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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. Just a quick one! Would you guys like to see different versions of the same map depending on the time or year? Radar Summer / supply desert / fueldump z or fueldump desert and so on in the summer. Halloween maps for ... halloween. Winter themed maps for winter. You get the idea. These would replace maps already on the server and won't be additions on top of them, so don't worry there won't be ANOTHER goldrush added lol So you would, for example, see the Supply we know and love removed and changed to a version like that desert version.
  2. I'll put it on the server later tonight
  3. Anyone else experience this? Are you sure it's when someone connects? Is it only when the server is full or all the time? It it only on ETL1 or does it happen on ETL2 too? Has it been since the last Legacy update we did? Does anything unusual appear when you go in command prompt and type "tracert legacy.teammuppet.com"? (Without the " ") I'm hopeless with this stuff but I guess the more details the better. I can't say I have experienced this, or noticed it anyway.
  4. Lighthouse: Allied spawn time increased from 18 to 22 seconds. Someone mentioned there's a version with an additional entrance. Can someone link it to me? Lighthouse 2 just swaps who attacks from what I can see.
  5. Ruins of Acquiesce (how do you even say that?) / Castle Attack / Saberpeak removed. Warbell / Golden Dunk / Lighthouse added. 2 things to note for you guys! Warbell: Instead for the final objective Axis just bum rushing to be sacrificed, you instead need to take 3 obj that look a lot like gold crates from the cp area to the sacrifice room instead. I guess the devil needs his gold too huh? Golden Dunk: 10 minute chill map with 10s spawn times! Get fragging! If you want class restrictions lifted, or times changed or something let me know. Cheers everyone for voting Any issues let us know
  6. Oh I've definitely lost a fair share of marbles in my time.
  7. A man after my own heart
  8. Gimme some maps you guys wanna see on the main server and I'll add them in to a poll in a few days. Remember maps needs waypoints! I'll add a couple maps from the last poll that got voted for too.
  9. Charlie

    lag and unhit

    Oli for the love of god save your etkey first lol
  10. Now you tell this Catalina that she isn't the boss of you. You are your own man and you will damn well do what you want to do. If she doesn't like it then tough shit.
  11. MLB Temple, Western and ET Beach have been removed. Subway, Transmitter and Castle Attack have been added. Let us know if spawn times need adjusting or a script isn't working as intended. It was mentioned tonight about V2 Base spawn times being too in favour for Axis. The spawn times for the map are: set g_useraxisrespawntime 14 set g_useralliedrespawntime 10 Let us know if it needs adjusted. ET Beach has been removed due to the the constant spawn killing and the baby sitting a TM member has to do to prevent this. Until we can work something out this map won't be added back to the server. Thanks everyone for voting on here and on Discord!! Enjoy the new maps
  12. Cheers for voting everyone! I'll add up the results from here and Discord and let you guys know what's what
  13. Charlie

    Spankilling rules

    Nipping it in the bud here. Any issues previously posted are being discussed in the relevant sections. This is a discussion about the sk rules so please keep it to that. Thanks for coming to the forums and asking about them
  14. Hey there. The rules are enforced so heavily on some maps, like Beach, because we have idiots that just do whatever they want then feign ignorance or innocence. This is why chances are few and far between. We give the benefit of the doubt to newer players but not to regulars. I'm not saying this is your case but this is just in general. For the map in question a TM member usually ends up babysitting to make sure there isn't any spawn killing, as it can be devastating on this map for axis. I can 100% tell everyone that not one person likes to sit in spec and watch people in case rules are broken, not one of us likes to have to warn again and again and again, not one of us likes to have to kick people ... or worse. We're here to play ET. Admins will check the logs and so on as per usual regarding any complaints against us. We will get back to you in due course.
  15. Charlie

    ETKEY Problems

    It's no big deal to give levels back if you need to use a new key. We're well trained in it thanks to Oli
  16. It's the first poll I've did for a while so I made it an easy one for me lol. Maybe next time I'll see about adding a silly map (Cortex, GoldenDunk or some frag map. Something silly but not too long). I think people would kill me if I added Minas back, even though it's like the 2nd best map in ET. Insert small text here
  17. Hey everyone. So we asked you guys and you answered - you want these polls back to choose your maps. There's been a lot of suggestions over the last month and I can't add them all to the poll otherwise you'll be picking from like 75 maps so I've narrowed it down a little. I have no idea how many we will add or remove so we'll see how voting goes. Below are the links to the maps in the poll if you're not familiar with them. The poll will be up until next Saturday so tell your friends. Happy voting
  18. It's already been reported but simple items isn't working so you may not see med packs, ammo packs or the obj marker. Use /cg_simpleitems 0 to fix it if you have this issue.
  19. Would you like to me coax people from ETL2 to another server? Would the Nitmod regulars like me poaching their players away? Probably not. People are free to play where they enjoy themselves but we aren't going to advertise one server over another nor try to pull people away from where they like to be. When the main server is full we redirect to our third most popular server. We also will recommend any other TM server if that is the settings a player would prefer. We won't update the main server going forward until we can guarantee the database will not have to be reset again. It isn't fair to people who actually like doing prestige nor those who really don't want to level skills again and again. We won't increase or decrease the slots on the main server either at the moment. As far as I know ETL2 will receive the updates the devs push out and that is also a cosy 26+4 slots so things won't "fall apart left and right" for the devs.
  20. Where was my invite? I love baserace.
  21. I want a !predator event! It's been so many years
  22. Yeah we use Discord most of the time now. Some rooms are voice chat rooms and work exactly like ts and vent, and other rooms are just text only.
  23. Hey there! You can make an application here https://teammuppet.com/home/forums/forum/260-etlegacy-server/
  24. No you get out! Star has spoken and agree you shall.
  25. Charlie


    I said it once and I'll say it again. I love you Oli
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