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Heyo guys. I played like few maps now, and im not sure, if this "update" is what we really want. Firstly I want to report that HP bar doesnt work how he is supposed to work. 50% of HP bars seems like they are empty, although u have 170HPs. So if somebody can fix that, could be fine. :) Next thing is… Do u guys rly want to play like this? What I noticed, medic has 170HPs with fast reviving, but they cant use medic pacs. The thing is, for example Engys cant use ur medic pacs too, and thats not, how this game logic is supposed to work. :this: Maybe ur trying to help server works how… lets say "cvops players" thinks servers should work, cuz "medics are OP and unbalanced," but its not the right way how to do that imo. :negative: But maybe im wrong and u guys thinks its fine like this, just tell me. :)

34 minutes ago, Dakudas said:

50% of HP bars seems like they are empty, although u have 170HPs.

Looks like 100% of the medics look empty, other classes do show.

  • Like 1

fixed ...

and what else what fixed/reworked?


* fixed debriefing chat window cursor was broken on overrun
* added map bias display on /statsdump command print
* added partial GUID display on /statsdump command print
* added partial GUID display on /players command print
* fixed SR resets to 0 in some cases
* added skill rating logging on map end
* /statsdump is now printed on map end by default
* sr now takes into account reconnection to calculate total time played
* improved simple item visibility
* fixed sudden nades/rnades disappear
* fixed arty/airstrike falling sound doesn't cut off on impact  
* fixed airstrike/artillery missiles hit sky boundaries
* highlighted simple icon weapon that is currently being held
* fixed satchel didn't disappear on player death
* fixed unset mg spread was too high in standing stance
* added /specuninvite command to uninvite spectator from speclocked team
* added specinvite status display on /players command print
* fixed shoutcaster logout didn't unfollow speclocked team
* fixed taken objectives are now dropped on shuffle with no restart
* fixed set weapon view origin was incorrect in spectator mode
* fixed bad command byte, leading to sudden movement corruptions
* fixed HP bonus was incorrectly displayed on first spawn
* fixed weapon selection was lost after team swap/move
* fixed empty name in debriefing player list when awarded players disconnect early
* reverted max members per fireteam to original value (6) (for future feature implementation)
* increased default max fps value to 125, adjusted fps value selection in menu
* added chat mention highlighting using @ symbol
* added name auto completion on tab press in message box
* fixed phantom bullet tracers
* fixed corpse were not properly interacting with floor



Some long time regression should be fixed: the UTF8 issue with vanilla clients connected, the weapon disappearing after revive, SR being suddenly reset to zero (not 100% sure about that one, but we added extra debug information to help fix it in case it does happen again). If any of the mentioned issue happens again, please inform us, otherwise we'll consider them - hopefully - definitely fixed.

  • Like 1

Has the text box at the end of the game been fixed? When typing a longish message it all bunches up and text is all over the place, rather than follow the last characters


@SvepaIt's fixed in master now, and will be available in the next build. Note however that already sent message (before intermission) won't be adjusted, only those sent during intermission. 

  • Thanks 1
4 minutes ago, Matu said:

Server just crashed at the end of adlernest 

yes, already passed to etl devs...

48312650 ********************
ERROR: MSG_Copy: can't copy 32769 into a smaller 32768 msg_t buffer
48312650 ----- Server Shutdown ----------


36 minutes ago, MiniMuppet said:

Did it pause then because server as been up for 15hr so it didn't shut down. Why does it say server shutdown? 


because it was proper shutdown according to messages in the log file and server uptime (internal server time)

  • Founders

the server moved to the next map it didn't go back to adlernest.

The server has just crashed now at 20.28/21.28 and did restart on adlernest and only been up 29mins

  • Founders

and another crash

12/29/2019 21:28:23	Restart	SYSTEM	Detected process crash
12/29/2019 22:04:14	Restart	SYSTEM	Detected process crash

and getting

105500 WARNING: bad command byte for client 16
  105500 WARNING: bad command byte for client 16
  105550 WARNING: bad command byte for client 16
  105550 WARNING: bad command byte for client 16
  105550 WARNING: bad command byte for client 16
  105550 WARNING: bad command byte for client 16
  105550 WARNING: bad command byte for client 16  



A minor detail but !listplayers wasn't working fully in between these crashes listed above. It would only list a dozen or so players until the server "crashed" again and it corrected. I didn't get to test other commands out. I would hazard a guess that something is interfering or conflicting with wolfadmin or something related to it? :umnik:


You might want to check who's client 16. We fixed the UTF8 issue, but maybe we missed something here. Anything special in nickname?

We're also adding extra debug information to track the MSG_Copy crash, that will be in the next build.

20 minutes ago, Charlie said:

A minor detail but !listplayers wasn't working fully in between these crashes listed above. It would only list a dozen or so players until the server "crashed" again and it corrected. I didn't get to test other commands out. I would hazard a guess that something is interfering or conflicting with wolfadmin or something related to it? :umnik:

I think that issue has been reported before. Timo is the one handling WolfAdmin dev (it's not directly related to ETL), but he's kinda very busy currently.

Posted (edited)

Found out a few things, not sure if they are known or not.


1. When the map ends, and the next map is running in the warming-up, it still shows the player stats (by pressing alt )of the previous map. Stats get reset when the map actually starts.

2. And this suprised me. Today on TCBase i was shooting at a bot and i hit all bullets, not a single miss. 11 hits, bot dead. As you can see in my stats 100% accuracy. Now my ammo says i lost 15 bullets. Is this a bug or a well known thing? I never noticed it.

3. Since the update Fops bar is recovering very slowly





Edited by Duro
Added demo to it

Well I also noticed strange feeling of missing bullets. Sometimes my teammate shot me and I didn't get any dmg. Also sometimes I was pretty sure I hit someone and he didn't get any dmg. Maybe it's just my feeling because the game is very dynamic but Duro post encouraged me to share it with you

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Duro said:

3. Since the update Fops bar is recovering very slowly

What do you mean by "very slowly"? The default value of g_fieldopsChargeTime is 40 sec, but the actual time can be shorter if a CP has been built (25-30 sec).

Issue 1/ is related to a recent bugfix. We're looking into 2/, thx for the report.

Edited by Spyhawk
26 minutes ago, Spyhawk said:

What do you mean by "very slowly"? The default value of g_fieldopsChargeTime is 40 sec, but the actual time can be shorter if a CP has been built (25-30 sec).

Issue 1/ is related to a recent bugfix. We're looking into 2/, thx for the report.


Well let me rephrase that, it is chaging slower then before the update, atleast it feels like that.

Posted (edited)

Might be a TM or even map custom setting, but from what I can see, if it times at 40 sec (without CP built), then it's behaving exactly as originally designed. I don't see anything strange on my local test.

Edited by Spyhawk
  • Founders

set team_maxAirstrikes "1"
set team_maxArtillery "1"

that is what we have in our server config, will go and check seconds on server later, i don't think they have worked properly for a long time so maybe they work now.


I noticed the arty thing myself too yesterday.Its much slower then b4.maybe it was broken and are correct now:biggrin:


The team_maxAirstrikes and team_maxArtillery cvars control the arrow below the chargebar, but if I understand @Duro correctly it is the chargebar itself that seems slower. The chargebar is player dependent. You need both (player chargebar full, and team arrow "ready") to have a fieldop call a strike.


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