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Honourable Admin
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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. Charlie

    New year

    Here's to a better 2021
  2. Imagine if we could block Jess from having the panza
  3. Charlie

    Merry Christmas!

    Thank you everyone for being a part of this awesome community this year! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  4. The knives have been a part of the server since before I even knew ET existed I think. I dislike them as much as you do probably and I've spent the best part of half my ET life on that server lol. I'll put it to a poll to remove them but not many Nitmod players frequent the forums and it's also the holidays. I won't put changes through unless it's a landslide and the regulars have posted. I'll change your name tomorrow
  5. Charlie


    2020-11-25-215223-sp_delivery_te.dm_84 His demo. Cheers for reporting it, we'll have a look
  6. Oh yeah?
  7. We don't take donations for the upkeep of the servers or forums at the moment. But we are very very grateful for the thought, and we're happy you enjoy our servers
  8. Might be able to contact him better on Discord if you have it.
  9. Hey guys. Apologies for the late update! Thanks everyone for submitting your spooky stories, pictures, costumes, whatever to us. It was difficult picking out one in particular, but it stood out to admins the most amongst all the submissions. But really. We got 1 submission. One. It's a worthy picture though so say congrats to @Dmxj for his doggy pic winning this contest! I'll PM you mate. Better treat this pup to some treats!
  10. Bloody Omaha was suggested on the server: https://et.trackbase.net/map/317/
  11. I had fun! Thanks @Boosted and @Mister J for setting things up And @0wN1x for the poster Spooky maps will be taken off ETL1 and Nitmod after this weekend. Let us know if you want any new map in to replace them. And no. It isn't time for North Pole yet.
  12. I prefer playing Axis. I guess waiting for the eager medics to bounce forward fits my play style more for fragging. And I like doing prep as an engi with mines and so on if I can. We're always looking for axis attack maps but unfortunately there are far less of them, and a good axis attacking map that is balanced and fits the server ... we pretty much have them all, or have at least tried them. If people have suggestions then let us know, after Halloween the spooky maps will be removed meaning there's 2 spaces for maps available.
  13. Myself and others have literally banned you consistently for around 4 months on Nitmod due to you circumventing the ban we issued. I was the one who issued the ban on ETL1 today. If it is wrong why do you keep changing your details instead of just approaching us? Why has it taken 4 months for you to appeal this? Playing with DooC Target doesn't help your case. He was caught cheating earlier in the year on our servers and subsequently banned. We will look at your demos again and reply back in due time.
  14. Less than 6 days to get your submission in!
  15. Spooky maps added to Nitmod and ETL1. Removed Reactor and Raid from ETL1 to make room for them.
  16. 👻💀👻! It's nearly time for the spooky night! Grab your comfort blanky and a cold beer and join us on Discord. Let us hear you scream! 💩 Saturday 31st October 7PM CET (whatever that is) Infected on Legacy mod! As usual please connect before the event to download any files or maps you need. Check out the downloads section here on the forums too. If you can't connect to the server please let us know. My old config wouldn't let me connect for some reason. Also .... spooky maps added to ETL1 and Nitmod. Enjoy
  17. There are currently 55 maps on the rotation at the moment. Yes. 55. For those that play Nitmod, are you all okay with that or would you like it streamlined and have less maps? 55 seems like far too many lol.
  18. Gunna add spooky maps to this server and etl1 when I finish work later on today. I'll see about adding some of these too.
  19. It would be fun to beat them at their own game lol, but yeah. We try our best to make sure our servers stay cheat free and it will remain that way. It's a dangerous path to go down if we start letting selected people use cheats just cos someone else is. If I enabled a cheat it wouldn't be against 1 person, it would be against the whole opposing team and that isn't fair. If you see a cheater, report them. Take a demo and !finger. Inform us in Discord or find an admin on another server. If it's the usual dickhead bypassing the ban just kick them. It's sucks they visit our servers but we have to persevere.
  20. Awooooooo. oOooooOooOoOOO. I'm a ghoooooooost. 👻 Okay. It's that time of the year again - where the ghosts wonder the halls and scary people come out to play. When instead of giving sweets out we lock our doors and eat them ourselves. Yum! This month we want to see what you guys do for Halloween. We wanna see how spooky you are so we're going to have a little competition, open to anyone in our TM community! Write a scary story. Draw a creepy picture. Make a badass pumpkin carving. Wear the sexiest nurses outfit. Submit something that's Halloween-ish! If you want to take part you have until the 31st October (in case you wanna show Charlie your sexy outfits!) to submit something in a PM to myself ... Charlie. Afterwards I'll post a topic with all the submissions where everyone can vote for which they like the most. The winner, chosen by you guys, receives a £10 Amazon gift card, or Steam card or something similar I hope you guys like the new Halloween theme here on the forums! If you want to change it back for some reason then you can at the bottom of the forum. Click the "Theme" button. Also spooky maps will be added to ETL1 and Nitmod later this month too, look out for them
  21. After a little chit chat the ban has been lifted.
  22. See what happens if something is submitted? If admins are informed? If proof is available? If people fuck about and break the rules or abuse bugs they'll be punished accordingly. Anyway, locking the topic. Thanks everyone for reporting and providing demo
  23. Hey there, thanks for reporting. The person who did has now been banned, he can go play with bugs on someone else's server.
  24. Went to Malaga a few years ago on holiday. Nice place
  25. Yeah we are looking in to it. At first glance I don't see why it is down, everything looks fine. Apologies and we'll update you guys when the server is back up! In the mean time check out (ETL1) or (ETL Campaign)
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