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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. That moment when you offer to work over Christmas then find out you don't get double time on boxing day :cry: 

  2. Charlie

    Event: Halloween

    I finish work around half 6 and the event starts at 7, I might be a little late haha. @tupla Yeah it's 7pm GMT English persons' time. 8pm for the Euros and 9pm for the Fintards I think?
  3. Charlie

    Event: Halloween

    I'll be able to make it I think
  4. Dealt with @VenoM no problem couple weeks ago. Bring it lol.
  5. Let's get the band back together! @Andy @oliveira pt @Wolf @Macka @Jessica @s05aa @Temptin @Toni @StaR @BladeWarrioR @Ande @Disteal* @jas the killer @N!nka @Lisa @#infRared# @Dexter @Melissa ! One last awesomeness over winter?
  6. We kinda signed up here -> http://teammuppet.eu/home/forums/topic/16492-etpro-scrimteams/ More than 6 people but yeah. If I can fathom the clock and I'm not working I'll be at practices in case you need a plus one for even teams. If not then I'll go back to pub.
  7. I got the time wrong, thought it was an hour later than it was oops. Sorry if you needed another person
  8. I got homework from work. How the fuck does that happen? I never did it in school so what chance is there I'll do it now? AND with England playing tonight. I used to like my supervisor.

    1. PurpleHaze


      you could look at it differently. England is playing so you have time for homework :yes:

    2. Alistar


      Charlie mate we all know you are the wisest of us which means no worries

  9. Aye was fun, had to duck out due to work pestering me though. Sorry
  10. After a hard days work, "let's go to the pub!". Awesome. But no, my friend just got her first car so we drove back to hers instead. I somehow got roped in to doing 2 hours of gardening to uncover a driveway that nature had reclaimed. I don't understand life.

    1. Slarty


      Friendzone level 99 hehe

    2. Towelie


      What Slarty said. I mean, really?

      I don't have the details to make a balanced judgement, but from the portrayed context it seems like a female friend used you for performing a chore. Did she send you away right after you were done?

  11. I can't keep up being a furniture remover because it's such heavy work and I'm getting fat and lazy. Like seriously I've put on a stone in the last month or so and it isn't muscle lol. It's my main pay packet so I need to find a new main job. I still get a little from doing security part time but not enough to live off which sucks. So I go looking and apply for a few things like shop assistants and warehouse guy and stuff. What a fucking hassle. I swear to god everything I look at needs an application form, I mean I've spent the last 2 and a half hours on just ONE and still haven't finished. Starting to think I should just kill myself doing what I'm doing and have Pesone fuck me up the arse, applying for a job lately is such a pain in the arse. Thank you for reading my rant :) 

  12. No rest for the wicked. Player Name: Rossinni Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player Name: Vario Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Unknown (Please provide) Player Name: WietPlant Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP:
  13. My dream car ... one day ... Aston Martin DB9. I even have a poster in my room of it lol
  14. I'm nit picking with my first one but the text on posts is too close to the lines around the post, and the "posted 1 hour ago" isn't aligned like it used to be. I've never used another theme other than Carbon but I'm assuming Brave is the new one? Anyway on that theme there a couple of strings of error text in place of things. Example - [[Template core/front/global/ipsfocus_backgroundPicker does not exist. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.] EDIT// Sorry, it seems it's an issue for other themes too. That's all I can see at first glance. Also I like the look of the new clubs thingy
  15. Charlie

    tm menu

    That means he'll connect to Nitmod every time ET opens! What if he wants to play pub or pro or or ummm yeah! Unfortunately due to us moving servers a few months ago the menu won't connect to anything other than pub - every other link is dead unless it was originally in France to begin with and didn't get removed. The menu and the download needs updated if it's to work for the minor servers too I think but that might be a long shot. The only way to find any server now other than the above is to use the direct address or search for it in the big server menu thingy. So either use Jess's suggestion or open the console and type /connect
  16. If you're still having fps issues do /r_primitives 2 in the console, maybe it will help.
  17. Charlie

    Quiz Time

    M..M..Minas ... Tirith? Is it really possible? Alas I'm at work for the first one
  18. But what will kdshp do then!?
  19. I think it was Watermelon or Klokk that asked for the snatch spawn times to be changed so we did so where axis had an 18 second spawn like they recommended. Any longer and it might be too long? I dunno. Snatch is a horrible map for the server imo.
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