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On 11/11/2020 at 4:31 PM, MiniMuppet said:

Balance isn't just about amount of players on each team though its about skill.


I'm not saying I'm good, far from that, but i'm definitely not switching if it results in making teams more unbalanced than they already are.

Also, switching and keeping teams balanced is part of our job, we all signed up for that. But there is nothing more frustrating than getting raged on after you've been battling for 23 minutes on goldrush and have to switch in the last two minutes due to people ragequitting.

On 11/16/2020 at 11:12 AM, DiNg said:


I'm not saying I'm good, far from that, but i'm definitely not switching if it results in making teams more unbalanced than they already are.

Also, switching and keeping teams balanced is part of our job, we all signed up for that. But there is nothing more frustrating than getting raged on after you've been battling for 23 minutes on goldrush and have to switch in the last two minutes due to people ragequitting.

I think the last few min is just .. time to let that case go. Ive seen many times goldrush where allies struggle to get anywhere while having 1 less player and when they finally have gold and drive past ammobox then 2-3-4 axis will disconnect and after round end, you can see the axis guys saying "uneven teams all the time". I'd say we all should have same understanding what to do and when to do it. No need to constantly switch forward and back. Its also fine to swap with someone. If you see for example one team having 2 less players but 3 of that team players are the strongest we have in server, then you can just set them apart and move someone from other team in their place. When people join server, they should understand that we respect them and their freedom to play in whatever team they like but we have also responsibility to keep teams fair not just in numbers but also in gameplay sense. If they dont care about healthy enviroment and balanced teams, then I personally dont care about their arguments either.

Whatever you do, please keep autorecord on, so we can see your perspective if we have someone complaining about injustice.

4 hours ago, Ctrz said:

If you see for example one team having 2 less players but 3 of that team players are the strongest we have in server, then you can just set them apart and move someone from other team in their place. When people join server, they should understand that we respect them and their freedom to play in whatever team they like but we have also responsibility to keep teams fair not just in numbers but also in gameplay sense. If they dont care about healthy enviroment and balanced teams, then I personally dont care about their arguments either.

Since I disagree I guess you don't care about my opinion but moving people manually without their consent is not respecting their freedom. Either ask people to switch or use a shuffle but don't target people on your own just because they are good.

1 hour ago, Sebast1an said:

Since I disagree I guess you don't care about my opinion but moving people manually without their consent is not respecting their freedom. Either ask people to switch or use a shuffle but don't target people on your own just because they are good.

Well.We have oblication to keep teams balanced but after shuffle those rambos often go to spec and stuck up on to same team again.We dont have magic sticks,cant have both so you must choose even teams or "freedom".

Truth is we dont move(atleast i havent seen)people withot asking.Theres some great rambo regulars,Moof,TrS etc who often help us so hopefully everyone is somehow happy how we do things,otherwise the server wouldnt be so popular.

6 hours ago, Sebast1an said:

Since I disagree I guess you don't care about my opinion but moving people manually without their consent is not respecting their freedom. Either ask people to switch or use a shuffle but don't target people on your own just because they are good.

Im not going even into that argument, because you should know that our servers have always valued honest players, even and fair teams, friendly enviroment and healthy gameplay.

Whoever goes purposefully against that doesnt even need a loud voice. They are free to go elsewhere. Hackers, pottymouths, teamkillers, teamstackers - you name it.

You are regular player, so dont think that comes as a suprise to you, but we dont usually move people without asking them first or informing, that we will make teams even if one-sided gameplay is seen long period of time. But if they group up in one team and doesnt care and other team cannot do anything else than just respawn after respawn, then we will fix this mess even if we hurt someones ego or "freedom". 

But agree with @Matu that luckily we have number of strong aimers and objective players who are willing to help out team that is struggling. And we never forget that.


Like you both pointed out, you don't move people without asking first and I play regularly so I know this. Truth be told I've never seen it happen. But the way Seto put it in his first post (to which I quoted) makes it sound like it's totally fine to do it even without their consent and with that I disagreed. To my experience people are more willing to play ball if you don't force their hand. All I'm saying. :)

To my experience the teams get shuffled quite fast if allies can't even leave their spawn. Sometimes it takes a map too long but usually that's fixed when someone points it out. One thing I've always wondered though is that why is it unlikely to see a shuffle midround? Instead it's normal to see unfair teams go on for another 15-20 minutes and then a shuffle before the next map begins.

9 hours ago, Sebast1an said:

One thing I've always wondered though is that why is it unlikely to see a shuffle midround? Instead it's normal to see unfair teams go on for another 15-20 minutes and then a shuffle before the next map begins.

I think that's because a shuffle mid-round can often give the attacking team an advantage, as a shuffle can completely eliminate a defence, especially if engineers are shuffled. You might as well shuffle and restart at that point.

Posted (edited)

I open again talk in here by sayin that example yesterday.. The server was full of people and many TM's online, and server system said many times even the teams... BUT NO, NO-ONE those TM's who were on bigger team side didnt do anything to let the teams go back to even in both sides. I moved side myself if saw that have to change team, but if I was on weaker team side and system asked guys to move, no action were taken they didnt switch.. I even sent /mc to guys and ladies.. If I m correct our rules says that that its our job to keep teams even, not wait that system keeps blinkin that text bar allday there and then it picks some random guy who jumps into spec.. and then it continues.. Mini was online and spec that time I m 100% sure she saw that too.. But Mini didnt have time but its more like that our new members that please switch teams if you see that system asks someone to switch..

Edited by Stumpel
On 11/11/2020 at 5:00 PM, BladeWarrioR said:

IMO members should be doing this anyway. The auto-balance should never happen when members are on the server and are playing ...

Im gonna get alot of complaints in me saying that but its just my opinion

Happened many times example yesterday..

Posted (edited)
On 11/11/2020 at 3:00 PM, BladeWarrioR said:

IMO members should be doing this anyway. The auto-balance should never happen when members are on the server and are playing ...

Im gonna get alot of complaints in me saying that but its just my opinion

Often there might only be a couple of TMs playing, if I moved every time the auto-balancer activated, I'd be moving teams every two minutes and that wouldn't help anyone.

It's also difficult to figure out who the weaker team actually is. Since joining TM, I've done my best to try to consistently join the weaker team. Yesterday, for instance, I ended up switching several times to the team that seemed weaker and were complaining the most only to have those teams win the match each time I moved, and I'm pretty sure their victory wasn't down to me. 

Balance issues seem to come down to the following:

Some players will always prefer to attack.

Some players will always choose the strongest team.

Shuffle often doesn't work, especially because of the two player types above who will go spec as soon as they are shuffled.

Team strength, especially attacking team strength, can be dependent on a few experienced players. A weak attacking team with a small number of experienced players (like coverts and engineers on Siwa Oasis) can result in an early victory, making a weak team seem stronger. SR is meant to give an idea of this, but doesn't distinguish between combat skill and tactical smarts.

Edit: also too many people on smaller maps, causing a meatgrinder / full hold effect. That's being fixed, it seems.

I don't think there are any easy answers to this, apart from for TM members to keep an eye on everything and try to help a team that is obviously struggling.

Edited by StarScream

Well, its true that jumping alltime makes gaming crazy.. If there are few guys and they have to jump alltime.. If on team are like few of us example 3 we can deal it like that each one goes on after another that not always the same person jumps over..

After moved few times. Then if game keeps doing that teams go alltime uneven then better just open VOTE ABOUT SHUFFLE OR BALANCE BOTH TEAMS.. Sometimes it works better..


And those guys who go always to spec if moved... I mean if game picks player and it goes moved  and then that player goes spec and/or try to go back that team where he was.. Then its !warn and inform about that dont jump into spec alltime if got balanced.. If keeps doing same  then possible !kick      



AND LAST I'M NOT ADMIN YET, BUT I HAVE BEEN CB and (ADMIN IN SOMEOTHER SERVERS).. So it just means that I have somekind of 'eye' how to handle it.. 


Just sayin

12 minutes ago, StarScream said:

It's also difficult to figure out who the weaker team actually is.

The percentage that you can see in the player menu for each team is the game's estimation of the teams chances of winning. Most of the time it is atleast 80%+ for one team and usually the odds are about 90/10. While it's not foolproof it will give you an idea of what's going on.

The amount of SR you get for winning/losing is based on these odds. Winning at 10% odds pays off while winning at 100% odds will give you +0.00.

21 hours ago, Sebast1an said:

The percentage that you can see in the player menu for each team is the game's estimation of the teams chances of winning. Most of the time it is atleast 80%+ for one team and usually the odds are about 90/10. While it's not foolproof it will give you an idea of what's going on.

And that is what I used to see if a team is weak or not, but it really doesn't seem to correlate all that well to the actual performance of the team. As I said, the other day I constantly changed to the 'numerically weaker' team only to have them win. 

On Caen, for example, I have frequently seen an Allied team at around 4% successfully defend to the end.


Moving the last coming player because he didn't balance the teams (or unbalanced the teams) is a logical act of administration of the game in my opinion. It is not disrespecting one player's freedom, but respecting all the other players who play a fair game, cause each player should be concerned by a fair game to keep the game funny, interesting, and the server too...
Just my opinion...

  • Like 1
On 11/28/2020 at 11:52 AM, froggy said:

Moving the last coming player because he didn't balance the teams (or unbalanced the teams) is a logical act of administration of the game in my opinion. It is not disrespecting one player's freedom, but respecting all the other players who play a fair game, cause each player should be concerned by a fair game to keep the game funny, interesting, and the server too...
Just my opinion...

This, and those who are suddenly "afk phone" right after a shuffle

18 hours ago, ::: ET UK POWER said:

Hey Ding, I did that once but left the game. Sorry if it messed up a team (Not that my absence would).

Haha hey man no worries, didn"t have any nickname in mind to be honest :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly, it's time to find the way to solve this problem cause some players (ex: Vassily Zaitsev, Ollie...) just wanna play attackers and don't pay attention to balance the teams. The fact is they don't care at all at the game and the players, they just play their own selfish game.
This morning we were 2 axis VS 5 allies... They connect and join the attacking team. 2 vs 5? they don't give a shit...
if they join your team while you are attacking, you switch to balance the teams, so YOU DEFEND ONLY, then the following map if your team attacks, they join your team, unbalance the teams and again and again and again...
How long these guys will stay boring the fair players?


this morning, Oasis, 1 vs 1, i was allie,  Vodkenstein was axis.
X1 joined allies, then Monk connected and join... allies, of course...
3 vs 1 is unfair, so i left.
I found a solution! leaving the game 🤣

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Well, an Admin Solution is to disable Bots in this case, but there isnt always one around (including me :D) since they can be turned off and on easily.

Then the Server will force Balance...other than that i dont see any possibilty right now, since we cant force them into a Team...sportsmanship aint a common thing these Days.

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