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Hello, I am m00f.

I've been a naughty boy, bullying your ET legacy server for the past year or so. I am very sorry.

I'm 30 years old, from Austria and I "work" as a retail trader in the forex market after years and years of trying out and leaving different fields of work, so nowadays I spend most of the time sitting at home playing video games. yay.
Besides video games and slacking off I also really like cooking, skiing and drawing - I even have a Deviant Art account. lol

I started playing ET when it came out back in the day, and I was immediately hooked - it quickly became my favorite thing in the world - to the point it preoccupied my life so much I almost failed school! Besides being part of the austrian national team for some time I never really played on a super high level tho. I had to quit the game back in the day because of technical difficulties with the old client over and over again - but now i have returned after about a 7 year break to rekindle this old love of mine :D

Besides ET I regularly play Hearthstone, Path of Exile, Diablo 2 and Heroic - Magic Duel ... I might even reinstall League of Legends some day, who knows. lol.

Well, dunno if that is a sufficient introduction or not, sorry I'm drunk atm.
See ya on Team Muppets, or one of the handful etjump servers I visit frequently, have a nice bingbingbing

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+2 Karma points for joining forum

+5 Karma points for introducing yourself

+13 Karma points of naming yourself a bully

a lot of Karma gained in my eyes. See yo in server mate ;) 


Hi m00f, nice introduction! You're a nice, good and common player on the TM Legacy server: a good addition to the server in my opinion. Keep on playin' :D

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