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Posts posted by Charlie

  1. 5 hours ago, slowtobi said:

    Want Goldrush SW back and GR- GA and Standard GR away.
    There was a time i thought standard maps have to be on server... TImes are changing.

    There's always the option for standard maps to come back if that is what people want. I might add something not suggested or not allow something on the poll for whatever reason but pretty much everything changing on Legacy is due to popular demand.

    @Ctrz You mean this map for Resurrect? https://et.trackbase.net/map/164/  MML Church and Pantherbase might be too small. Church especially. We'll see.

    Italy won't be added due to it making the server crash at times. I need a bind for typing this one :D 

    @Sebast1an Marrakesh night or day?

    To Add:

    1) El Kef / Karsiah_te / Cortex / Resurrect / Pantherbase / UJE Convoy / Sands of Time / MML Church / Raw Castle Final / Warbell / Marrakesh / Cathedral / V2 Factory

    2) Which GR version people want. GR standard / GR_GA / GR_SW. The top 2 voted will be on the server.

    To remove:

    Dingenskirshen / Reactor.

    Any more suggestions for removals? If not I'll put on V2 Base and TC Base as they have been the least played recently.

    • Like 1
  2. The server is consistently crashing again like last week. I can't seem to get it stable and have no idea whether it's Legacy related or TM related. The last lines in console before it shuts down each time mentions initiating legacy ui and the amount of ui cvar enabled. If someone could check the logs Charlie will :heart: you!

    I have to duck out for the night unfortunately :( 

  3. Holy shit Charlie what are you doing!? Asking what maps we want twice in one month!? You lost you're mind boy!


    The last one was more of a replace the Xmas maps with something random, but we're back to the proper thing now. Lemme know here what maps you wanna see on Legacy or what maps you want rid of. Remember to add one map I have to remove one map first so anything you don't like on the server feel free to share too.

    Any map suggested must have omnibot support or it won't be considered remember!

    Poll will be ... soon. And I plan to add/remove maps at the start of February.

    Here are the current maps on the server and what has been before-ish. Been a while since I edited this before now so it might not be 100%. Green is good! Amber is worth another go. Red is a no go!  Clicky

    As a rough guide here is what is played in the last week: Clicky The longer after this topic is made the more accurate it should be as old maps get dropped out.


    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Jessica said:

    Doesnt the server takes the map, longest NOT played, when votes are Equal ( or when no votes ) ?

    I dunno how it tallies votes, but if none are cast like when it's bots only then it'll go to Venice even if that map was just played (I think). Then it'll follow a rotation between goldrush, radar, railgun, fueldump and supply .... I think.

  5. Mini requested that I should add Stalingrad to the server, how can I say no to her?

    I'll see what I've got to play with tomorrow and add one or two.

    Off the top of my head I won't add Italy (broken), Hydro Dam (like baserace it might not end and I can't remember if the script works) nor Temple (the add time script doesn't work last I checked unfortunately).

  6. It's been a while! I hope Santa has been good to everyone and the new year is awesome for everyone.

    When the holidays are over we'll lose all the santa hats, bikinis and snowflakes. Same goes for Xmas maps too. Any recommendations to add or remove maps in the coming weeks?

    I won't make a poll as I wanna rotate the maps just after holidays end and not wait a few weeks, so any input is greatly appreciated. This is your chance to add some awesome unknown map to stun 2020 with! ET in 2020? Who would have thought?

  7. A minor detail but !listplayers wasn't working fully in between these crashes listed above. It would only list a dozen or so players until the server "crashed" again and it corrected. I didn't get to test other commands out. I would hazard a guess that something is interfering or conflicting with wolfadmin or something related to it? :umnik:

  8. Come back early. Family issues for one of the group :( 

    One split his head open on the breakfast bar on the first night. He danced a bit, passed out in the bathroom then danced some more when we picked him up and gave him a spiced rum, before he collapsed on a bed to bleed out. Threw a blanket at him and told I wasn't undressing him lol. The maid loved cleaning that pool of blood up on the floor and sheets. Was like a scene out of CSI lol. Looking back on it now though .... probablyyyyyy not the smartest thing to do with him.

    We left one of the group in a bar on the second night because he loved the heavy metal band, that's not our cup tea. He text me he was in trouble so we all trot back down expecting it all to kick off but he just had two girls around him. His definition of help and mine are completely different but we cleared the girls away after a dance. The next day we found out he'd spent over 90 euros in the space of the 45 minutes we'd been apart and can only assume they robbed him. Never saw these lasses again either.

    Luckily it calmed after that night though and I only threw up once!

    We decided it best to come home after 6 nights and booked on the cheapest flight, but it got cancelled and we spent 9 hours in the airport waiting for information. We eventually got put up in a 4* hotel for free so went back out for another night on the drink before our new flight the next day. Saw more cockroaches in this 4* hotel in 1 night than we did in 6 days in the dump we were previously in. Didn't make sense.

    One of us then got caught with a few thousand tabs in customs when we finally got back to the UK. Talk about ruining the end of the holiday assholes.

    All in all it was an awesome laugh and I'd do it all over again. Blood, puke, thieves and all. I need to find a responsible friend though - you know one that looks after the rest of us. Like a mother figure. Let's see what the New Year brings.

    Merry Christmas :heart: 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. Connected to Legacy fine and have a low stable ping.

    Smack some tracert legacy.teammuppet.com things up in cmd prompt next time it happens and it'll help us see if it's a server/provider issue, your issue or somewhere in the middle. The logs might show something but I don't have the time to go right through them unfortunately.

  10. Yo guys it's been a while. I'm Charlie for the new blood, Eagle's pain in the arse. I'm sorry I haven't been around but shit happens.

    I'm gunna be in Lanzarote for my Christmas so I probably won't be anywhere near internet from around now til just before new year. Life's awesome when you stop and enjoy it. Might post a picture cos quite frankly I don't see how Santa goes around hot places dressed in his big sweaty outfit. How does he manage hot countries in that? If I see a fat fully clothed winter Santa outside a club I'm gunna have words.

    Anyway! Bit of Shakin Stevens. Have a good one Muppets.


    • Like 3
  11. set g_useraxisrespawntime 15 
    set g_useralliedrespawntime 10
    set g_userTimeLimit 25

    This is what it is atm for Daybreak.

    set g_useraxisrespawntime 16 
    set g_useralliedrespawntime 12
    set g_userTimeLimit 25

    This is what it is atm for Minas.

    I added special scripts to add time as objectives were done for both maps but it doesn't add time as it should and I don't have a clue how to fix this. If some wizard can fix the scripts for these maps then by all means. I didn't make these btw, they come with the maps. If spawn times wanna get tweaked then sure. I dunno if I would wanna make maps last longer than 25 mins, especially these maps.

    Daybreak needs something to help Axis advance imo, whether this is more forward spawns, longer spawn times, whatever. I'm all ears.



  12. For some reason it seemed very complicated to add/remove stuff. Totally not alcohol related.


    Baserace, Axis Lab, Warbell and 1944 Beach have been removed.

    Minas Tirith, Capuzzo, Daybreak and Vesuvius have been added.

    Any issues or suggestions then let us know.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  13. Poll is closed now! Cheers for those who voted. It's tight.

    What I can say 100% is that I'll remove Baserace for Minas Tirith. My dreams have come true! :party: 

    Daybreak will be added and 1944 Beach will be removed.

    I wanna remove 2 more and add 2 more but because the votes are so tight I'll have a little think before I commit to what ones.

  14. 4 hours ago, Svepa said:

    I’ve never done done hide & seek before, well not on ET.

    how does it work? I guess the seekers have guns and the hiders don’t

    Seekers have a luger and knife. Hiders have nothing. I think it's the hiders that have unlimited stamina? Hiders get a 30 second or so head start on the seekers so they can ... hide. Some maps are customised specially for hide and seek so there'll be new places to go and hide or hunt. Hiders win if they see out the timer. Seekers win they they find everyone.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Jessica said:

    All great maps, to bad the maps nominated for remove are not  played more.


    How about some MLB maps ? These are huge maps, and will be great when we have 30 players.

    Hotchkiss and Daybreak are up for voting when I make the poll.

  16. Couldn't see waypoints for Das Boot. I can imagine Eiffel Tower being horrific when there's lots of players climbing that thing lol. So this is how it stands. If you think 1 map should be a silly map then let me know, I'm not familiar with some requested. I added axis lab to be removed, as much as I like the map it never ever gets played.

    3 maps will be removed and 3 added, depending on how voting goes. 1 of the silly maps will be on the server, whether it's Baserace or not is up to you guys.

    Any more suggestions?



    Cappuzo / Airfield Assault / V2 Base te / Daybreak / Hotchkiss / Vesuvius / Raw Castle te / Transmitter / Glider / Flugafen / Holy Grail / V2 Base / 

    Silly Map add:

    Golden Dunk / Minas Tirith / Cortex / Helm's Deep / Keep Baserace


    1944 Beach / Warbell / Cathderal / Dubrovnik / Missile / Axis Lab

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