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Stumpel last won the day on January 11

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  • Birthday 12/08/1978

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    ET of course :) and Oulunkärpät :D
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    And I hate that f*cking Tappara

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  1. Very great idea. +1
  2. After long while thought that better say about those options in start at the poll.. And about the final result.. Well there was options with higher player amount in-game.. @Charlies option suggestion.. Under 14 players - 1 Soldier and 2 rifles. 14 and higher players - 4 soldiers and no rifle limit Under 14 = less than 14 in whole game (both teams included into this count) and players 14 and more means teams size are atleast 7 vs 8... And that option got the most biggest amount of votes 22, so total 22 votes. And did that thing happened what @Charlie wanted, no! No it didnt. The point of this post goes to this: Vote option says in player limit 14 and over NO RIFLE LIMIT.. And whats the reality, its limited in every single map when teams are even 22 vs 22 its limited into 4.. And then both teams can have 1 guy with mg and 1 1 other with maybe mortar and 1 panzer and 1 flamer if people really want take em and if no they choose medic.. (Which has autoheal maybe powered up into maxand fastest that medics fight effectiviness is set absolutely the best, I have seen them HP level is set over 145.. Which is much higher than other classes can get.. and gives them better chances to win fights..). Well thats what server killspree guys wants, but that is not that what was at vote options. And why's the Riflers limited all maps, that they cant stop the medic killingspree guys get thei killstreaks.. Other votes are: Keep the server as it was a originally, (which means everything was limitless) ---->>>>> That option got 6 votes, 6 votes, which 3 more than the last one.. AND And last option is: Other, comment below.. This vote got the most less votes only 3 votes! And what actually happened it won the voted options.. Rifles are limited every single map that way which @Flo wanted, and his option got only 3 votes, 3 votes.. Thats the thing which maded me really to stop playing, I m not intrested to play even if the server settings doesnt change into that what people had voted.. Final note: So votes didnt mean anything, the thing what really meant something was: @Flo was the guy who set server settings, so he did them on his way. Thats all.. So that I wanted to say you, that it was the thing what happened.. So correct vote didnt win only @Flo's mind.. notice numer 2: limited are Field OPs and soldiers and rifles and players dont want spent their time by picking up the covert op and fill maps with lovely smoke so they took medic ofcourse, nowadays I jump into that and start mess with smoke (sometimes many other has done that same too, and then map is full of lovely grey smoke..) if other classes than medic and covert ops is locked.. Have looked it day to another month to another, then played sometimes, noticed that server starts look even more and more some random shooting range. Which says welcome test ramboing medic skills, we have som many medics that we let you ramboing.. Because from 40 players 30 medics cant be enough.. There still slots free to pick.. Only 100% is the limit.. All other classses please dont even think to try it.. Because you cant.. Many times wanted play, but always game said class is locked, so why to use time to sepd to look then fight of medics.. so I have then just left.. I have been thinkin that if I have to choose that option leave from server many times, then I might relook server list and take something else.. Why? Because the other groups and sites doesnt have on their maps that kind of limits.. Well now people think am I crazy or something no, I m not.. I m just bored to see it every day when join in.. Maybe I m too old to even watch it, so no suprise why so many guys has turned into ex-member or honourable admin and the owners havent played game in many years.. Maybe its better just let it be. That just came on my mind to tell.. P.S. will see what kind of faces and "haha" buttons and suprised faces I got into reactions.. Suprisingly waiting to see it..
  3. I'm not very active player so I dont know this about this case.. What really happened, but if asking from me changing guid isnt reason to give 1 year BAN. For real, if that is the the reason the setting ban, then the limit to get banned has went very much lower level than it has been.. Ps. Anyways many thing has changed during the years, even the guys who set bans and main owners have stopped playing many years ago.. And ofcourse all people are diffrent.. Just sayin..
  4. When admin team has time they can answer to you, that why some of admins has maded that decision.
  5. Stumpel


    Welcome to our servers and site.. About players age I'm 45years.. But I remember when I was 26 years old the oldest player what I saw that time was 72years old..
  6. I dont understand french..
  7. እዚህ ምን እየተፈጠረ ነው??? when want comments in other language..
  8. And try fight somewhere else than spawn..
  9. And I wait when medic storm is over
  10. Or when its limiting campaing, just edit them away..
  11. I had 3 demos but 2 are too big to add... demo0081.dm_84
  12. Yes, changes are welcome, but I dont see rifles so big problem what the others see.. All is about how good player is to use rifle thats all.. Even I dont do much tk and I use rifle most of time.. BUT the idea to limit in in some maps as @Flo said its crazy.. Because 2 guys vs 22 players team is too little amount.. I dont think that all goes under rifle if its unlimited.. People still choose mixed classes.. I think its just useless fear that players think that people takes rilfes and start rifle fight totally, I dont believe on it.. But it maybe prevents little that all goes to medic.. But if its limited and soldier class goes locked after 4 guys or even 1.. That 1 makes people going to medic.. I mean under 14 players game it usully might go 6 medics and 1 engi or 5 medics 1 engi and 1 soldier or all medics or 6 medics 1 covert or 5 medics 1 engi 1 covert or 5 medics 1 engi 1 field op.. those are most possible teams what it might look like.. Thats just thinkin how it might look like.. Just inform to @Kevlar And I m not askin people any side or making any side if you saying that no-one is takin my side.. I m jus writing not making anykind of "sides" And finally @Kevlar your great guy you dont have to think that I have something against you, no I dont have .. I think you good mate. Sorry if make you abused with my posts.. I m happy that @Charlie had time to look posts and answered this topic..
  13. Its seems vote result has counted wrong becausec rifles are limited when 14 or more players server gaming.. The option number 3 wasnt most voted.. @Flo's Added script limits it to 4.. Players has voted most option 1, so script should be like that why how it says.. Option number 1 says this:
  14. Yes,there is another topic and my last comments are not askin any changes. When you look the vote options: it says if server has over 14 players then 4 soldiers and rifle without limit.BUT script which @Flo have added has limited it into 4.. If I want some changes it sounds llike this: want do changes then limit it 1 gun type per soldier butvif server has over 14 then 2mg's 1 per soldier other guns bur not mg or basic thompson/mp40 and 2 field ops on team.... and rifles like @Charlie wanted in 1st option.. And finally, please dont use other same clan member discussion that f*ck word..
  15. @Kevlar writed: "Everyone hears you we heard you the first second and third time you mentioned it, but derailing one topic for another subject is why it appears no one is taking your side. " Answer: Well thats your way to answer and it isnt the truth if you think that is.. It seems that you didnt realize that I answered just about the new added script like @Flo said when informed people about added script that comment and feedback is welcome, its just my feedback to him about his added lua script but it can be someother script too.. And where it should lead.. I m not askin any guy to taking anykind of side.. If you like see my comments the way that I m rounding topic then its your own problem not mine. Thanks Mr.Kevlar you have to just live with it.
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