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Posts posted by Matu

  1. 1 hour ago, _Ler said:

    Problem comes with this:

    The example given, oasis Old City spawn:

    • It starts as axis and is capturable, so you can as allies attack the flag with everything except mortar (yellow area)
    • Once old city wall is destroyed, flag dissapears and spawn becomes red area

    As map image, as far as i know, can't be updated live, you only can solve this by adding another color (and actually it's a bigger area in this case), and add it to the legend. And that, if not done well, might be confusing.


    Half of the maps the spawning point switches.but you have been suggested it for a long time so problably you have a solutions.Maybe use different colours for axis and allieas and make a full rainbow on spawnpoints-much easyer and not confusing than it is now

  2. I would prefer to see sk areas on minimap but ok for me.Dnno how others feel about it.In the past the mighty bird was against it but we may do it secretly so he wont notice:).

    Can you make an example on one map so its easyer to sell the idea to all.If you want access to test server,let us know.

  3. Srry about that.Really silly situation.These warns and mutes dealed instantly so theres no time to doublecheck.We havent got problems people do such shenanigan b4 as name stealing results a long time  ban but we try keep  an eye on that more now ;)

    Thank you for taking time to report it.see ya in server ;)


  4. 2022-04-01-121709-mml_minastirith_fp3.dm_84


    im suspecting aimbot and wallhack.

    0:30-Perfect trace trough the wall (r_showNormals 1)

    0:46-suspicious warps all the time.look how smoothly he changes to binoculars!!

    0:56-flying without wings-noob,or just good at hiding hacks???? cmon

    1:14 clear admin abuse imo.imagine if this guy would be like a "clan leader" orsm

    1:20 to 2:15 many airwarps and aimlocks

    2:15 BUSTED IMO

    Anyone knows,who he is or knows anyone who loves minash tirith?

  5. "Russia is the best" is clearly a provocative name at this moment and we cant see sane reason why anyone should use it or come to the forum to justify for using it.It wasnt any kind of admin abuse as we react to all provoking names("russia is the best" "kill all russians" "kill all ukrainians" "putin is a murderer"  "Z"  etc )

    Only abuse i see here is from you and the other provocator guy as we have rules and if we say "no provocative names and discussion" then thats it! -We have announced it to you and acted like it but you still come here to yell.


    Also please focus to the gaming,not discussing it on gaming community.

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  6. 8 minutes ago, divine_one said:

    I can't agree here. Many players use selfkill in battle just to avoid death. I'd even say it's quiet often and pretty annoying.

    The simpliest solutions tend to be the best solutions - as it was mentioned above - the last player to hit a selfkiller gets a kill award and everyone should be satisfied.

    I feel the same.

    • Like 2
  7. Hello.

    Do you use default conficuration?if ye,then its difficult to enjoy.Like cg_bobbing 0,sensitivity and other stuff ..

    We can help you with that if you want.join our discord for better communication;)

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Ctrz said:

    @Matu  correct me if im wrong but there is no rule about broken wall. It is actually more important where the heavy weapon hits. So was the kick correct?


    pirates 1.jpg

    Not that i know of.But lets face it,if you throw arty over broken wall there,the blast isnt 1x1m.the edge of the blast goes into blue area so the kick was problably legit.I didnt paint safe lines bigger just because there are no rule to back it up.Its really easy for allies.if you die b4 you get to the tunnel or b4 you are past the tunnel-its sk.


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