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Everything posted by MiniMuppet

  1. Thank you for bringing this here now. This is difficult issue as most of Europe do not agree with the war and will support the Ukraine. How ever I do see your point of being fair to everyone. We will discuss the matter and try to decide how we can try and treat everyone fair. Any other feed back is welcome.
  2. He also would like someone using Mac to try it.
  3. so many hide and so many seek. If you are on the hiding team and manage to stay alive until the time runs out that team wins if not the seeking team wins. You also only get hand guns and knifes if you seeking. hiding team can not kill the seekers.
  4. welcome to the forums and nice to meet you
  5. Its never going to be perfect and no matter how it does it someone will not be happy being moved. I have no idea how it works it out if people have been moved or if people have join and left. At the end of the day someone need to be moved
  6. just works on time nothing else. and move the last person to join the team. Open to anything if people can make a better lua. Not sure waiting for someone to die is the answer or to throw a grenade no one would every get moved and team would continue to be uneven.
  7. MiniMuppet


    Welcome to the forums Rammelsnaff its nice to meet you. What do you mean about rank? the game rank or the level we give out on the server. We also have our discord channel if you use discord https://discord.gg/FB9sJTuG
  8. set g_useraxisrespawntime 12 set g_useralliedrespawntime 16 set g_userTimeLimit 15 thats what is in the map config don't think its been changed in a while unless it was when mapscript was added.
  9. new version added to server. please give feed back if there is any issues.
  10. Anything you can pick as a solider is classed as a heavy weapon, apart from mp40 or thompson ofc.
  11. yes ofc we can discuss it here. However if you do have concerns the best people to talk to our the devs or if you think it could do with changing.
  12. this I believe is from the legacy build nothing to do with us.
  13. MiniMuppet

    Happy New Year

  14. welcome to the forums and glad you enjoy one of our servers
  15. MiniMuppet

    Happy Holidays

    We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Teammuppet community. We would like to say thank you to each and everyone for still supporting us after all these years. We hope all of your wishes come true and we wish you health and happiness. May this holiday season leave you with precious memories: A Christmas filled with love and light, perfect gifts, delicious foods, love and joy all around. A New Year with continuing blessings— friends, family, good work, great fun, and delightful surprises. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! By Joanna Fuchs
  16. he will be back tomorrow ban him most days.
  17. Congrats all
  18. this is a map script we have on our main server so the map finishes or the map will not end until one side wins.
  19. I have made some changes see if they work or not. I have tried to removed the solder class from them not sure if it work or not though. let me know.
  20. When we tried the other maps we had loads of complain about fps lost and it even made people disconnect because they couldn't play. I haven't seen people complain about adlernest so this is the reason we are still using it on the server. The new maps do look a lot better then the old version but we have to try and keep people happy on the server so as much as you would prefer them other wouldn't so for now we will not be putting them back on the main server. sorry.
  21. MiniMuppet


    we also dropped to about 20 i guess the server doesn't like being full with snaps set to 40. we were just testing it so we will probably go back to old setting as it can't cope with new setting.
  22. This is the topic of all the maps we have had on the server.
  23. Server is now running with the halloween pk3 on. z_TMHalloween.pk3
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