Hi Svepa
Thanks for your message.
First of all - there is no rule that admins/member need to warn before kick we can awlays check someone sk/warn/kick/ban history and based on this make decision, so if someone is constanlty spawnkilling, he can get kick right away (im not telling that you are massive spawnkiller, just wanted to clarify some things)
About sk areas and script - scripts are not perfect, so there can be some mistakes with areas and admin/member can make action based on his own feeling. Im not telling that you were spawnkilling or not but to resolve your case, demo would be appreciate
About putting spec - do not know your case, but many players are afking in spawn and we are putting them specs to not block other players etc, im pretty sure putting u spec was not to make your game worse but probably u were inactive for sometime in spawn and Ding noticed it