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Smirre last won the day on March 12 2020

Smirre had the most liked content!


About Smirre

  • Birthday 04/12/1976

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  1. Smirre

    R o R o

    Hi for a long time! Happy new year everyone I just wanted to say about RoRo, just swing the ban hammer and you'll be saved for the admin work/headache in 2020 Trust me, I know this guy and he wont change! Except proxy...
  2. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  3. Whad up boss :)

    1. Smirre
    2. Eagle_cz


      You was here, you are here and you will be i hope... no matter what happened but the ring of the family is something that will be here for the better feature....

    3. miraro3


      He has a carreer at Fearless Assassins now Eagle ;)

  4. Merry xmas!
  5. Nice intro.
  6. Bird to the rescue Good job Eagle!
  7. Hey. I am not expert with this lan stuff, but do you have a directory specified where you keep the maps and stuff for your friends to download? set sv_allowDownload "1" // global toggle for both legacy download and web downloadset sv_wwwDownload "1" // toggle to enable web downloadset sv_wwwBaseURL "nameofdirectorygoeshere" //download directory Also maybe this helps: http://www.crossfire.nu/tutorials/view/id/73 If this didn't help, you need to wait ailmanki or Mrmuppet to the rescue
  8. Smirre


    Hello and welcome to the forums.
  9. Smirre

    ET Minimizer

    I had issues also with vista after the win xp, so this is what I have also used for years without any problems. The one with the ultimate ET installer works on my laptop also with win 8.1.
  10. Smirre

    ETPub heavy lag

    Soundcard updated? Try increasing the rate to 45000 Clean your et folders from any not needed maps/pk3's (etmain + mod folders + old mod versions, delete etpub folder and let it load fresh from server) Reinstall ET
    1. Slarty


      Hehey new album, didn't know...tnx :)

    2. Xantippa


      Sounds good :) but I still like mostly.. I dont care..

  11. Smirre


    Hey old clanmate and welcome to our forums
  12. Thanks for all the support, but you should show your support to Freak now :)

    1. Grobar


      He got all my support...

    2. Fr3ak


      A big thank you for everything you did for this clan. You did a great job mate!!

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