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Everything posted by MiniMuppet

  1. Welcome to the forums nice to meet you
  2. Added to main server just let me know if any issues.
  3. Good luck can you post demos here as I'm on night shift so won't be able to watch.
  4. We will change this also on the main server this week.
  5. MiniMuppet


    We can always store etkeys on the forum for people or if you reg on trackbase you can upload it there.
  6. MiniMuppet


    Oli write /connect in your console you don't need to re install your et or even better put it in your start line so you just connect straight to the beginners server.
  7. Welcome to the forums seen you on our server for a long time now
  8. Nice to hear you enjoy our server and have come back to et. Enjoy your stay and see you on the server sometime
  9. thanks @Spyhawk i could only see what was in wiki
  10. Server updated to v2.76-1002-g588e294 bug fixes change log
  11. Welcome to the forums nice intro
  12. I am confused what you are asking for? Do you want a button to put yourself spec? or did someone kick you off the server for being in spec when server was full?
  13. only way to balance team with out this is for people to move team, this doesn't happen.
  14. why sad faces? because its not very good or because i removed cortex?
  15. What rule are you on about? As for the auto balance if we didn't have it no one would move teams.
  16. we have auto balancer on so the last person to join a team will get moved if teams do not have the same amount of players. Its nothing personal it just to try keep team more balanced. If we didn't have this on then a lot of the time teams would not be kept even.
  17. Added blackwood new map to try give feed back please - removed cortex will add few different ones later if serve is empty
  18. The problem is blade you have been away for so long and most of these maps have already been on and don't get played I will look at changing some maps but still doesn't mean people want to play them.
  19. Welcome to the forums and nice to meet you
  20. Harald the balancer is still a lua script based on your and only moves the last person who joins. Maybe you just think its moving you because you don't want to move
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