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Everything posted by MiniMuppet

  1. You mean so one side has to win? We don't like base race to go on for ever and this could happen when no one can secure a part. This would probably need a script doing don't know if it's possible or not.
  2. I will remove this map tonight when I get home. Thanks for letting us know 😃
  3. sorry done now 3 maps removed also
  4. will do this tomorrow
  5. set g_LTChargeTime "40000" set team_airstrikeTime "60" set team_artyTime "60" this is what they were. set team_airstrikeTime "90" set team_artyTime "90" set g_LTChargeTime "50000" what i have changed to, will take effect tomorrow when server restarts
  6. spawn times changed on maps above
  7. yes this is for the beginners server not the main server sorry didn't realise you meant that. ETlegacy doesn't have much changes for classes or arty/airstrike so i won't be making any changes to these on the main server.
  8. This should be in place so you will have to check when you play next. I can look at arty and mortar see what if any thing can be changed with them.
  9. warbell set g_useraxisrespawntime 12 set g_useralliedrespawntime 16 supply set g_useraxisrespawntime 16 set g_useralliedrespawntime 12 Braundorf set g_useraxisrespawntime 16 set g_useralliedrespawntime 12 These are the current spawn times 4 sec difference for attacking team. Most people do not like long spawn time and the attacking team doesn't always have to win. I am happy to make changes to the maps if people want them changing just give me the times you would like to try. These are the times we have on the main server supply set g_useraxisrespawntime 20 set g_useralliedrespawntime 12 warbell set g_useraxisrespawntime 12 set g_useralliedrespawntime 22 Braundorf set g_useraxisrespawntime 16 set g_useralliedrespawntime 12
  10. MiniMuppet


    Welcome nice to meet you
  11. We have decided to make a few changes to the medic setting, this is a trail for 2 weeks so would like any feed back good or bad. Medics can't pick up their own med packs at all Medics can heal teammates with their revive syringes. Medics regenerate normal HP at 2HP/second and extra HP at 1HP/second
  12. mapvoteinfo (2).cfg
  13. Welcome nice to meet you
  14. done, I had to rename the bots so you will have to let me know if they don't work.
  15. maps added 2 tankseagles 2 waysMarrakech streets by nights ( not sure if you wanted this or normal one)Lighthouse2 (again not sure which version you wanted)Saberpeak[UJE]Valley Escort Please let me know if there is any issue with them as people were playing when i went to test them. Is this a map info UJE? i have looked on uje but there is a couple that say info so not sure which map you want, If you give me a link i can take a look.
  16. Np will look over the weekend and sort them out 😉
  17. mapvoteinfo.cfg Please tell me what maps you would like removing from the info above.
  18. the legacy updates or the menu?
  19. Full added to etl2 for testing.
  20. Hi flesh nice to see you around
  21. no there is no way to stop the spam only thing would be to ask people to run a older version of etlegacy until we find away to stop the issue.
  22. yes this is due to the new legacy update they are not cheating. Thanks for reporting though
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