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Heavy Weapons  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Reduce Heavy Weapons

    • Under 14 players - 1 Soldier and 2 rifles. 14 and higher players - 4 soldiers and no rifle limit
    • No changes, keep it as is
    • Other. Comment Below

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We apologise you didn't hear from us earlier about this, but here we are!

Under 14 players - 1 Soldier and 2 rifles.

14 and higher players - 4 soldiers and no rifle limit.


We have already halved the amount of nades each class gets other than cov ops. On top of that the charge time for soldiers has increased from 25s to 40s.

I thought I would open this up to the wider community too and gauge their opinions. Given the mess discord can be, members can put your 2 cents here instead. Be nice and keep it on topic or I'll set Jess on you. You don't want Jess on you ... or do you ...?


I added a poll here but it doesn't null and void discords poll. We hear what the members have voted for there and what you want.

  • Thanks 1

I voted for option 1, but I think there also needs a limit on rifles above 14 players. Rifle spam is just too much sometimes. But it's more dependent on the map


Theres certain maps need to have some conscesions and impose stricter limits even at capacity to improve the game play - for example Adlernest, very popular map, anytime Axis go over board with rifles there is no chance for allies to move forward. Combinartion of MG flamer panzer 6 SMGs and 6 rifles all firing at allies at the same time. Too much to substain decent game play. Just is. Same with the mortar's on Supply firing into the window, no place for it. Take that off them and get them involved in the battle instead of getting 5 man kills for doing nothing. Its also massively swinging the game in one direction. 

Rockets should recharge every 60seconds imo. The player has an SMG to keep him warm. No reason to give him multiple attempts with rocket, if he misses, that his fault, theres 20 targets, git gut. 

So option 1, but with the caviat that some maps are considered for limitations even above 14 due to playability. And yeah Im willing to help compile a list of them. 

  • Like 1
  • TeamMuppet coin 1

Although I don't personally see those weapons beeing that big of an issue in big open maps like radar or grush, I see them beeing uncool in smaller maps with more narrow areas which is why I voted for limiting them.

1 hour ago, Kevlar said:

Theres certain maps need to have some conscesions and impose stricter limits even at capacity to improve the game play

Fully agree. Maybe should be even looked into minimizing arty/airstrikes in some maps.


Voted 1

Rifles should be still limited to 5-6 when its more than 14players or atleast when you shoot rnade that it drains more charge.


My opinion:

- limit number of rifle to 2 per team when server half populated, and 4 when server is full, limit to 2 max for specific maps (adler, erdenberg...)

- increase soldiers charge time

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, Jessica said:

Do we mean 14 players in totaal, or 14 players per team ?

I asked the same from charlie in discord. Here's the reply :)


Posted (edited)

I dont see the reason why to limit it I havent seen people choosing so energy engi with file, that theres over 6 engi with rifle same, (usually its medics which is overchoosed), been playing long time I havent seen engi that happen time in 1 side, we have limited amount of grenades in diffrent player classes and we have already lmited amount of rg nades from 9 to 4 which is quite big cut, no need to limit engis with rifle, with rifle they can win better those medic masses.. Medics autoheal option (that option should be reduced lower, or set that every player cant go under 1 class. Or that one player class doesnt sread too big in maps games, example like just that medic and with this I mean all classes, all classes should have limit exmple 5-6 per class would be good, and I think soldier weapons are lmited by game original setting already).

Edited by Stumpel
Write errors fixin..
Posted (edited)
On 8/3/2024 at 11:52 PM, Flo said:

My opinion:

- limit number of rifle to 2 per team when server half populated, and 4 when server is full, limit to 2 max for specific maps (adler, erdenberg...)

- increase soldiers charge time

@Charlies option is better

IF @Flos suggestion for some reason comes, then should do this too, to make game even to both teams and its only IF:


-If 14 toal like under 7 per team  players or less limit amount of medics max 3-4 per team..  From player total It sounds good amount in 7 medical players team, so other classes players has slots too..

-If full or more than 14 players  so if 15-24  players from team size 8 to 12 medic amount max 5-6 per team and from 13 players to full team amount of max medics 7 per team. then limit medics 7 per team.   Because really no need to be more 7 has enough healing power for whole team for sure..

-Lower medic by making it longer autohealing speed

-Lower medic effectivity bar fill up time..

-Set 1 grenade only per medic <<<<==== This has already done.

Edited by Stumpel
  • TeamMuppet coin 1

If less than 14 players there would be about 4 medics per team anyway - this isnt a current issue that needs resolved. Lets not start looking for 'what else can I add in here' I dont think we need to pile on with all the classes at the moment, stick to HW's at the moment. Its always better to keep the changes within the same sorta scope so that if someting doesnt work, its easy to indetify, if we change too many diffrent aspects and there is a negative result we will be scratching our heads wondering what it is. I think we should focus on HW's for now and if an issue arrises with too many medics, address it at that time. Cross that bridge when we come to it. 


For clarity, I think Medic is OP and shud not be able to Heal with Syrynge / revive to full health, and the packs dispensing should be slowed. I am not against that. But later imo. 


  • Like 1

Heres example medic situation at server just few min ago... Look how amyn medics example the other side is havin... 11!   and Other 8!    Sometimes count are even higher it can be like 14 vs 15 medics too... That why I hope limits to medics amount too.. Game isnt fun if its full of medics and then only few engi who can beat them.. Because engi with thompson/mp40 has no chance in close fight vs medics..


  • TeamMuppet coin 1

I have seen many times games where total count is over 20 or over 24 medics gaming same time.. Adn I think its too much... Game isnt just madics vs madics gaming.. It has been coming more and more to tihs day by day.. 


I rather choose covert-ops than medic... I really dont want start ramboing with medic packs and fight and run and eat my own medics same time.. And trty look whos the boss medic in town.. :roulette: 

  • TeamMuppet coin 1

And pic number 2 little more less players, problem is still same.. 13 vs 14 team total 17!!!!! medics   other team has 10! I mean reducing egni rifles make those amounts even more... That why medics have to limit too..


20 minutes ago, Stumpel said:

I really dont want start ramboing with medic packs and fight and run and eat my own medics same time.. 

If this is the playstyle you play medic i can see why you think medic is problem on the server. This kinda playstyle will make the other team weak as you wont revive or heal your teammates. With this playstyle you can have 20 medics on team and lose as they not reviving teammates and run and hide to keep killstreaks going. 

One good medic can keep his whole team momentum going with revives and heals. Like example yday on Radar axis side i did do nothing else for 6mins on cp than healed and revived my teammates at cp. Allied had no chance come trough that small door as long i kept players alive there. Soon as i couldnt keep up with the heals and revives allied over run the cp stage.


36 minutes ago, Stumpel said:

Because engi with thompson/mp40 has no chance in close fight vs medics..

What do you mean? Ofc engi can kill medics close range fights. Medic isnt any super beefy boss with 500hp what you go against and die when he looks your way lol


My point is that if other classes gets limited players 70-90% goes where? answer= MEDIC!   And then amount will raise up and up.. And that isnt that what game originally is for.. I hope the server doesnt turn totally into medic vs medic playground.. If its keep on this way day by day more and more  I go somewhere else then to play.. Because if askin on me I 'm tired to see these kind of medic masses.. And same time talking about limiting other classes..

2 minutes ago, Stumpel said:

My point is that if other classes gets limited players 70-90% goes where? answer= MEDIC!   And then amount will raise up and up.. And that isnt that what game originally is for.. I hope the server doesnt turn totally into medic vs medic playground.. If its keep on this way day by day more and more  I go somewhere else then to play.. Because if askin on me I 'm tired to see these kind of medic masses.. And same time talking about limiting other classes..

Yeah when there is less then 14players and even if rifles would be limited above 14 players you can still go engineer and soldier class stay same with high amount of players. Dunno where you get the 70-90% now?


but stumple this is a vote re: heavy weapons, can we not distract from that, wich clan-wide we have agreed is an issue. The medic thing isnt an issue, and if it becomes one we should discuss it, but can we stay on topic.


@Kevlar I know the topic, but idea of topic is combined too the amount of medics, because making those kind of effect that limit engis and soldiers amount means that medics amount will raise-up same second.. Because when people choose the class if soldier is locked and if field ops is locked and if engi is locked then they go 90-99% sure to medic.. And And I dont personally want that happen... So I suggest to limit medics settings too same time, if settings needs to be changed.. I have 3rd screenshot where other team is still having the medical problem and the other team seems fine..  @Flos idea about amount 2 to 4 is ridiculous its too less if team is having like example 12 or more medics in enemy side when  like 15 players teams or if teams are like 7 players per team and 6 of 7 is medic (I have seen this kind of teams too, or that all 7 is medic)..


@P3Swan You maybe like medic playing, I agree that reason: ur good shooter, but all people isnt.. And if people see that game is full good skilled medics only then they might leave and go somewhere else.. Maybe our Nitmod server or ETnam or something else, but I mean all people doesnt like play as medic, but most of people choose it if there not many many options to choose.. And last 6 months  the amount of medics has been raised up really from times before..  I have seen that when may medics, the medics doesnt even heal always each others because they dont see that its their job, because so many other medics near too.. And I have seen some skilled players do selfkills between fights that the enemy cant continue their killing spree.. 


P.S. I know some medic players start say now stay on topic and what you mean, but its just fact that I try to say.. Maybe people like keep playing on medic.. But can win if all goes as a medic, that can happen too that some maps everyone plays as medic.. But then game goes nowhere its just a fact what you cant escape..


  • Confused 2

"And I have seen some skilled players do selfkills between fights that the enemy cant continue their killing spree.. "


  • Haha 2

If you know the topic why are you trying to derail it into another subject? This is what halts progress. Let us get one thing out of the way first.....

Engy wont be locked, rifle will limited. Engy can tale smg, incase you arent aware. Players will need to take SMG engy as well, and it will encourage team work instead of people running around firing nades across the map playing tennis on a solo quest to get the most frags they can. 

No disrespect but another example of a mostly AFK player pasionatley opposing some decisions that may or may not happen in a game they play once in a blue moon. 


We brough this topic to the forum so that it wouldnt get side tracked and lost in endless chats. Can we please stay on topic. 



  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Its a bit patronising to have someone who doesnt play, come and tell us, who see and play on the server every day, what our issues are. Whats your backround with ET? Youve annoyed me a little, your steering the convo back to the usual and we are trying to make progress, and seemingly finally getting somewhere. Just place your vote & raise other issues another time. 


Yove been on the server 3 days ago for a little time, and previous to that 3 weeks ago. 

Edited by Kevlar
  • Like 3

I like the idea of limiting these classes/weapons. I would limit the rifles as well but out of these options I feel like the first option is the best.

I made the mistake of voting even though my current situation doesn't allow me to play at all (living abroad atm). Hope you don't mind. :)


Retired old man. Afker and Dragonball Z fan here. I'm not fond of limiting things in general - it's a slippery slope in my opinion.


You guys have spoken though on here and discord, and thanks to you regulars that voted/posted too. Even you Seb :D This where us admins pretend this topic doesn't exist now right? Right ...?


:sofa:  Watch this space.

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