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Charlie last won the day on August 20 2024

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About Charlie

  • Birthday 06/19/1991

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  1. Is it possible to have team damage on for some weapons and not others? I know it is for landmines but for normal weapons?
  2. I wanted to rush this poll out and get this subject sorted asap due to how long it had gone on for on discord without a solution. It was a misunderstanding on my part Stumpel, but if it's an issue overall we can put it to unlimited rifles again at > 14 players. That being said, while I haven't been on the server to see myself, the mood overall seems positive towards this change.
  3. Retired old man. Afker and Dragonball Z fan here. I'm not fond of limiting things in general - it's a slippery slope in my opinion. You guys have spoken though on here and discord, and thanks to you regulars that voted/posted too. Even you Seb This where us admins pretend this topic doesn't exist now right? Right ...? Watch this space.
  4. We apologise you didn't hear from us earlier about this, but here we are! Under 14 players - 1 Soldier and 2 rifles. 14 and higher players - 4 soldiers and no rifle limit. We have already halved the amount of nades each class gets other than cov ops. On top of that the charge time for soldiers has increased from 25s to 40s. I thought I would open this up to the wider community too and gauge their opinions. Given the mess discord can be, members can put your 2 cents here instead. Be nice and keep it on topic or I'll set Jess on you. You don't want Jess on you ... or do you ...? I added a poll here but it doesn't null and void discords poll. We hear what the members have voted for there and what you want.
  5. Hey there, I'm the brain dead slob that kicked you the second time. Nice to meet you. I kicked you for ignoring a warning then team killing 2 people, including myself. Your first kick was for teamkilling too I believe. This sure escalated quickly, but if you don't need any of us and don't depend on the server like you say, then you won't mind the cheeky little ban I just gave you. Have a nice life sweetheart ❤️
  6. Honestly from Cali to Europe you're always gunna have 150+ ping I think. Nothing you can do about it other than move closer The guy probably used something to make the game think he's from the USA.
  7. I may or may not have lied Ahem. I didn't actually add it. It's the kinda map that I shouldn't add without consulting other admins first. Also I'm pretty sure Mini has threatened to ban me in the past if I ever added it lol. I do believe it'll get added though, we're just checking out the time addons thing and other little stuffs. Don't wanna blindly add such a big and ... big map. @Flo be the man who you can trust more than me @Stumpel Honestly I'm not as bad as I make out, I just have carpel tunnel in my wrists and I can't really game after work because of it. I reckon I could still be half decent on etl1 if I played more than once a month and wasn't falling to bits 😅
  8. Imagine how embarrassing it would be for a retired old man like me to beat Ebo in a 1v1. I couldn't do that to her. Added Minas to ETL1 along with the time fix. Let us know if anything needs altered. Cheers lads ❤️
  9. TM Newsletter? Is the Muppet Mail back and I missed it!? On a serious note, why were you banned? You spawn killed? You argued against spawn killers? I assume you appealing a ban or something? For someone suggesting legal action you're remarkably unclear.
  10. I had a quick look. I don't know how to fix it as it looks like it should be working. I dunno. I can set a limit on how many of each class there can be for each team though. So for example limit field ops to 2 per team instead of unlimited. That would stop bots all being field ops I suppose. set team_maxSoldiers "-1" set team_maxMedics "-1" set team_maxEngineers "-1" set team_maxFieldops "-1" set team_maxCovertops "-1"
  11. 5 year old topic If you guys wanna discuss it don't use that old topic. Use this one. I quickly read it and it looks like people were tired of arty spam so requested longer times between shots, so a slower charge time. I remember the spam being pretty bad for some reason. Alas this affected ammo given too. The cvar looks like the answer but this was around the time we had a few issues with Legacy versions and malicious persons abusing vulnerabilities in the old version, and I guess it got forgotten about due to the severity of that issue. We can look at it again, maybe "set team_maxAirstrikes "1" means how many times per minute arty/air can be successfully called, apparently.
  12. LMAO, just realized you did change the profile pic to Master Roshi xD

  13. Just to confirm for someone like me who doesn't know what being on time means, this is 7pm uk time right?
  14. If you rearrange the letters in the first post it spells out Minas Tirith.
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