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Everything posted by Dragonkiss

  1. I’m with 0wN1x on this one, I’ve seen enough shite with copyright law ‘n stuff.
  2. I don’t think Disney is gonna approve on this ….
  3. You earned it, thanks for all those years of fun and keeping ET alive 😘
  4. This turns out to be a fun puzzle!!! I’ll help you search m8!
  5. Oh gawd no, it’s way to small for 1. It would be an axis camperfest with all allies going spec. I go for no…
  6. You did? Thanks!!! Fingers crossed and !beer uips
  7. thank you! Wil dig up my account there to add an request 🤗🤗
  8. And where can I put this request? I really can imagine that the devs got better things to do but I would love to get that pub-feeling again 🙈
  9. 😢 And they are still developing this game with fancy lag reduced hitboxes and nifty hud’s yet no funny commands possibilities? What’s this blasphemy!
  10. Yeah, This ubernoob has a few questions I’d like to ask at you veterans 🙈 In the old days I had several keybinds that would at the press of a button give a fun colorful text with the playername I teamkilled. So I’d press the button and in the global chat would appear an apology with the playername I teamkilled followed by the !beer command. My question: is there a list with syntactic commands like that for the legacy build?
  11. Yes, from what I’ve read it’s a 30 day ban…
  12. Really??? I think Je$$ica should reconsider this if it’s true…
  13. Omg he plays worse then me 😱😱 but he never played this game obviously. But Waldorf, Gonzo, Statler are deffo using aimbots!
  14. Well, my 2p in this one… First of all some maps will always be in favor of the defending team simply because the map is too small. And the one is teamwork, on main I’m sr6 on an good day but when backed up by an good shooting medic that does it job I’ll win any map regardless of the sr of the opponent. The keyword is teamwork, if that lacks in the (attacking) team ye doomed and the cry for shuffle becomes louder and louder. Noting more or less than that. Even I got shuffled because my team kept on winning map after map while based on k/d and sr we where an very low. No need for fancy shuffle addons just because the server got flawed maps in rotation or an team that has teamwork high on its agenda. The above is the reason why I spec some maps as they are just not suited for our servers yet they are in high demand by the players. Just team up and your unbeatable but remember to forget about k/d ratio cause that wil suck the big one when going for teamplay!
  15. I know, but 2 finds a great balance between the mayhem of 1 and objective play of campaign…
  16. You do know we have an ETL2 server aswel with max 10vs10 for more objective gaming…
  17. I find the ‘Rambo soldier’ an genius find and nerve the medic. It will balance out good I think! I love these out of the box thought’s! But fo shizzle it wil be the Rambo metics who will start arguing and whining so I guess it’s an no go but I like the thought!!!
  18. No doubt it’s possible but doing it manually by an admin wil give more control of who to kick. If I’m spec and afk I always let them know to kick me first to open up an slot. Doing it automatically will no doubt give even more ‘micromanagement’ then doing it manually imho.
  19. Aaaand that was fun again, thx for the laughter… again next Sunday?
  20. How on earth did they manage to do that??
  21. Started slow but had great fun!!! I’ll def reserve time for the next one!
  22. Back in the dayz we left notes for shopping/mail deliveries as we didn’t had screentech as we know now 🙈🙈so written notes were done by hand 🤣🤣
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