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  1. Best bet is to post your issue at ETL Discord's Support > General channel (here's a link https://discord.com/channels/260750790203932672/260750790203932672 )
  2. LOL. So did ETL remove a whole folder full of your videos?
  3. What comes to my mind: best medic - u!ps best engi - detdet, rsp (both rifle skill wise, not sure if they do objs) best covert - CS4f1 (fg42, undisputed overall legend) , detdet (rifle), plaz (sten) biggest rambo medic - shootej, EBO, uryaa, ewaz, mxt0r, l4mpje biggest mortar degenerate - can't remember the names. I wouldn't put Pan Zielonka here because he's innovative with the spots biggest obj whore - raul, WanteD biggest spawnkiller - Ghost of Kyiv, SotoQWERTY best/worst aimer - mxt0r best 1v1 aimer spammer - detdet's nade spam, Pan Zielonka's mortar spam, Mammut/Muxer's flamethrower
  4. I agree with this. Last time the hacker started to position himself at doorway before getting frozen to block the path. So in that regard, I'd prefer hacker to be gibbed with a long spawntimer.
  5. That's a nice result! I spent a few hours to clone of the objective announcer Protect nana-s ass-sets.wav
  6. To me it looks like he's lining up crosshair through wall at 7:43 and 6:40 game time. Aim could be his own. He's often using strafing to aim
  7. As an allied sniper, I love it But yeah crouching in the bushes on the cp/garage side hills offer very nice sniping spots. Still, there are a lot of blind spots we can't see. But it goes both ways. I enjoyed sniping on axis too and axis has an easy access to the roofs which offer a great angle to protect the west radar parts. The roofs are not even slippery on this version.
  8. But consider that allies have 70% win rate on beach. The problem is just with almost mandatory spawn bypassing and sk rules. We shouldn't make winning for axis harder but instead move their spawns somehow so that they are not part of the playing area.
  9. Ah ok, in that scenario it is true. Axis respawn is 22s and it takes ~24s to get docs from radio to radio
  10. Don't think this is true. I have delivered docs in 12 seconds and spawn time should be much greater than that. https://streamable.com/oyn659
  11. Currently smg soldier can spawn with 30/180 ammo. It's a bug though because you have to pick a heavy weapon that is unavailable and then you spawn with smg with that extra ammo (Also this might only work with class binds)
  12. This guy could have an aimbot occasionally turned on. Look at how his aim jumps from target to target when shooting at spawn waves. Sometimes aim jumps to weird spots during fight too. Check the last 5 mins of this demo: iron-heart-2023-04-29-192701-decay_b7.dm_84 Another demo, he has strong early game, after flag I think he disables the bot but in the end enables it again when shooting at spawn wave from the obj house roof: iron-heart-2023-04-29-191602-caen2.dm_84 It looks to me that when he starts shooting, his crosshair homes to target automatically.
  13. I trust hazz' script so I guess it's not installed then
  14. I wonder was this fix taken in use?
  15. So he's a pro / "pro" player? Or what's the story? Idk but he's using windows version. Just a joke I guess
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