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Everything posted by Ande

  1. Thanks lost. Thats very clear. Hope admin make fast move
  2. Ande

    Confused !!!

    dunno how but he is still in list so must be active sometimes no idea why no level? i doesnt run that system
  3. Ande

    Baserace event winners

    was fun! Thank you for event
  4. imo worth to watch last 5min 2021-11-18-204701-bremen_final.dm_84
  5. Loved idea it happens in main server. Got lot of more players in than event server Mod was nice, little addons there and here. Looking for next event 🎄
  6. Ande

    Halloween Weekend 2021

    you can replace supply depot with any map above 😚 only haunted mansion and warbell sounds familar. Like to see more halloween maps on weekend than orginal every time played maps..
  7. Ande

    Halloween Weekend 2021

    HAha true that J yay, sounds so much fun
  8. Ande

    Lolotaz tk

    I agree. Every time he is online he start teambleeding sometime. Maybe "little" ban can help this.
  9. Nice to meet you! see you in servers
  10. Ande


    say that my telia lags too
  11. i know the feeling with my 243kw golf
  12. Welcome to forums! Nice intro and nice to meet you. Guessing you are vag person too got that engine too in my golf2. See ya on servers!
  13. I accept with sebastian. Current settings is good and maybe make medics heal more.
  14. Ande

    A big thank you

    Amazing 😍😎
  15. would love to have sudden death on legacy server
  16. Ande


    Nice video i can imagine that on hide&seek event.. 😖
  17. Welcome!
  18. We should disable selfkill in battle too if we going fix things like this... Dont like this delay
  19. Welcome another Fintard!
  20. Firstly 4 warnings is way too much. imo it can be 2warnings and you are kicked.
  21. Welcome to forums!
  22. Welcome to forums!
  23. Didnt know you was member Of course we want your apply!
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