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MadF.Lame last won the day on January 7 2019

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1 Follower

About MadF.Lame

  • Birthday 03/08/1944

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  1. oh wow, I still have account here.
    Hey peeps :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xantippa


      Hi, How are you ?


    3. Matu


      heh,im fine.waiting you in server;)


    4. miraro3


      Aye, some things never change

  2. How do I drive this new chat?
    bought a house, takes a lot of my time.
    Sry I was away <3
    Also Hi

  3. meh, kinda busy this year
  4. wad

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wwebe


      u aint got no space here anymore


    3. Stumpel


      Wanna some link again..? Errhmmm as usual, did I put it or nor you wouldnt open it anyways.. So I dont put..

    4. MiniMuppet


      Hi maddy hope all is well :)

  5. Beeeer... o_o
  6. History of muppets in WF or in General? atleast the WF topic is having some action in it..
  7. The Storm is coming o_O

    1. Gaunt


      ...and the rain will kill us aaaaaall...

      If we throw ourselves against the waaaaaall.... D:

    2. Jesus


      good luck, we already got our first snow storm <_<

    3. Slarty


      There are places up in northern Norway, where I come from, that already has had -25c hehe

  8. too bad I suck at pacman and solitaire.. gonna give my try tho
  9. dont have the original file, nor Photoshop anymore. :/
  10. Damn I've almost had forgotten that.. nostalgia punch to the face!
  11. Missing my PC :'c <3

    1. StrikerOwner_NL
    2. MadF.Lame


      it's in parts D: will know more today. >:3

    3. *Watermelon*


      still no new pc? D:

  12. No, I'm not dead, I just bought Skyrim D:

  13. still waiting, sent an e-mail to their customer support telling what's been happening, still waiting for response from them..

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