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Mister J

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Mister J last won the day on September 7 2022

Mister J had the most liked content!


About Mister J

  • Birthday 04/28/1994

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  • Location:
    : The Netherlands

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  1. I loved joining you on your elevator trip though!
  2. Id love having such a menu. Let's see if we can make it happen.
  3. Welcome tti!
  4. Salut Fraggy! Welcome on our forums.
  5. In this situation it was dead obvious - only then freeze or kick. If you are not sure, ask other members, or rather just take a demo to be sure (and post on forum). Obviously we cant freeze, kick or ban any Austrian player.
  6. Yeh its this same Australian dude. Known at the other servers too. Doesn't even bother playing discrete. Such a pain.
  7. Yeh they are set to Axis 16 and Allies 12. I recall them being different before, but not sure. Anyone else knows what the spawn times should be for Venice? I thought Axis at least 20 seconds.
  8. How can we pay you a beer? Amazing work!
  9. The entire weekend! No shitty AM/PM/GMT/aroundtheworld shitty time converter needed
  10. Mister J

    Lolotaz tk

    Him again? I think he will go on a nice little sabbatical.
  11. Welcome Zanzu!
  12. Congratulations all! What are you guys goanna use the money on? Tupla donated all his winnings to the TM fund
  13. /bind [KEY] team s OR Press L, then click spectator. OR drop console and type /team s. Not sure how you think this can be made any easier by adding an other command.
  14. Mister J


    I increased all those megs too, problems persisted. I did notice that ET is using much more resources than it used to. Not that this should be a problem in 2021. My wooden computer however is actually starting to have issues running the game.
  15. Welcome Stiff and thank you for the nice introduction!
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