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Everything posted by Smirre

  1. The knife part is for the baserace server, dont mix it up with other servers.
  2. Smirre

    multitask problem

    Try put it in your mod folder. Also try deleting the etpub mod folder and let it load again fresh.
  3. This is like a bad movie, first the editings sucks, then the cutting crew fails, the producer went out of business and now the script is changing too much. As a director I call it a day and prevent the audience from the possible sequeces!
  4. Play fair or be banned. Stop the sk with the panzer and do what the admin says and you can continue playing on our server(s). As you say you claim to be old enough to understand the simple rules we have, call yourself a lucky guy for us to be this merceful against you.
  5. Maybe some event on one of the Nitmods would be nice at these days. Friendly fire on Beginners or maybe sniper war on Baserace...
  6. Baserace server rules: No heavy weapons fire inside the enemy base! - see heavy weapons list below No spawncamping inside the enemy base! - go for the objective, steal it and get out of the base Light weapons sk allowed only when reaching for the objective! - you are allowed to use light weapons listed below for reaching the objective and while defending it on your way out Heavy weapons: mortar, airstike, artillery, panzer, grenades, mines, flamer, knives and mg.Light weapons: Mp40, Thompson and pistols.
  7. Thanks for the event, got also a bit late there and was disappointed to see such a few guys only.
  8. Try rename as charlie.cfg Now when you exec etconfig, it loads your original settings... Just never name a cfg as autoexec, etconfig or even default.cfg, makes your life much easier
  9. Oh and rename your cfg to something else than autoexec, because nitmod greates also cfg named autoexec. //EDIT: I am on server and i have primitives set @ 2, so it could be something in your cfg or the name of it if it is autoexec.
  10. I'd suggest to delete also your old maps and let the server load it for you. Sometimes these gets corrupted while moving from place to another and might cause similar issues. Nitmod has it's own etkey btw Also the primitives should be ok, since server is forcing it in beetween 0-2.
  11. Hello and welcome to the forums.
  12. Yep i was talking about Jens.
  13. Hello and welcome to the forums. So now whenever you frag us, it is justified kill by an older man! My old clanmate is now 64 i think and he still rocks, so keep it up mate
  14. Hello...or bye?
  15. TM panzer round Boobs
  16. Thanks for the event, i had just a little time to play, since had to talk to ppl over xfire and ts, but atleast i managed to destroy myself with my own bounching satchel that chased me Also a big thanks for Mr and Mini for appearing and playing on the event.
  17. Smirre

    It's time

    Thank you Mr, Mini and Virus, the work you have done is something that i admire and all i can promise is to keep your work alive.
  18. Hello and welcome to the forums.
  19. Smirre

    ET console bug

  20. yeah i also upload my cfg and etkey to email. isn't there some sort of etkey vault in trackbase?
  21. The fps drops are a known issue with new Ati cards and that r_primitives "2" fixes it, had the same even if my Ati is older HD series.
  22. Welcome to the forums. Used to be a customer on YCN back in the days, was sad to see it gone.
  23. It just needs those separate folders (etpub, omnibot...) and a correct startup line. Then you add the omnibot path in your server.cfg (this inside your etpub folder) and it should work. Here is our startup line: +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip "" +set net_port "27960" +set sv_maxclients "42" +set fs_game etpub +set net_port_extra 27961 +set fs_game etpub +exec "server.cfg" +set com_hunkmegs 512 You dont need the extra port (+set net_port_extra 27961) and "+set dedicated" should be set as 1 = lan In your server.cfg, add the path for omni bot: set omnibot_enable 1 set omnibot_path "yourownpathgoeshere" Rest of the cvars you can find on etpub documentary and for omnibot, from the omnibot wiki.
  24. Naked woman....sex....nuff said I also started to watch the series, but because it was on so late and i have to wake up 4 - 5 am for work, i gave up after couple of seasons. Didn't want to record, because i hardly ever watch anything afterwards (digital recorder, 500 Gb hdd full of movies and series, some from 2013 )
  25. Hello and welcome to the forums.
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