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Everything posted by Dragonkiss

  1. This. I really like railgun but the on ETL1 there’s just 2 many players for that map.
  2. Well the answer is simple I guess. As TM member you should do your best to balance out teams when they are unbalanced. I sometimes switch like 4 or 5 times in one map. Same should be for our better players. Just switch to the crushed team and make the game more balanced. I can help you out on numbers not on skilz sadly. so if the teamnumbers are not okey I switch. If the other team is killing it I usually try to switch to that side, as an 1337 teamkiller I usually bring back balance (joking of course) but I hope my fellow TM-ers get the idea.
  3. Railgun ftw! Guess it will be a tad crowded on a 20vs20
  4. Sadly I don’t know anyone... but it would solve a lot of issues i recon. you guys ‘n galls are way more into it now then I am.
  5. Perhaps block the window in the fixed Axis spawn with unbreakable glass or just close it with bricks so you cannot shoot in or out and give the allies somewhat more time to attack.
  6. Played it for the first time and on an full server there’s still a lot of ‘choke-points’ which make it for axis very easy to defend even without airstrike’s. But it’s an eye-candy for sure.
  7. Its like ET Beach, i usually snipe there and not aiming at the first floor as its an fixed spawn but when i get an tube shot at me from there i do pop an .30-06 between his eyes But i was warned as well so no more
  8. Noticed that aswel sadly, sometimes i switch like 4 or 5 times in one match to balance out the teams (altough with my skilzz...). I do see other members wait for someone else to switch first or let the server do it. Off course we all have our favorite team/class to play but balanced teams are the most fun, even if it means switching to the looooooosing side 3 mins before the end
  9. Sadly it’s mostly used to play GTA5, Call of Duty 🤢 and starcitizen. For some odd reason my son plays it the most and I end up on his old rigg (still overpowered tho). This will make an biggggg improvement and in your case even more headshots 🤣🤣 cya on the server soon! (I’m on holiday now).
  10. Hi and welcome! Don’t get ye hopes up 2 high... me i9900ks with an Pascal TitanX only uses one core (hardly) and the cooling can’t be bothered to start up. but anyhoes it didn’t helped me on the hs 🤣🤣
  11. Oh Gawd, more teammates to kill 🙈 hi and welcome!
  12. Heh, starting playing this game also since 2005 and still suck. But i must admit i play really for fun and if i get a chance ill pop in for an scrimm but mostly as cannon fodder
  13. Welcome!!!! And no worry's! I'm horrible aswel
  14. Oké, thx. I know I’m an crappy shooter but this crappy... 🤣🤣
  15. I thought it was just me, especially long range shots are way more ‘unpredictable’. but to be honest I though it was me.
  16. Yeey! We all need more... weeds 🤣
  17. Replaced my old G9 for an g502 (both wired), no regrets 🤩.
  18. Hi and welcome to this lovely family!! fragg you laters!!
  19. Well gaining xp is really easy at the etl server. Even I got it done in like 3 hours, and I am really bad at this game so for most it should be done in like 1 hour?
  20. Again, i would really like it but in no way im offended if someone thinks its lame or not suited for the server
  21. Thanks for the reply, and as I stated no doubt you really thought this one over but it just was a tad annoying. when I see that message I usually jump to the other team but (thank gawd) there is only one me 😱. no need to change it for me but I just noticed it.
  22. Just an quick question: how long does autobalance take to move an player. Today on several maps one team lost(or the other team gained) 2 or 3 players. It takes a few secs before the first notice pops up and then it takes another -what, like 20- secs to actually put a player to another team. And the enemy gains so much ground we actually lost a game several times due to that. no doubt it took you guys n gals a long time to set the current time but imho it’s a tad long.
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