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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2019 in all areas

  1. Its obvious to everyone that medics are by far the best class, I don't like the idea of limiting them but think they need a nerf. For one I think they should only be kept to a single colt/luger and denied the akimbo ability. I dont really have a problem with setl g_medicChargeTime for med pack drops as this would affect other classes ability to get health. I think the problem comes from the stupid amount of shots it takes to gib downed opponents and the invulnerability shield they hide behind during the revives. These two in combination are greatly dissatisfying and feel cheap. I would recommend downed players health to be greatly reduced to limit revive trains. Side note: I feel like their are not enough health/ammo stations on maps and this has created a dependencies for many people to play medic.
    1 point
  2. Everybody always wants to change setting of a class he usualy NOT plays. Medics want panza to have less power. Or better : Disable panza Engineers want medics to be less lethal. Or dont let them use medic packs for own use But the setting, as they are, are appreciated by the players themselves. We all have experience what it does to a server when we want to please a few people. So, PLEASE leave all as is.
    1 point
  3. Limiting number of medics per team is a server-killer idea.
    1 point
  4. With soldier and fieldop allready limited if medic is limited aswell all we will have left is a bunch of people with riflenades and fg's , which pretty much sounds like hell made real imo
    1 point
  5. This will kill the server and not make people revive anymore then they do now.
    1 point
  6. Possible? Probably. It would just get done in the same way as field ops? I remember seeing it somewhere in the files. Will we do it? Nope. Limiting the class would not fix the issue (not that I'd call it an issue), but would only make getting a revive a luxury. We'd also be taking away a part of ET people enjoy.
    1 point
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