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Everything posted by Rogan

  1. or atleast throw this version instead https://et.trackbase.net/map/7714
  2. Ban this heretic
  3. Rogan


    Then again you love everyone Charlie
  4. Well I'd be interested in this but I doubt anyone else from ETc would be interested.You can feel free to contact Jay or Darkness (the leaders of ETc) about this though.
  5. Geez we're not deaf my man Also real men would play Minas Tirith (this one is for you Charlie )
  6. You don't really need to be a member to suggest that lol,indeed the original version of battery is rather difficult for allies,If they wanna go from side way they pretty much need a uniform for that but good luck trying getting one
  7. Good joke
  8. Battery sucks on allied side mostly because they can't blow up the side door like they can in a different version of the map and the only way to get in through side way is with a uniform but good luck getting one. Fuel Dump sucked for allies again mostly because the spawn at cp wasn't available. Railgun is really not Axis friendly that's all i can say about it
  9. Indeed it is a mod related bug which was fixed for the 2.77 version of legacy and until that version of legacy is released,pretty much removing level 4 for medic fixes the issue temporary.
  10. I've tested my etpro mapscripts on legacy too so i see no reason why they wouldn't work
  11. not a fan of F1 and WRC,but atm i'm waiting on the new season of MotoGP to start.First round will be on 10th of March
  12. The only way to fix the stats is to update to 2.76 version of legacy but that's not possible at the moment
  13. You missed the opportunity to add Minas Tirith in the poll charlie
  14. Minas Tirith jk Tbh i'd remove more than just 2 maps
  15. ETL Frostbite used to be on nodownload but it got replaced with the old version of the map due to some people having peformance issues when playing the ETL version of the map.I wouldn't mind seeing it on the public legacy server same goes for ETL Ice and Bergen.
  16. Alright time to ban him
  17. et legacy never had an xp save feature and most likely won't be added by the devs anytime soon.So yeah that's why your XP doesn't save
  18. Same
  19. Hold my beer......
  20. I'm more purple than purplehaze ever was
  21. "how to guess a map 101 by Rogan" as he said there will be a picture with a map and pretty much you have to guess it's name
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