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Hello, someone mentioned is it possible to limit medics like we do with field ops.

eg 1 medic per every 5 team members.

I think it’s a great suggestion and sometimes people just choose medic for the spree’s and don’t actually revive.

If there’s a map which is heavily based on defending and not a lot to rebuild and ammo stations near by, then you get loads of people who just think i’ll be a medic. 

Maybe they go medic because we limit the amount of engineers and field ops.

I think the guy was wolf enstein, but I must admit he had a good point 


this make sense to me, but tbh im not sure now if it's possible just by cvars ...

Probably i can do that with lua, but this will take a some time to do that ...


Possible? Probably. It would just get done in the same way as field ops? I remember seeing it somewhere in the files. Will we do it? Nope. Limiting the class would not fix the issue (not that I'd call it an issue), but would only make getting a revive a luxury. We'd also be taking away a part of ET people enjoy.

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With soldier and fieldop allready limited if medic is limited aswell all we will have left is a bunch of people with riflenades and fg's , which pretty much sounds like hell made real imo :P

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Most players are greedy and enjoy kills over obj including myself sometimes. So limiting medics is just going to turn people away from our server. Medic is by far the most popular class and limiting it will just limit the people that play on our server.


Just like Fops sometimes refuse to supply ammo, Coverts do not open enemy doors or destroy objectives, soldiers forget to cover the Engis and camp with their Panzer instead. Part of the game I suppose, though I wish medics would be a bit more keen on reviving. Getting revived now is a luxury indeed. 


To be honest, there are many suggestions gone thru in last months that Ive seen in server from players or members but I have not wrote them here because there is always a chance that after we change something, we lose some players and only gain level of happiness but not player numbers.

But I can wrote them here nonetheless :

medics and health:


limit medics

limit medics health gain from packs (5hp for medic, 20hp for other classes)

delay health pack effect (if you pick up pack, it takes set amount of time before health is gained opposed to immideate effect as atm)

nerf revive health amount 25% 


other guns and classes:

limit guns per players in team (panzer, mg42, mortar, rifle with nades, fg42)

nerf fops level - arty/strike bar is not going up as fast

nerf covie level - fg42 nerf should come automatically as its spray gets worse

nerf battle sense level - mines should have more impact and meaning. atm everyone can see them

limit the amount of mines - if battlesense is nerfed and mines cannot be seen (unless covert sees them) they should be limited

nerf soldier level - mortar and panzer bar is slower and shots cannot be made so oftern + limits thompson availability for panzer as sidearm



add glass roofs in various places to deny arty/mortar/strike there (spawn exits; chokeholds)

add colored zones + rules on players map so he can see rules for specific maps (where walljumps are not tolerated or where are spawn limits)

enforce objective order in maps (close teamdoors for objectives) or ease off some chokepoints (like we made caen gate destroyable via satchel after first destroy with dyna)



shuffle after set number of maps

evener should not move the last joined player but should move someone else (based on player level in server)

evener should work faster

move afks faster


thats what I have written down at the moment. might have some written down somewhere else too.

5 minutes ago, Sammow said:

How about making rewards for revives bigger? 

don't really have an idea about how though.

+1€ for every revive to your bankaccount. would work like charm :D 


I'm also not very fond of limiting medics. Every class has his pros / cons and it takes skill to play every class to the best of their ability. some are just on the server to frag, If we limit medics then they wil find other  servers to frag. We cant force players to play for the obj more then we already do.

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Everybody always wants to change setting of a class he usualy NOT plays.

Medics want panza to have less power. Or better : Disable panza

Engineers want medics to be less lethal. Or dont let them use medic packs for own use

But the setting, as they are, are appreciated by the players themselves.

We all have experience what it does to a server when we want to please a few people.

So, PLEASE leave all as is.

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Posted (edited)

Good points! One thing I have never understood though is why medics have more health.

I know it’s a game but cmon... haha.

I reckon dropping the health down to be inline with every other class, would cure the problem in truth

If wolf enstein asks i’ll give him the bad news

Edited by Svepa

Its obvious to everyone that medics are by far the best class, I don't like the idea of limiting them but think they need a nerf. For one I think they should only be kept to a single colt/luger and denied the akimbo ability. I dont really have a problem with setl g_medicChargeTime for med pack drops as this would affect other classes ability to get health. I think the problem comes from the stupid amount of shots it takes to gib downed opponents and the invulnerability shield they hide behind during the revives. These two in combination are greatly dissatisfying and feel cheap. I would recommend downed players health to be greatly reduced to limit revive trains. Side note: I feel like their are not enough health/ammo stations on maps and this has created a dependencies for many people to play medic.    

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4 hours ago, Sappy said:

 Side note: I feel like their are not enough health/ammo stations on maps and this has created a dependencies for many people to play medic.    

I feel like this need strong highlight on its own. More ammo/health places would help game more and grow some independence. Radar is good example of a huge map with 2 ammo/health cabinets that helps both teams in the beginning but in 2nd phase only axis has one nearby.

8 hours ago, Sappy said:

I I think the problem comes from the stupid amount of shots it takes to gib downed opponents and the invulnerability shield they hide behind during the revives. 

this right here is probably my single biggest gripe with the game , if a medic stays close behind their teammates theyll almost always get the revive in before you can gib ( unless your using heavy weapons/ rifle nade) and that shield sometimes just feels unfair.

1 hour ago, Voidhead said:

this right here is probably my single biggest gripe with the game , if a medic stays close behind their teammates theyll almost always get the revive in before you can gib ( unless your using heavy weapons/ rifle nade) and that shield sometimes just feels unfair.

On the other hand, that shield is the bonus/protection for the medic who is unarmed at that moment. So theres that. But maybe yea, make the medic HP same as everyone else? Would suggest some extra HP for engi but then we have riflenade heroes everywhere. :/




On 7/3/2019 at 3:00 PM, Sammow said:

How about making rewards for revives bigger? 

don't really have an idea about how though. 

I was thinking this exactly. Encourage revives by making it beneficial in some way.

Two ideas:

1. Enhance the revive spree announcement by playing sounds similar to what killing sprees have.

2. Give medic adrenaline for each revive spree (important: zeroize count on tk)

On 7/3/2019 at 2:28 PM, Ctrz said:

To be honest, there are many suggestions gone thru in last months that Ive seen in server from players or members but I have not wrote them here because there is always a chance that after we change something, we lose some players and only gain level of happiness but not player numbers.

But I can wrote them here nonetheless :

medics and health:


limit medics

limit medics health gain from packs (5hp for medic, 20hp for other classes)

delay health pack effect (if you pick up pack, it takes set amount of time before health is gained opposed to immideate effect as atm)

nerf revive health amount 25% 


other guns and classes:

limit guns per players in team (panzer, mg42, mortar, rifle with nades, fg42)

nerf fops level - arty/strike bar is not going up as fast

nerf covie level - fg42 nerf should come automatically as its spray gets worse

nerf battle sense level - mines should have more impact and meaning. atm everyone can see them

limit the amount of mines - if battlesense is nerfed and mines cannot be seen (unless covert sees them) they should be limited

nerf soldier level - mortar and panzer bar is slower and shots cannot be made so oftern + limits thompson availability for panzer as sidearm



add glass roofs in various places to deny arty/mortar/strike there (spawn exits; chokeholds)

add colored zones + rules on players map so he can see rules for specific maps (where walljumps are not tolerated or where are spawn limits)

enforce objective order in maps (close teamdoors for objectives) or ease off some chokepoints (like we made caen gate destroyable via satchel after first destroy with dyna)



shuffle after set number of maps

evener should not move the last joined player but should move someone else (based on player level in server)

evener should work faster

move afks faster


thats what I have written down at the moment. might have some written down somewhere else too.

I have two additions inspired by etpub. Not sure if these are mod only things or possible to accomplish by server script:

  1. Allow nade and smoke kicking.
  2. Allow denying AS by stepping on it.

These two things really added fun for me in etpub.

  • Like 1
53 minutes ago, art said:
  • Allow nade and smoke kicking.
  • Allow denying AS by stepping on it.

Me too, I still try it out of a habit. Would be great additions for Legacy!


I don't think we're gunna change anything about medics like HP, charge time or whatever. Nor will we further limit what class or weapon people can choose. People wanna play what they enjoy and I don't wanna be the one to take that away. The more niche stuff I need to talk to other admin about.

I'll see about the fg42 spray, its a beast of a weapon atm.

I'll look at adding some health/ammo cabinets to some areas of some maps and see what happens. Any suggestions welcome.

22 hours ago, art said:

I have two additions inspired by etpub. Not sure if these are mod only things or possible to accomplish by server script:

  1. Allow nade and smoke kicking.
  2. Allow denying AS by stepping on it.

These two things really added fun for me in etpub.


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