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Stumpel last won the day on November 22

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About Stumpel

  • Birthday 12/08/1978

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    ET of course :) and Oulunkärpät :D
    And Rollo Rap

    And I hate that f*cking Tappara

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  1. When admin team has time they can answer to you, that why some of admins has maded that decision.
  2. Stumpel


    Welcome to our servers and site.. About players age I'm 45years.. But I remember when I was 26 years old the oldest player what I saw that time was 72years old..
  3. እዚህ ምን እየተፈጠረ ነው??? when want comments in other language..
  4. And try fight somewhere else than spawn..
  5. Or when its limiting campaing, just edit them away..
  6. I had 3 demos but 2 are too big to add... demo0081.dm_84
  7. Yes, changes are welcome, but I dont see rifles so big problem what the others see.. All is about how good player is to use rifle thats all.. Even I dont do much tk and I use rifle most of time.. BUT the idea to limit in in some maps as @Flo said its crazy.. Because 2 guys vs 22 players team is too little amount.. I dont think that all goes under rifle if its unlimited.. People still choose mixed classes.. I think its just useless fear that players think that people takes rilfes and start rifle fight totally, I dont believe on it.. But it maybe prevents little that all goes to medic.. But if its limited and soldier class goes locked after 4 guys or even 1.. That 1 makes people going to medic.. I mean under 14 players game it usully might go 6 medics and 1 engi or 5 medics 1 engi and 1 soldier or all medics or 6 medics 1 covert or 5 medics 1 engi 1 covert or 5 medics 1 engi 1 field op.. those are most possible teams what it might look like.. Thats just thinkin how it might look like.. Just inform to @Kevlar And I m not askin people any side or making any side if you saying that no-one is takin my side.. I m jus writing not making anykind of "sides" And finally @Kevlar your great guy you dont have to think that I have something against you, no I dont have .. I think you good mate. Sorry if make you abused with my posts.. I m happy that @Charlie had time to look posts and answered this topic..
  8. Its seems vote result has counted wrong becausec rifles are limited when 14 or more players server gaming.. The option number 3 wasnt most voted.. @Flo's Added script limits it to 4.. Players has voted most option 1, so script should be like that why how it says.. Option number 1 says this:
  9. Yes,there is another topic and my last comments are not askin any changes. When you look the vote options: it says if server has over 14 players then 4 soldiers and rifle without limit.BUT script which @Flo have added has limited it into 4.. If I want some changes it sounds llike this: want do changes then limit it 1 gun type per soldier butvif server has over 14 then 2mg's 1 per soldier other guns bur not mg or basic thompson/mp40 and 2 field ops on team.... and rifles like @Charlie wanted in 1st option.. And finally, please dont use other same clan member discussion that f*ck word..
  10. @Kevlar writed: "Everyone hears you we heard you the first second and third time you mentioned it, but derailing one topic for another subject is why it appears no one is taking your side. " Answer: Well thats your way to answer and it isnt the truth if you think that is.. It seems that you didnt realize that I answered just about the new added script like @Flo said when informed people about added script that comment and feedback is welcome, its just my feedback to him about his added lua script but it can be someother script too.. And where it should lead.. I m not askin any guy to taking anykind of side.. If you like see my comments the way that I m rounding topic then its your own problem not mine. Thanks Mr.Kevlar you have to just live with it.
  11. I if I understood right that 1 guy locks the whole class.. and in full teams 4 guys locks whole class.. So its 1 soldier only if 14 or less example if that 1 soldier takes thompson/mp40 then whole soldier class goes locked, and those guys who wanted take soldier too with other weapon goes maybe medic? And same with number 1 switched into 4 when server full.. And there will be even more medics maybe.. Just guessing that they go medic.. Which means medic amount will raise up for 100% sure.. But I'm not going to choose it.. But I can take screens about medic filled teams and send those to our site, that which day we make new record on medic amount.. Maybe lock class medic that they cant revive other medics.. That wasnt my idea, its someone other thinkin about that in the topic where I have added screenshot about medic amount in teams.. Just to wake up people to reality..
  12. So it didnt go like Charlie was thinkin.. How its counted total or per team? And that example 1 soldier is it per gun or all soldiers just 1. Because if script count it way just 1 soldier then less than 14 is total in game 1-2 depends does it count axis=1 allies=1 or axis=1 and allies=locked or axis=locked and allies=1? Edit: Forgot to say that I havent had time to play so I dont know how script counts.. And that why ask how it is.. And I think I'm still little too busy atm so IDK for sure when I have time..
  13. Quite smart "entrance guardin system.. like player change guid -> connect gives insta kick... was it like that
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