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Posted (edited)

Why would even a grown-up human being want to collect XP on a server? Sounds like a kids' thing.

The only thing that one should collect is skills throughout the campaign, but that's kind of out of question on our server, because you start with all skills at level 4. 

On top of that, now you can work on your Skill Rating, which is a better indicator of your "skill" than XP. 

Edited by Bystry
  • Like 1
On 5/3/2019 at 2:06 AM, MiniMuppet said:

When we first make the legacy server people were asking for xp save, we tried the lua's but they had to many bugs. The only way was to give them all the levels and the server got more poplar. Its very hard in one map to get skills/level and people have different skills, i think if we remove these now we would do more harm to the server then good. We can tweak the setting but i don't think we would remove the levels.

 Populating the server is the answer. Our serwer is full.


10 hours ago, Bystry said:

Why would even a grown-up human being want to collect XP on a server? Sounds like a kids' thing.

The only thing that one should collect is skills throughout the campaign, but that's kind of out of question on our server, because you start with all skills at level 4. 

On top of that, now you can work on your Skill Rating, which is a better indicator of your "skill" than XP.  

Despite the objectives game, people like to check the statistics  which are best for them. Good aimers are checking for their accuracy, some players hunting for best engi/medic/fieldop award etc. For some of them it's just XP. It's normal.

SR depends on winning the maps. What about players switching the teams few times in a row or just joining to the weaker one trying to keep them ballanced?

Is their skill are lower? Not at all, but their Skill Rating is lower for sure.

In the past i used to play with campaign xp save (Cyber mentioned about it) and kinda liked it. After all, I would not make such big changes.

All I want to say is that there is no a perfect solution that would please everyone. Let's just keep our server busy.


Posted (edited)

Absolutely not. You didn't get how SR works, at all. Switching team to the losing team won't necessary make SR lower, since time played in both team and other parameters is taken into account, and long term trends are more important than a single game. See the thread below for some explanation.

As for XPsave, it's unnecessary. It was only asked because players are used to it, despite total accumulated XP not even been displayed. If populating the server was the objective, it's done and I'm pretty sure these players won't go anywhere soon, because so many others factors were responsible for TM success - the biggest being it being the only really popular pub server running Legacy due to amazing and long term work of admins. Restricting it to XPsave is kinda degrading towards them I'd say.

These arguments thus aren't valid. The only reason people like XPSave-like feature is entirely psychological. I wasn't kidding above. Some people like to collect things. They focus on the results and want to be on top. Others focus on the process, and take pleasure in constantly improving themselves. Do some research online and you'll see how this is very well known.

XPsave-like feature is the worst that happened to ET in its history, because so many players have never played its good original balance. This also demonstrates we (legacy devs) have to make leveling up and progressing in game fun again - ironically by using the very same psychological effects. Hopefully that will come sooner than later.

Edited by Spyhawk
Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, divine_one said:

In the past i used to play with campaign xp save (Cyber mentioned about it) and kinda liked it. After all, I would not make such big changes.

I played on ETPub XP save server ~12 years ago when I was around 13-14 years old. At that time I enjoyed collecting my XP. Well, guess what? I'm not 14 anymore ;) 


7 hours ago, Spyhawk said:

If populating the server was the objective, it's done and I'm pretty sure these players won't go anywhere soon, because so many others factors were responsible for TM success - the biggest being it being the only really popular pub server running Legacy due to amazing and long term work of admins. Restricting it to XPsave is kinda degrading towards them I'd say.


If we're talking about "4 level skills for everyone" (XP save never fully worked on TM legacy server due to broken lua), then I agree 100% with Spyhawk. People, including TM members, have to understand that it's not the settings that made this server popular. Ironically, the server became popular while the settings on the server were still pretty shitty. Look how many changes were made during past months thanks to ideas and suggestions brought up here by players and members. Did people complain? No, the server became even more popular than before. I think it's mainly the ET: Legacy project itself and great effort to keep this server alive for many years and promote it that made it as popular as it is now. 


Edited by Bystry
  • Thanks 1

Yes, I'm using XPSave-like as a term for "4 lvl for everyone" here, because these settings are intended to replicate the XPSave feature on TM. Anyway, we do understand we need to make the process of leveling up more enjoyable than having fixed levels, and people (bad) habits get in the way, as usual.

I like TM server a lot, it's good due to what admins created with lot of work and patience. I do however believe gameplay could be better :) 

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Founders

Another update as been added like before any issues please post here or report to etlegacy https://www.etlegacy.com/

changes below


Fixed multiple map votes possible by reconnecting in intermission
Fixed mapvote tally display when connecting while in intermission
Fixed missing default cvars configs
Added popup messages filter
Reworked airstrike and artillery per-minute limitations
Renamed team_airstrikeTime/team_artyTime to team_maxAirtrike/team_maxArtillery (no more time based, but value per minutes)
Removed g_misc 4 option to combine team_airstrikeTime and team_artyTime
Renamed team_maxMg42s/maxPanzers to generic team_maxMachineguns/team_maxRockets
Fixed cg_tracers 3
Added power icon colours to show airtrike and artillery availability
Removed dynamite tick sound and pulse icon
Improved server browser filter ergonomy
Fixed in-game UI favorite button to allow to remove favorite
Fixed server browser sort would alternate when opening Play Online again
Fixed prone hitbox height (was twice as high as desired!)
Added slightly lower hitbox when crouching in idle position
Improved debug hitbox code
Fixed team spawn counter is visible in limbo panel when player has not joined team
Added genericity for impact mark/sound and make them customizable by surface from weapon file
Improved weapon file parser for sound ressources
Added back water impact effect for missile (was unused)
Increased size of wounded hitbox for syringe
Increased compass size on alternate huds
Fixed rank display on alternate huds
Added popup filter for promotion upgrades
Removed g_misc 32 option "loose spawn protection" (use the Lua script instead)
Fixed fireteam health color indicator was not in sync with healthbar color


Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, MiniMuppet said:

Another update as been added like before any issues please post here or report to etlegacy https://www.etlegacy.com/

changes below

  Hide contents

Fixed multiple map votes possible by reconnecting in intermission
Fixed mapvote tally display when connecting while in intermission
Fixed missing default cvars configs
Added popup messages filter
Reworked airstrike and artillery per-minute limitations
Renamed team_airstrikeTime/team_artyTime to team_maxAirtrike/team_maxArtillery (no more time based, but value per minutes)
Removed g_misc 4 option to combine team_airstrikeTime and team_artyTime
Renamed team_maxMg42s/maxPanzers to generic team_maxMachineguns/team_maxRockets
Fixed cg_tracers 3
Added power icon colours to show airtrike and artillery availability
Removed dynamite tick sound and pulse icon
Improved server browser filter ergonomy
Fixed in-game UI favorite button to allow to remove favorite
Fixed server browser sort would alternate when opening Play Online again
Fixed prone hitbox height (was twice as high as desired!)
Added slightly lower hitbox when crouching in idle position
Improved debug hitbox code
Fixed team spawn counter is visible in limbo panel when player has not joined team
Added genericity for impact mark/sound and make them customizable by surface from weapon file
Improved weapon file parser for sound ressources
Added back water impact effect for missile (was unused)
Increased size of wounded hitbox for syringe
Increased compass size on alternate huds
Fixed rank display on alternate huds
Added popup filter for promotion upgrades
Removed g_misc 32 option "loose spawn protection" (use the Lua script instead)
Fixed fireteam health color indicator was not in sync with healthbar color


I was just playing but had to leave due to what must be an artillery and air strike bug. It was on caen2 air strike and artillery was relentless. Seemed to be one straight after another.

If it’s not a bug it certainly is unplayable :(

Edited by Svepa
1 hour ago, Svepa said:

I was just playing but had to leave due to what must be an artillery and air strike bug. It was on caen2 air strike and artillery was relentless. Seemed to be one straight after another.

If it’s not a bug it certainly is unplayable :(

thanks for report! im on the way to see whats going on and then we can revert the changes or will try to find a quick fix in the settings if its possible

12 minutes ago, Eagle_cz said:

thanks for report! im on the way to see whats going on and then we can revert the changes or will try to find a quick fix in the settings if its possible

i see. ... its probably connected with this ...

"Renamed team_airstrikeTime/team_artyTime to team_maxAirtrike/team_maxArtillery (no more time based, but value per minutes) "

....searching for fix ...


Yes, default config file has been adjusted for the new system. Just don't use the old values!

Also, do note these two issues should be resolved now (we forgot to add these to the changelog):

  • Fixed no weapon on revive issue
  • Fixed riflenade disappearing for no reason

Currently many Players (including me) have the Problem of missing Sounds.

Mainly when getting shot and when knifing, both of these are not working.

  • Founders

Server crashed;

ERROR: NULL ent->think

----- Server Shutdown -----

Looks like we got some naughty issue with sounds. :/

I'd suggest TM admin to revert to the previous test build while we sort it out. Sorry about that.


probably we have to do that :/

going to do that now .... server will be offline between 19:45-19:55 (CEST) or so...


  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)
On 5/3/2019 at 10:25 PM, Spyhawk said:

Sorry, it's actually lvl 3 LW, not lvl 3 covops. Damage is the same, but spread is reduced by 35%.

Why you reduced FG-42 spread , you are weakening covops against medic with 30 round and engie with rifle granades and ofc with other, panzer , flamethrower, artillary and etc, the only power for fg is in short range , now let us all be a hero medics, that's not wise from you 

Edited by The Great Pharaoh
  • 3 weeks later...

Another update was added to the server...

changes below:


Spyhawk: we've added a shoutcaster mode, made a few minor changes here and there (stats, competition settings adjustment, more bug fixes)

...I tried to find what exactly was changed, but it's not that easy so you can look on their public changelog here: https://dev.etlegacy.com/projects/etlegacy/wiki/Changelog



I can't connect to the server anymore. I get this error;

"Game code(ui_mp_x86.dll) failed Pure Server check"

Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, Eagle_cz said:

...I tried to find what exactly was changed, but it's not that easy so you can look on their public changelog here: https://dev.etlegacy.com/projects/etlegacy/wiki/Changelog

These are the changes between the old (v2.76-251) and new version (v2.76-392):

  • Fixed multiple map votes possible by reconnecting in intermission
  • Fixed mapvote tally display when connecting while in intermission
  • Fixed missing default cvars configs
  • Added popup messages filter
  • Reworked airstrike and artillery per-minute limitations
  • Renamed team_airstrikeTime/team_artyTime to team_maxAirtrike/team_maxArtillery (no more time based, but value per minutes)
  • Removed g_misc 4 option to combine team_airstrikeTime and team_artyTime
  • Renamed team_maxMg42s/maxPanzers to generic team_maxMachineguns/team_maxRockets
  • Fixed cg_tracers 3
  • Added power icon colours to show airtrike and artillery availability
  • Removed dynamite tick sound and pulse icon
  • Improved server browser filter ergonomy
  • Fixed in-game UI favorite button to allow to remove favorite
  • Fixed server browser sort would alternate when opening Play Online again
  • Fixed prone hitbox height (was twice as high as desired!)
  • Added slightly lower hitbox when crouching in idle position
  • Improved debug hitbox code
  • Fixed no weapon on revive issue
  • Fixed riflenade disappearing for no reason
  • Fixed team spawn counter is visible in limbo panel when player has not joined team
  • Added genericity for impact mark/sound and make them customizable by surface from weapon file
  • Improved weapon file parser for sound ressources
  • Added back water impact effect for missile (was unused)
  • Increased size of wounded hitbox for syringe
  • Increased compass size on alternate huds
  • Fixed rank display on alternate huds
  • Added popup filter for promotion upgrades
  • Removed g_misc 32 option "loose spawn protection" (use the Lua script instead)
  • Fixed fireteam health color indicator was not in sync with healthbar color
  • Changed simple items colour when not available to class
  • Added objectives as simple items too (use cg_simpleItems 2 to only use simple packs and weapon)
  • Fixed shielded players could be pushed
  • Disabled vertical shoving by default (use g_misc 1 to enable)
  • Removed cg_useScreenshotJPEG cvar
  • Fixed players in limbo and heavy machine guns users would trigger g_inactivity
  • Moved eject brass offset (in first person) computation on fire event received. Was computed each frame even no weapon fire.
  • Added missileFallSound / missileBouncingSound / fireRecoil / adjustLean in weapon file
  • Optimized landmine snapshot callback code
  • Fixed spawn shield displayed on HUD when still in limbo
  • Added shoutcaster mode
  • Added team_riflegrenade cvar for 3vs3 competition
  • Added average team ping display in scoreboard
  • Excluded heavy weapons and knives from accuracy stats computation
  • Fixed session stats always reset between rounds in StopWatch mode
  • Fixed grenade timer was reset while arty was used
2 hours ago, 0wN1x said:

I can't connect to the server anymore. I get this error;

"Game code(ui_mp_x86.dll) failed Pure Server check"

No changes were done in pure server check, and other people seem to be able to connect without issue. Maybe you've downloaded some pk3 from some other server?

Edited by Spyhawk

I never play on another server :angel2:

When I connected to our server it downloaded 2 new Legacy pk3 files and then it kicked me out with that error. Reconnecting didn't make a change.

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