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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2019 in all areas

  1. I concur with the opinion to leave things as they are for now. Server is full as it is, let's keep it that way.
    2 points
  2. Like I said tonight on the server. We're finally getting great amount of players. They don't seem to mind, or else they wouldn't come back. Unless it really grows to be a problem in the future. I wouldn't change a winning team.
    2 points
  3. I have had a discussion about settings with Niki(*) to often. She said : People dont play or leave server because of setting. I am under the impression that the settings attract or reject people. We can all wine about self healing medics, Arty lvl4 , and unbelievable but true, some people wine about panza All the changes people ask for, are personal preferences, and not setting the majority wants. Time has shown, a lot of people like EtLegacy, with the current setting. Please, don't think twice, but 3 times before making even the smallest change. * P.S. I do miss Niki
    2 points
  4. Maybe. Or maybe i have seen what happened with our nodownload server when we wanted to improve it too much... Again, think twice and remember, this is not a pro server :)
    2 points
  5. mmm i'am not a fan of Adrenaline thing... But i look into the eyes of our players, maybe we should let it be like this and keep on gaining new and active players. But i guess alot of guys are complaining about the slots 12v12 is imo enough. (20 slots - 4 private (for the high admins) 32 slots is a little to much isn't it, alot of chaos with the panza's rg's and arty's... Another thing i saw some "Shuffle" in the middle of a game/map, maybe isn't it better to wait untill the map is finished? Dunno if it's in the rules but it looks and feels strange when the game shuffles in the middle of the map.
    1 point
  6. public server, not a competition server, leave it as it is. noobensteins like me need it too y'know. Just because it is available does not mean you have to use it.
    1 point
  7. Guys, i just disconnected from our legacy server. There are 29 players atm and server is pretty full every day. It looks ppl like the way how things are going there. So, the question is why we need to change anything? P.S. It's s not a Pro server, don't forget about it.
    1 point
  8. I would just limit all skills to level 2, that's it. Would improve the gameplay imo.
    1 point
  9. Lets hear other opinions and we may put it on vote in future;)
    1 point
  10. If it's about adrenaline syringe then I'm totally in favor of disabling it, it's way too overpowered, especially coupled with high HP. For now it's adrenaline boost, go out rambo style and res pawn in couple of seconds (short spawn time). Same goes for 4 lvl Panzerfaust and 4 lvl airstrike/artillery.
    0 points
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