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Everything posted by Ctrz

  1. yea, thats all good. posted it before server issues came apparent
  2. @Eagle_cz, is it possible also to send /mc even teams up! message or add some sound to it? When Im in spec or dead, I notice the message. But when I play mg42 or sniper, I dont notice that static text at all.. @Jaime also said he dont notice those things without sound or smth.
  3. Ctrz

    Hide & Seek Event!

    Voice chat makes it so much more fun
  4. Ctrz

    Hide & Seek Event!

    I guess you jinxed it
  5. As its one of my all time fav maps, I hope its stays forever in place like Pipos love for panzer
  6. Ctrz

    Hide & Seek Event!

    PF would be good to add but with reduced damage
  7. hope you get a pc to post this. hope to see you back soon, sir.
  8. Ctrz

    Lagg issues lately

    Ronny is right. As far as I know, 76 and 125 are the most common. Even if you have really high level pc, it makes no sens to run it like fps 166. its not steady.
  9. Just try one more time. Sir, I have no idea. Whatever version works, have bot pathways and no snow. You can always ignore my personal requests if they outweight time spent on 'em C#
  10. I guess it was made so that make sacrifice harder for axis because they ran covertops in.
  11. You wanted me to confirm? if so, yes. summer version would fit better. its odd to play snowy maps summertime. Same. Why are they silly ? They are usually more objective oriented maps where you usually cannot bypass stages. I understand that cortex or goldendunk are sillymaps. Ice because its so tiny and if allies have some sort of a defence going on, then axis have really hard time having fun there. Same with warbell. Both are maps that are hard to win if defence is even a little decent. IMO we should aim bigger maps where there are separate routes and people will divide more around the map. Erdenberg is not huge, but both guns have their own path where to attack + the middlepath into the building. Same with radar (it is big, but pathways to complete objective are so distance from eachother that its not whole team defending same area).
  12. you can always notify us in discord if there are specs to boot, then well might do that.
  13. Its madness with 20vs20. Minas trith, maybe railgun summer version? Also just 1 Grush please and could we make that supergoldrush please?
  14. Banter? Like jokes? Heey! No! No humor when Im around, only following rules is allowed.
  15. Well, I only use m 1 0 for med+smg+single pistol. Im not sure if m 1 2 is anything or its equal m 1 1 that should be med+smg+akimbo.
  16. I'll try when Im home. I use it as spray and pray gun in close quarters .
  17. You can have gun left- or righthanded or more zoomed in?
  18. yeap. I that 0 is there for me, because I prefer single pistol to akimbos.
  19. Yeap. Took some time to figure out single piston placement on class+weapon config. Did find out what is correct with @Timothy december last year. I think med with smg and single piston was like 'class m 1 0'
  20. -- But thats all just educational advice above and my thinking and bla bla bla. What suprises me the most, is how can you disagree with a developer pointing out his own bug and then beeing mad at him when hes fixing it? Its not a meant feature. Its a bug that gave unfair advantage and now its fixed. Have fun, be fair and enjoy your journey. Noone is against you, so dont be against us. You're tech support, Seto.
  21. This is a good page. Thanks, I'll try some things from there. For me, simpleitems 1 and 2 were the same colorful new items. Would love if "0" are 3D ones, "1" is the "ugly" that Im used to and maybe "2" is the new colorful ones? For me, them beeing blue and red just didnt fit in there. Now im curious if cg_gunX and cg_gunY can be also modified by player or they are default and fixed by server.
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