I agree to bystry that too strict/complex rules are not appropriate, and always point to discussion. I think the most important rules are missing
"The admin is right"
"Play on server, discuss in forum"
"Go to teammuppet.eu for in depth explanation"
In our Standard banner actual: "^dwolfadmin: ^9This server is running WolfAdmin, type ^7/wolfadmin ^9for more information." we should replace"... type !rules, !help and !wolfadmin in console for more information."
My thoughts on spawn killing. If spawn killing is getting excessive it is due to imbalanced teams in many cases, it kills the fun for both teams apart of some rambomeds, fops or panzas. So imo the problem can not be solved by strict rules, but by balanced teams and friendly environment, looking for fun gaming.
And to make objective more attractive than killing, turn off sprees, especially kill/death sprees (may day would get much better)