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Everything posted by Ande

  1. I want see you with tags Bomba
  2. I know
  3. i want !pants !! Then Bomba will never have pants
  4. Welcome!
  5. 2021-01-02-233047-etl_supply_v2.dm_84
  6. please, can we?
  7. Imagine if there is limited medics and there is some vassilly at spawn only throwing med packs there..
  8. Ande


    Hi, nice to meet you! Maybe we meet on servers someday
  9. HI! Nice to see you on forums too now Have seen you many times on servers, very decent guy! We are glad that you like serves. Maybe you will make an application someday.. See you on server!
  10. Hi
  11. Im sure rules doesnt stop act like that. Imo best way is tell admin or member so they can talk/warn/kick player who does that..
  12. Hi John! Nice intro! Have played with you and you feel decent guy Good to hear you found game again after 15 years and best thing is that you found our server! Maybe soon you wanna be part of our great family...
  13. looks cool 👍
  14. like year ago..
  15. glider. something new would be fantastic..
  16. dont twist knife in wound
  17. Hi Mr.Referee
  18. walking backwards past you?
  19. Sudden death YES. Can you make selfkill count as death? Like it was on etpub
  20. You really mean we should let server crasher play on our server? 🙄
  21. Why count specs? They cant vote..
  22. Maybe you should wear our uniform and bullies are afraid 😜
  24. Then we surely get it
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