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  1. Lazy about camping with mg in spawn, it should be impossible, because we have another script which is not allowing to camp with mortar and mg inside the sk area, maybe something is wrong with the area, we will check that (I mean on missle map)
  2. Thats true and it should be working like that. Personally I'm against such solution. In our servers SK is not allowed and script is the solution to force people to play with this specific rule and changing sk script will cause back to the situation before it was implemented. So no, I our case sk script is not only to prevent people getting killed after spawn, we are not allowing any sk on the servers, of course there are different rules for fixed spawns and capturable spawns etc
  3. Stumpel the situation is different than he described it. On et_beach map he was using mortar inside the buildings, he was banned after that on radar map. So this case has nothing to do with radar, he was just playing on the server and got ban.
  4. We should disable this feature, to be honest it is annoying and sometimes I don't know if I was killed by teammate or by the enemy and need to check killfeed for this
  5. You need to copy etkey from old laptop to the new one
  6. The simple answer is that ET geolocation is just not perfect it can showing wrong country flag for specific players, thats all, but for sure this player is not playing from US
  7. I claim this for about 2 years he is using wh, i sent few demos with his weird actions. He acts like he alawys knows where the enemy is and react even when he is not able to see or hear enemy. He is checking some stupid places where normal player wont be looking for enemies (he is finding enemies there, even he didnt see or hear them)
  8. It is hard to compare lvl on nitmod server to the main server. Playing 25 vs 25 cause making objective nearly impossible. From my perspective: im playing medic all the time. I enjoy fragging etc BUT I know how to use needle etc. So when i see players in my team with low health or someone who is not gibbed I'm always trying to heal them before taking any action against enemy players, but in some situations I choose to fight first than heal (for example when obj is endangered). And back to the words about servers lvls. On the main server there are many players with outstanding skills, usually it is not possible to lockone team in the spawn, ofc there are many situations when one team is much stronger than second one BUT I have never seen that any team was locked in the spawn with full server. Changing medic class like on nitmod server will decrease number of players on the server, im sure about that.
  9. lost

    CFG doesn't save

    What is changing ? Can you give us example?
  10. lost


    Hi Svepa Thanks for your message. First of all - there is no rule that admins/member need to warn before kick we can awlays check someone sk/warn/kick/ban history and based on this make decision, so if someone is constanlty spawnkilling, he can get kick right away (im not telling that you are massive spawnkiller, just wanted to clarify some things) About sk areas and script - scripts are not perfect, so there can be some mistakes with areas and admin/member can make action based on his own feeling. Im not telling that you were spawnkilling or not but to resolve your case, demo would be appreciate About putting spec - do not know your case, but many players are afking in spawn and we are putting them specs to not block other players etc, im pretty sure putting u spec was not to make your game worse but probably u were inactive for sometime in spawn and Ding noticed it
  11. Maxtor froggy is playing on beginner server with Nitmod, so there is not Hud Editor there
  12. Can we make new pull about this prone situation ? It is kinda pathetic and irritating that some players are overusing this "prone hitboxes bug".
  13. Einsgurke is not Gandalf, this is 2 different guys
  14. This is beginner server not main :)
  15. I watched this demo few times too. Why I assume that he is using WH ? He cant even move properly in the game, but most of the time he is aiming exactly when enemy is coming (even without hear enemy or see) About some kind of aimbot: There are micro fast aim switches and aim warps on this demo. To be honest Im not familiar with nitmod, so maybe this mod is working different, but from my perspective it looks like bot
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