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Everything posted by Bystry

  1. It might be due to the fact that ETL2 runs on snaps/sv_fps "40" and ETL1 on "20" value. Higher snaps value improves the hit registration (to make it simple, it's something like 64 vs 128 tick in CS:GO or Valorant). So the hitreg on ETL2 will be always better, not mentioning the higher load on ETL1 which makes players lose packets, etc. ETL1 can't run on snaps "40" because the load is too big (too many players).
  2. Why are you creating this topic here? TM has no influence over the developemt of Legacy mod, like literally. It makes no sense to blame them for changes in the mod, Instead you can go over to ET: Legacy Discord and post your concerns.
  3. forcetapout
  4. This is due to 333 fps, cap it at 250 or 125.
  5. Bystry

    A big thank you

  6. It was 11 to 18 in the votes, that's not even close to "many" and "few".
  7. It's not just the delay, it's the spread increase that comes with g_pronedelay "1". Anyway, the CVAR works fine, the behavior with g_pronedelay "1" is perfectly fine, has been for the last 15 years or so, so no need to make any changes or adjustments there.
  8. Proning without delay is bugged. It's just ridiculous how you can prone in an instant (like 0.1 sec or so), keep minimal weapon spread and on top of that you become unhittable for your opponent. Broken and too OP behavior. People are exploiting it. It's pretty similar to that FG-42 bug Proning with delay and spread increase is the standard , improved and fixed behavior. Should've been set to 1 from the very beginning.
  9. I think it's an excellent idea, sir. The script for that is ready to be used.
  10. Answering the question: no.
  11. Fresh meat?
  12. The matchserver should always have a password, ideally non public. We should avoid connecting random people during match to a matchserver, that's what the ETTV server is for.
  14. Antilag issues. Devs have been trying to fix this for a long time.
  15. I can send you a sample from mapscript, from what I remember it's just about finding the right coordinates of the roof. I could do it myself or help you, but atm I don't have much time for this kind of stuff (very time consuming). I'll be available from around 15th February.
  16. I'd strongly suggest scripting for roofs rather than modyfing the maps. Firstly, modyfing maps without the permission of the original author is a bit risky. Secondly, it will be needed to download new pk3 for each modified maps.
  17. Main has been the same for over a year and people don't lose interest. Unless you're speaking about maps.
  18. Nothing happens, because there are no people on the server. The server was set up by me and Dmxj in a certain way and was targeted at specific group of people. It was meant to be more competitive and clean. It worked at first and the server was very popular at some point, but it was too difficult a job to keep the server going every day. Also summer started and Europe began to step out of lockdown crisis at that time.
  19. The never-ending-story of "nerfing medics"... 1. Whilst I respect your opinion, I don't agree with any of your suggestions. 2. This topic has been brought up many times. 3. Tampering with server settings regarding balance/skills restrictions/nerfing/etc. is an easy and fast way to kill a server. 4. Medic is and always has been the main and core class in ET, for many years. 5. People like playing medic. 6. Look at the server popularity. Look at server's rank in Gametracker (2nd). Look again. 7. Look at point 6 and tell me why should we change anything?
  20. God bless you.
  21. Hello there!

  22. Has been happening on ETL2 as well for a long time now.
  23. Hmm, I was just thinking about editing the .lua, without really replacing/updating anything else.
  24. Timo (wolfadmin dev) already fixed this yesterday, I will ask him about the changes and I'll try to apply them on our campaign server.
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