:A2 A proper info saves a shit load of time and nerves from us admins! Take a look how many info is missing so far and yet half is to be announced from what i did today. Couple of those did had info, but the image was so blurry, i couldn't figure out anything from the screenshot, so therefore i prefer the txt version: http://www.teammuppet.eu/home/index.php?/topic/6519-decisions/page-4#entry140151 Thank you for reading