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I'm 45 years old and have been playing Wolfenstein since 2003. I've been playing a lot on Etpro servers, and been a member in several teams. Professionally I am a sound master, I have been working in a theater of the "SMAC" type in france ( actual music performance )for ten years, mastering sound twice a week for different groups of all styles... I have lately restarted because of the situation of accouchment playing Ennemy territory on quite a few servers including yours, just "Base Race Only or Beginners" and I'm now applying to your site to have information about server rentals, and I find your servers very high in quality Though, avoid speaking to me in english on the servers, I'm french and do not understand english very well ..Oops.. fortunately i have an English speaking friend that helped me with this translation, Hoping to see you soon on your servers.

  • Nitmod Admin

Salut Tchiiouu! Merci de jouer sur notre server! La traduction de ton texte est vraiment bien :) Il y a beacoup de personnes qui apprend l'anglais just par jouant des jeux videos. J'espere que mon francais est acceptable. J'habite a Montreal et notre francais est pas mal different que la tienne :P 

Bon, c'est tout. Bienvenue sur notre site web. On ce voit dans ET :) 



Your info is quite nice man! Enjoy your stay in our servers and hope to see you often on the forums!

Au revoir!

1 hour ago, 0wN1x said:

Too much French over here, my brain can't handle it :wacko:

Welcome anyways :welcome:

Jus d'orange pommes frites Dutchie! :D

Bienvenue Tchiiouu!

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