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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2019 in all areas

  1. I understand what you saying EliteVeteran.Our rule is that a admin/member need to switch teams to balance first and take neccesary measures to keep teams even.We have lots of players who change team immidiately when needed and theyre own gamefun is a bit ruined bc of that so we must thank them for that.I promise we are working that more of members would contribute to be more useful for server. If you have any problems/suggestions/tips towards certain member,give pm to any admin so we can keep an eye on him and guide him if necccesary. EDIT:Relax guys.You may discuss and say your opinions but please stay friendly and do not try to Win here.Everyone may have his opinion,dont force to agree with yours!
    2 points
  2. Can I add something? Of course I can: When the server is pretty full and the teams are red 9 and blue 10 players, it's not possible to join blue (and that's perfect). But when the server is filled with bots, it's perfectly possible to fill one team with 5 human players and the other team with only bots (or 1 human player). This is pretty annoying when you're in the server having a good game with 2 players and some bots on each side. But then suddenly 3 human players join and they all join 1 side. BOOM! Game completely unbalanced. I encountered this yesterday, and I thought it's irritating. Could it be done that human players have to be equaly divided between both teams? Not a big pain in the ass, just some thoughts
    1 point
  3. You refer to a specific player or to all of us? If you someone in particular, please specify the player and what exactly he did to consider it a lack of quality and laziness (using !put to go to spectators might be lame, but certainly it doesn't mean that a member at the same time doesn't do good stuff on the server in terms of administration). Why, because you say so? Alright, we can discuss about the peculiarities and different meanings of English words, but what's the point? I still think that using !put to go to spectators by a member is not any kind of "command abuse" or "admin abuse". There are other commands, when used improperly, that can be abused and disturb gameplay on the server much more than simply putting yourself to spec that does no harm to anybody on the server - for example, !shuffle, !put for putting someone in another team, !kick, !mute, !ban... You got the idea? Putting yourself to spec by !put command is the least of violations an admin or member can commit. Not exactly, there are command that serve other purposes, let alone "fun" commands which were pretty popular back in the day. Again, on what is your opinion based on? Personally, I hardly ever see members using this command to go to spectators, the main usage of this command from my experience is for putting inactive players to spectator. And I've been playing on that server a "little bit" more than you. And I will not change my opinion about forcefully moving players to another team. This is primarily members' duty to move team if the teams are unbalanced. Besides, we have wolfadmin balancer for that, so really using !put command to move another player should be considered a "last resort" mean to balance the teams. If you've been using !put command for years on your server or wherever you gained so much administration experience (I assume it no longer exists?), to forcefully move players, well then kudos to you. We won't do it because as you can see it's considered among TM community bad and inappropriate towards regular players who come to the server to play a little bit and relax after work on whatever side they like to play. Why? It's discussion forum, we're meant to discuss here and share our thoughts on certain topics. We wouldn't go far if everybody wrote here with that mindset "I'm gonna complain about something, but anyway I'm not gonna reply after this". Not understandable for me.
    1 point
  4. Are there any rules at the moment about excluding maps that have just been played from the voting? Or is it possible to play Gold Rush and Supply Depot over and over again, without any other maps in between? To name a map: Temple would be nice to try with this amount of players on the server yes Map timer has to be correct though. If it doesnt get extended the map is useless.
    1 point
  5. Yes, but still those maps get votes, and this is how map voting system works
    1 point
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