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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2019 in all areas

  1. @Charlie Extra's not "necessary" Colours of the command /mc -- /mr a bit more colourfull especially the /mr ones (blue) is rly difficult to read in the server Wolfadmin text need an update colours better info etc Welcome message when a "member/friend/highadmin" joins the server, make it more brightfull + put it in chatmessage not in the middle of the screen (dunno if this is legacymod based or not @Timothy) Delete votes like comp & pub settings (guess it already done now) Update all spawntimes of diffrent maps Change erdenberg_t2 ==> to t_1 (flag is down, spawn is still up) it's pretty impossible with those spawntimes + 15v15 to catch the flag. t1 version will make it a bit more playable An extra map suggestion, these days grush is heavy to win on allies side because the teams are pretty stacked what is very nice but the spawntimes are not that good. (goldrush_ga) is maybe a better map cause on the (GA version) there is an overload of ways to reach the gold and not only 1 way like it's now on the normal version A good idea is also to striketrough the suggestions what the admins will change or did change already. So we all have an update whats already done. EASY FOR ALL Jens
    1 point
  2. I agree to bystry that too strict/complex rules are not appropriate, and always point to discussion. I think the most important rules are missing "The admin is right" "Play on server, discuss in forum" "Go to teammuppet.eu for in depth explanation" In our Standard banner actual: "^dwolfadmin: ^9This server is running WolfAdmin, type ^7/wolfadmin ^9for more information." we should replace"... type !rules, !help and !wolfadmin in console for more information." My thoughts on spawn killing. If spawn killing is getting excessive it is due to imbalanced teams in many cases, it kills the fun for both teams apart of some rambomeds, fops or panzas. So imo the problem can not be solved by strict rules, but by balanced teams and friendly environment, looking for fun gaming. And to make objective more attractive than killing, turn off sprees, especially kill/death sprees (may day would get much better)
    1 point
  3. @Duro Well for me the rules displayed after typing !rules are okay, they are short and understandable. Just a general notification - no spawn killing, gives a general idea about spawn killing, says that's it's not gonna be tolerated. Being too strict with the rules can be discouraging for players, so you gotta be careful with this too. But I get your point, better have everything clear and explained in simple fashion. I think custom 'esc' menu would do the job fine, spamming it in chat or banners would be annoying. Rogan made the custom menu so I guess it's up for the admins to upload it.
    1 point
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