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TeamMuppet 20 Years Anniversary Month! May 2022 TeamMuppet was founded in May 2002 by a group of co-workers. It first started as a Soldiers of Fortune 2 clan, and later moved to Wolfenstein Enemy Territory upon its release in 2003. That means we'll soon turn 20 years old! 20. Years. We would like to thank everyone, from regular player to admin, now and from the past, for being part of our community over the years. We greatly appreciate your presence and the work that's being done on our servers on a daily basis in order to maintain an enjoyable atmosphere for everyone. We wouldn't be where we are right now without you. Last but not least, a special thanks to @MrMuppet and @MiniMuppet for creating this madness we all love so much all those years ago. Thank you. To celebrate this huge milestone, we're turning the month of May into our 20 Years Anniversary Month! Be ready for multiple events throughout the month! Keep an eye on the forum and/or Discord for further announcements regarding the events. We hope you'll enjoy our anniversary month and, of course, the many many months after that. Here's to another 20 years! 🍻 ~The Muppet team Ps; don't feel left out if your name is not on the artwork. It doesn't make you any less appreciated. I just could only add so many names on there 🤷♂️17 points
Dear Muppets, friends and regulars! A few months ago, we decided to start a TeamMuppet Fund. There was a reason behind our decision: we wanted to keep up with the modern world, bring some innovations and constantly improve things for the sake of our players. That included supporting the ET: Legacy developers with donations, advertising our community on various social media platforms and upgrading our Discord server - to keep this game active and alive. Now, a few months later, we can't believe seeing the amount of money we have managed to collect - we raised more than 900 euro! TeamMuppet is always transparent with the donations and you can always see when and how much money comes in our Fund and how and when we spend it - check the #┃donations channel or our website for more information. And last, but not least: TeamMuppet wouldn't be the community it is now without each and every one of you! We would like to thank you from the bottom of our Muppets heart for all the donations you've made, for keeping this game alive and for playing on our servers! We hope that after 19 long years we can provide you with - at least - another 19 years of lovely gameplay and lots of fun at TeamMuppet community!15 points
[You can find the event info at the event info marker] Want a modified version of this poster as your wallpaper? Dear members, friends and visitors. Recently we had to say goodbye to two of the greatest people I have ever met. MrMuppet and Minimuppet are an unique couple who once had the crazy idea to start their own clan togheter with a bunch of work mates. Little did they know back then that TeamMuppet would grow to be one of the biggest communities still standing in this game we love so much. The moment I read their notification about their decision my heart stopped beating and the clock stopped ticking, for I knew this not only was a sad moment for me personally but it also marked the end of an era. MrMuppet, I can not describe how much respect I have for you. Your abilities to combine your personal life and your life on this community on such a proffesional level are unimaginable. The things you have done for the ET community as a whole are probably amongst the many things that people did not thank you enough for. If it weren't for your efforts we probably would not still be here. I thank you for your leadership, mentorship and the many other things you did for me personally and the people of this community. MiniMuppet, I don't even know where to begin. Your patience, fortitude and kindness where things that have helped TeamMuppet through it's worst times. I have always looked up to you, in a way you were a second mother to all of us. Your advice has helped me to get through some of the most difficult periods of my life and have helped shape me into the person I am right now. I will for ever be thankfull for that. I have witnessed the evolution your community made and I can tell you that it is an amazing accomplishement. I'm gratefull that I had the chance to experience it first hand but I am also sad that I had to witness how it took it's toll on the two of you. I sincerely hope that your time away from all this will increase the happiness you feel in life. I wish you all the best. Allow us to thank you one last time and enjoy eachother's company on an event we planned out specifically for you. [event info:] I introduce to you: The End Of An Era. Next Saturday, the 28th of February we will all gather on a special server that Ailmanki has set up for us. The event will start at 19h GMT and will not end untill Stumpel falls asleep on his keyboard. (which will be late at night) He may or may not be snoring, there is no way to predict that, but if you're curious to find out you can find me and many others on our TeamSpeak server. ( I said "special server" because the server is running a special mod that Ailmanki has created himself. I will not spoil the surprise on what it is but I can promise you that it will be great fun. We posted a teaser movie to give you guys a little preview, if you haven't seen it yet or if you want to watch it again you can find it at the bottom of this topic. Everybody is invited to join, it doesn't matter if you are a member, clan friend, guest or ex-member. I hope I will see all of you Muppets out there, even if it's only for a few minutes. Let's show Mini and Mr how thankfull we are and let's show Ailmanki (who is still quite new to TM!) what and awesome community we are! Teaser Video: The server is hosted on: points
Hi girls and guys I just wanted to say thank you for the server and everything you guys are doing. Its always fun to play on your server and I've had some great matches so far. It's competitive and the average skill level is pretty high, but you can still joke around with the regulars and have a good time. Just wanted to let you know that its being appreciated by me and many others. I wanted to post this so you dont always get posts that complain about stuff Keep it up and shoot you all later Greetings, Wontkins aka dot.13 points
Hi all, I've been playing on your wonderful servers for a couple of months now, so I suppose I should introduce myself.. I am 40 years of age, a fact that never ceases to horrify me, and live in the UK, also now a fact that never ceases to horrify me. Send help. It's madness here. I used to play ET many moons ago in the IFS clan as [IFS]DirkAction but as my skills have atrophied somewhat, I have chosen to return to my very old nickname / persona of StarScream. Like my namesake I am 2/3rds competent, and 1/3rd so breathtakingly stupid that you will wonder how I am able to navigate a keyboard and mouse. Or even a door. And, once again, like my namesake I do like to stop and gloat frequently, with optional maniacal laughter. It feels good to play on such a friendly server again, I never truly found a game quite as fun as ET and I am very glad to have found such a great server and people. To those of you who have been taken from us too soon by one of my mistimed rifle grenades, I salute you. And present you with a bill for my dry cleaning. Getting your blood and chunks off my jacket isn't cheap.13 points
Hey there, I'm the brain dead slob that kicked you the second time. Nice to meet you. I kicked you for ignoring a warning then team killing 2 people, including myself. Your first kick was for teamkilling too I believe. This sure escalated quickly, but if you don't need any of us and don't depend on the server like you say, then you won't mind the cheeky little ban I just gave you. Have a nice life sweetheart ❤️12 points
12 points
12 points
Hi friends, Hi Admins ❤️ how about we do a Server vote once a year, just for fun. The idea is to have certain titles that players can be voted on. for example: all the normal stuff like: best medic best engi best covert etc but then also have stuff like: biggest rambo medic biggest mortar degenerate biggest obj whore biggest spawnkiller best/worst aimer spammer etc it would be just for fun so people have something to vote and to interact with server and to see what the community thinks about each other what do people think?11 points
Hello everyone! First of all "Happy New Year to you all"! Let's toast to yesterdays achievements and tomorrows bright future. As you know the first part of January is usually the time to reflect about last year and to speak about our future brings in 2022. In January 2021 we started after many meetings our discord bot. Our main admins who have supported and maintained our servers and website were were a a bit sceptical about this feature but look after 1 year the community has grown, people are more closely connected and thank to all donators we have also received funding to now help out financially (1683,76 euros). Who would have thought, right? The more donations were received the more we were able to invest to keep and update features to make this community more interesting. @Dmxj updated the whole discord with a new template and a TeamMuppet bot and we invested also in some promotion on Trackbase and splatterladder. Last but not least after a long period that @MrMuppet and @MiniMuppet payed everything in this community we are glad to announce that we finally can do something back to them and to the community! Due to the great success and the number of incoming donations we've decided to make use of our TeamMuppet fund to pay the forums for the upcoming 12 months. But enough about money and donations right? 2021 was been an amazing year for TeamMuppet we're glad to announce some new members to the family : Virus - shikzxD - Tuxedo - Gameover - weeds - Tran$i - Monkey - Flo - weed - Darky - LordMarco - Lost - Sir Jere and also welcome back to the squad Bomba - Blindy - Melissa - Aesthetic Jacket - Bobby And what about @Charlie - yes! After many years of hard work he took a earned step-back-vacation and will look over the shoulders of his own Charlies angels ( @Jessica @Mister J @0wN1x @Matu ) Big thanks to all members-without TM wouldnt be what it is,and our silent Leader @Eagle_cz -who pay some bills and leads us to the better feature! At the end we are proud that TeamMuppet has been here for already 19 years and we have no intention to slow down! Lets raise the glass for these 19 and the next years of more fun and entertainment to come! Best wishes and stay healthy, TeamMuppet11 points
Server Rules The Main language for the Public chat is English. Not allowed: Cheating,cursing,spamming,Advertising other servers,pushing/blocking without valid reason,trickjumping for main objective/end map,abusing bugs, exploiting game/weapons to gain an advantage, Spawnkilling-unless battling for spawnpoint's(see SK rules).short and not unique names. Allowed:Selfkilling,boostjumping,spawnpassing to get to the objective(you may defend yourself with light weapon in the way after you get shot-otherwise it will count as SK). Spawnkilling Rules Fixed (normal) spawns Spawnkilling/camping on fixed spawns is not allowed. Capturable flag/spawn/command post spawn Spawnkilling at capturable flag/spawn/cp spawn is allowed-Exept mortaring any spawns or spawnexit. Spawnexit Rules Mortaring ANY spawn or spawnexits isnt allowed! Artillery and other heavy weapons near spawnexit is allowed only when there is multible exits,otherwise its not allowed! Its not considered as multible exits,if there is a small cabin with 2/3 doors(like in bremen axis 2nd spawn and in oasis allies 2nd spawn) Heres some examples we have most problems: Oasis map:No axis arty or mortar behind wall after its blown!No allies arty/mortar in to axis final spawn yard! Bremen map:No allies arty/mortar into axis 2nd spawn yard! Goldrush map:No allies mortar at any axis 2nd spawnexit! Admins/Members Guidelines Do NOT use commands on other clan members if they break rules. Use /mc chat or forum for discussing/arguing. Ask recruiters or admins if you will need any help. Members and Admins should do whats needed to balance teams when teams are unfair.That means to switch teams himself,ask nicely one of the strong player or tm member to swap/switch. Do not just !put without asking.Autobalance working but its balancing only by numbers so your part is to balance by skill. Especially pay attention at the beginning of the map in warmup,so the match can start with even teams. Its importand that all members understand when and how to use commands.Ask any member/admin if you need any help. Commands: type "help" in to console. https://teammuppet.com/home/forums/topic/17522-commands-on-etlegacy-couple-of-changes/ Lastly,have fun and enjoy. Its only a game!10 points
Hello, I think it's better to make a new topic with all the mapscript stuff related, so it's easier to find in a future and to propose / fix / improve the scripts Caen2 Main problem in Caen2 was that there are no sounds (flag captured / tank repaired / tank damaged / bridge repaired / bridge damaged). A simple fix was to find all caen2_ and replace by caen_ as in this example: wm_addteamvoiceannounce 0 "caen2_axis_city_capture" wm_addteamvoiceannounce 0 "caen2_axis_tank_steal" Replace by wm_addteamvoiceannounce 0 "caen_axis_city_capture" wm_addteamvoiceannounce 0 "caen_axis_tank_steal" This solves all problems except the 'flag captured' sound, as there is actually no 'flag captured' sound in the map. To fix this and have some audio feedback when axis / allies capture the flag, without modifying the pk3 file, what I think is best is to add the generic 'objective captured / objective lost' sound when axis or allies capture flag. To do this, we must add to the mapscript these lines: Inside trigger axis_capture: wm_teamvoiceannounce 0 "axis_hq_objective_captured" wm_teamvoiceannounce 1 "allies_hq_objective_lost" Inside trigger allies_capture: wm_teamvoiceannounce 0 "axis_hq_objective_lost" wm_teamvoiceannounce 1 "allies_hq_objective_captured" So both triggers would look like this: trigger axis_capture // Flag has been touched by an Axis player { accum 0 abort_if_equal 0 // do Axis own flag? accum 0 set 0 // Axis own the pole wm_announce "Axis captured the town!" // *----------------------------------- vo ------------------------------------------* wm_removeteamvoiceannounce 0 "caen_axis_city_capture" wm_removeteamvoiceannounce 1 "caen_allies_city_capture" wm_teamvoiceannounce 0 "axis_hq_objective_captured" wm_teamvoiceannounce 1 "allies_hq_objective_lost" // *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* wm_objective_status 1 0 1 wm_objective_status 1 1 2 wm_set_main_objective 2 0 wm_set_main_objective 2 1 alertentity city_wobj } trigger allied_capture // Flag has been touched by an allied player { accum 0 abort_if_equal 1 // do Allies own flag? accum 0 set 1 // Allied own the flag wm_announce "Allies reclaim the town!" // *----------------------------------- vo ------------------------------------------* wm_addteamvoiceannounce 0 "caen_axis_city_capture" wm_addteamvoiceannounce 1 "caen_allies_city_capture" wm_teamvoiceannounce 0 "axis_hq_objective_lost" wm_teamvoiceannounce 1 "allies_hq_objective_captured" // *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* wm_objective_status 1 0 2 wm_objective_status 1 1 1 wm_set_main_objective 1 0 wm_set_main_objective 1 1 alertentity city_wobj } With this, I think all sounds would be fixed and have a 'flag status audio feedback'. et_beach Beach has a big problem with spawnkilling on axis bunker so an idea was to make invisible walls in both windows that lead to spawn, and also to remove both MGs so axis can't take advantage from them. So the job was done by looking into the et_beach.bsp file for the origin coordinates of MG42 and using the func_fakebrush in the mapscript: /// Invisible walls in Axis spawn windows delete { origin "2365 3168 1176" // Removes upper MG42 } delete { origin "2334 2656 920" // Removes lower MG42 } // Create fake wall in uper window create { scriptName "roof_bugfix" classname "func_fakebrush" origin "2345 3166 1170" contents 1 // CONTENTS_SOLID mins "-15 -200 -60" maxs "20 200 100" } // Create fake wall in lower window create { scriptName "roof_bugfix" classname "func_fakebrush" origin "2334 2656 920" contents 1 // CONTENTS_SOLID mins "-15 -200 -60" maxs "5 200 100" } /// End invisible walls These are tweaked to be 'indise' the window space so players don't get bugged into the fake wall, but can't test alone the explosions (how explosion range from panzer/mortar would affect). Can be modified in a future if needed. Attached you will see the mapscript files with the modifications described above. These files are based in the original script files included in the pk3 so they don't include any modification from base maps except the ones described in this topic. Any suggestions and improvements are welcome, also from other maps if you'd like some modification, I'm no pro but I can do some research et_beach.script caen2.script10 points
Hey all. At the beginning of January I'm sure everyone noticed a couple of crashes on our legacy server. We checked the game logs and server logs but we didn't know whats was causing it. We tried to move the game server to a different/new installation; we applied the latest OS updates; we disabled our custom LUAs and all of this without fixing the problem. The server kept crashing almost every day for an unknown reason. After a long and really careful investigation, and with really close cooperation with the ET:Legacy development team, we noticed what was connecting all of the crashes together. We found out someone was able to kill/crash the server but we had no idea how he was doing it. We had an "information embargo" and kept quiet about what we found. We created a trap which redirected this person to a second server running in debug mode. Then the ET:Legacy dev team done awesome work and found what was causing the crashing and created the fix. We applied the fix and from then on the server is stable and working as it was previously. We honestly need to thank all the time and work Mr, Mini, Eagle and the Legacy devs put in to fixing this. At the start this person joined our Legacy server, played some games and had a chit-chat with a few our valued players. He realised that his server is nearly empty for the vast majority of the day and he probably wanted to get some players from our server, which is currently most played Legacy mod based server. So you're asking who this person is now right? Q'|AlTuM|QuarkClan He is from Quark Clan, from the server which is called "~~~Q'|ETLEGACY OFFICIAL" https://et.trackbase.net/server/47008/ https://et.trackbase.net/player/6102709/ Details are in the spoiler below. For others in the gaming community: if you require any other details about the exploit he used and about how to fix the server, we will happily provide you with all the information we have.10 points
9 points
I know it's a sensitive topic so first off admins will be moderating it as such. Please keep any radical, racial or otherwise stupid comments to yourself. War is terrible and no-one condones what has happened. We wish all the best to Ukraine and highly oppose Russia for what it is doing. That said. What has young John from St. Petersburg done to warrant a ban from TM's ET servers? I understand stomping on the oligarchs and politicians and the people who side in favour of the war, but a general ban on a nations public who arguably disagree with the war doesn't seem fair to me. Even more so in this obscure little community in Wolfenstein:ET.9 points
9 points
Here's the next edition for the MuppetMail. A big thanks to Eagle and Duro for the hard work they put in making this happen. The Muppet Mail 5.pdf9 points
In general, I agree. ( Afterall its a trial, and we can always go back ) We can add a comment they have to fill in why they call the vote. I rather see it from level 3 and higher And we can advertise : You have more options as from level 3, like you can call Vote : Kick ( Only do it with valide reason ) When we see people abusing this vote option, players will get set back to level 28 points
Ever wished you could have more axis, allies and announcer voice samples that would better fit in your new map design, like a new type of objective callout or the name of a place in your new map? It's now possible! With the advent of AI voice learning/cloning, you can now upload audio samples to "teach" the AI your custom voice profile. So I figured, why not use this to bring new life to our beloved game? Imagine... New Allies and Axis map voice callouts for anything you want, or even a cool announcer map introduction! I quickly made this one on https://play.ht/ by uploading the Radar map announcer voice file. Amazing isn't it? TM.wav8 points
Would like to say a big thank to you all for the wonderful presents you sent myself and mrmuppet. We were not expecting them and was trying to work out where they came from. I would like to thank the person who took all the effort to organise them for us. Thank you @0wN1x for the art work for the card and all the other admin @Dmxj @Matu @Jessica @Mister J @Eagle_cz and @Ande. Thank you to all our wonderful members and regular players who keep the server alive This even made me cry 🤣8 points
8 points
Hello TeamMuppet, First of all I want to apologise for being so late in introducing myself, despite being a regular on some of your servers. My name is Dirk, I'm 34 years old live in Berlin and work as a physiotherapist. My tiny team is called "Rubberducks" and shares the ironic approach to a badass clan name, just like you. I'm an average player, often ignoring the objective, blindly engaging in battles without strategy or caution, which too often results in achieving the "Most Deaths"-reward on the Roll of Honor. I do look for casual 1on1s and don't mind getting schooled over and over. I want to express my deepest gratitude for keeping this game alive and improving it further. Have fun and stop active sk. 🖖 =RD=MaCaw8 points
So here we are. The following will most likely be quite long, because it's not easy to give a full picture of where we are now without looking at how we arrived in the current situation. Disclaimer: this is an attempt to describe the past year more or less accurately, some part of it only involves my own point of view, I am not speaking on behalf of the whole ETL dev team. In any case, don't take it personally, because infuriating people is not the objective here. Giving an explanation on the current situation in a more factual manner is, so TM knows what's the way ahead. Just drop me a PM if you feel to insult someone, I promise I won't even read it. Let's quickly recap from the beginning. // How ET:Legacy started ET was released sometimes in 2003, and various mods flourished thanks to the available SDK. The entire source code was released in 2010, and quite a few projects started to improve the engine. Of all these efforts, only ET:L remains. In these early days, the work was primarily focusing on the engine side, but work started to improve the mod side too. Because of license restriction and unlike most existing mods, the ET:L mod is built from etmain (silent, nq, nitmod and many others were based of the open etpub code). In other words, the mod was several years behind other popular mods, barebone and buggy and only slowly integrated features over time. It was also not clear what the objective should become in these early days, but it became gradually clear it should stay close to the original game design: no fun feature, nor any special weapons, just plain ET experience - but still aiming at fixing many of its shortcoming. Development was done by a small number of people. A few others joined the project over time (including myself). Some aren't active anymore. It took quite a few releases over the year to reach a point were the mod was actually enjoyable. Since the mod wasn't popular, we couldn't get lot of feedback. Testing before a new release consisted of 2 or 3 night sessions of testing with a couple of guys we could find to help (7 or 8 people, over a few games). With these limited testing sessions, it's no surprise that the quality of each and every release was subpart. Every release was better than the last though, but still crucially lacking in stability and had very major issues we couldn't detect in time. Also, the project had long delay between release. There is so many things to fix, so many lacking features, that getting a release out has never been easy: you need to reduce the planned features, cut what's not absolutely needed, and try to fix important bugs or at least workaround them as best as possible. The whole process requires tons of work, time and energy, that involved people feels usually exhausted - at least it always felt like it for me. And such was the situation for 2.76: about 2 years in development, not seemingly near a state of being "good enough" for release. And basically not any feedback for 2 whole years. We knew the code was bad, we we had no choice other than to release it anyway to get the much needed feedback. We planned it for being a "just acceptable" release and planned a second release 2 or 3 months later to fix the important shortcoming the community of players would give us. It took about 3 months of crazy work to stabilize the code as much as we could, but by January of last year the release was out. And indeed, 2.76 release went badly. But not for any of the reasons we could have predicted: a small, non optimal fix trying to limit the way admins can pollute players UI indiscriminately was badly received. I would lie if I described the way it went other than "being shit upon after giving some stuff for free" by some of the ET community. I personally managed it okayish, in part because I wasn't actively exposed in community forums, and because I expected 2.76 to be far from perfect. I also had similar experience in the past (in a complete other context), so this wasn't entirely new to me. I was however surprised by the intensity of the backlash. I know some members of the ETL team had understandably a hard time to deal with it. // Continuous feedback The planned short term release never happened. After some discussion with some input of the community, the planned scope changed, more bigger fixes were included, the protection feature required a complete redesign, etc. In a nutshell, we were back to the usual business of delaying any new release "until it's good enough". Until then, there were a few servers running Legacy mod, but one in particular started to become regularly populated. We noticed these guys had some issues with a few 2.76 bugs that we had already fixed, so we arranged to provide a fixed version by compiling the latest code we were working on. It kinda happened organically: soon after we found out we had feedback on what worked and what other bugs were found, which helped to provide a new version with fixes and some new features we planned for 2.77. Collaboration with TM started here. Of course, we followed some internal process to ensure not to send broken builds (fixing a bug sometimes can create 3 new bugs): each dev test the feature or bug he's working on locally, then we upload a build on our own test server. We check everything is seemingly working smoothly before sending the build to TM a few days later, or we work on a new build if it doesn't. // What worked. (and quite well) Continuous feedback. It really helps. We catch bugs as soon as possible, we have early feedback, we can play test our own code live with many humans players. I have no doubt the overall quality of the code is much better than anything we released previously. Log access. We had log access simply by asking to get them, and more recently, direct access to logs, allowing us to check them in case we need more info to solve an issue (I'm still tracking an issue in TM logs, but it's happening so rarely that I'll need more time. The good news is that we now know its occurrence is much rarer than initially thought). Security. Remember Antum and how TM server suddenly crashed? A close collaboration helped to pinpoint the exact issue so we could fix it once and for all. That was a quite thrilling episode. // What didn't work. (this is longer than the above, but don't be fooled as these are much more specific than what actually worked) No real testing done on our own test server. While devs check changes before approving new builds for TM, nobody else does. Our local independent testing by devs on their machine and testing on our test server isn't much different. Testing is done with 1 or 2 players on our test server, and 40 players on a full TM servers, but nothing is done in-between. The process doesn't scale up, it's all or nothing. Sometimes shit happens and bug slip through. Some issues are very specific and can pass all of our checks because of a single variable. One recent example is a bug that happens only with a specific compiler, and it took time to understand why devs couldn't actually reproduce it. Some annoying bugs cannot be reproduced locally, or on a server with only a small number of people. Some bugs are map dependent, some other depends on the number of players, or happen only in a very specific situation that will naturally arise more frequently on a full server. That was especially the case last summer/autumn, when each and every build we shipped to TM were seemingly affected by a crash we couldn't reproduce on our end. Delay before build deployment. Continuous feedback works well when it is... continuous, but the more the delay between the time we provide the build and the time it is installed on the server, the more it becomes useless. TM admins have their reasons to not put a build right away (often due to admin availability), but sometimes the delay was simply too long, introducing a "bug loop": if it takes several weeks to get feedback on a build we provide, then we can only fix detected issues after these few weeks, and the next build will undoubtedly have new issues introduced during these few weeks without any feedback. For those that don't understand what we mean here: quick update = faster feedback = faster fixes = less bugs overall. At some point the delay was so bad (~6 or 8 weeks at some point last year) that we even internally joked about keeping severe bugs intentionally, just to entice admins to update faster to the next build that would solve it (we never did that obviously, the codebase has already enough of these). It wasn't always as bad of course, but quite a few times we had time to prepare a new build before the old one was even deployed on TM. Very specific config setup. Because TM used to level up all players to maximum levels automatically, there was a whole range of features and bugfixes we never had feedback on. This is one reason the Prestige feature was introduced earlier than planned - beside the fact that vanilla behavior has an overall much better gameplay, because the original game balance has been built around it. I won't enter the detail of the Prestige feature feedback here, but to keep it short it's a good step in the right direction, but still underwhelming. There are others: Errors in TM configs which might have skewed feedback results. Over the past few months we've heard a lot of complaints about how the airstrike/artillery strikes were too numerous, with some demands to give more options to limit them - despite the feature having been reworked exactly to provide better airstrike limitation to server admins. All efforts to identify and reproduce the issue locally failed. It is only when plain access to TM logs/config were granted that some missing parenthesis were identified in the server config, preventing the existing cvars to be correctly taken into account. To this day I have no idea how the rest of TM config worked at all during all this time... Another similar situation was introduced with the prestige feature, with initial settings not set as requested which led to corrupted data we couldn't use to determine how well the feature worked. This lead to an extra database reset which didn't make anyone happy, but which was ultimately necessary. Very superficial reports. I certainly don't want to dismiss the effort taken by the players that actually reported issues (thanks to all of you), but I feel the vast majority of bugs have been caught by devs playing on TM themselves. As an example, corpses aren't gibbed by explosions on the current TM version. I've seen that issue by randomly connecting to the server, and there is no way nobody didn't notice it at all for several weeks. Players simply don't bother to report issues. Tensions between TM admins and ETL. When interacting in TM forums, I kinda noticed some patterns by "reading between the lines" and felt some people at TM feel we push update to your server just because "we do as we please" and are "playing with code without any consideration for the players". I expressed these concerns in the private forum here in a more detailed way. While I expected a more open discussion about that particular issue, only one single person at TM answered (Bystry, who followed ETL dev quite closely the past year or so). His post is actually very interesting, so I'd suggest whoever can read that forum to have a look. Bystry also made a suggestion to get out of the described "stalemate" by proposing a test server. I actually didn't follow up right away, waiting for more input from TM side, but unfortunately, nobody else ever looked at that post again and these concerns were lost to history. (To answer Bystry suggestion now: test servers never worked in the past, and certainly not on the long term. We tried many times. We have one already, right now. Nobody makes the effort to go to an extra server to do testing). Overall, I am pretty sure more communication between TM admins and ETL would have prevented many unnecessary tensions, but the stalemate remains. // Now Since then, a few things happened. On discord, it was made clear that ETL1/ETL2 aren't servers to get any testing on new builds, and that the builds should be tested before being sent to TM (paraphrasing a bit, but you get the idea). Yes, the build actually are tested, but it isn't a dichotomy "tested/not tested". It is "tested within the best of our abilities and limited time on a small scale on our test server that not many people play on" vs "full TM server battle-tested". We can't do more by ourselves, certainly not considering our small size. If TM expects perfectly tested builds and no occasional issues, then there is no point in shipping new builds that will be lacking in one way or another. We try our best, but it's not sufficient. Bugs will happen, and sometimes big ones - for all of the reason mentioned above. For all of these reasons, I cannot reasonably recommend any further build upgrade. Can't have the latest fixes, because they most probably come with their own set of new issues. Can't have the cake and eat it too. // It's even worst The current situation certainly produces lot of stress and frustration on dev side. It's never easy to ship a build knowing we might have missed something, and we usually connect on TM as soon as a new build is set to do debugging as fast as possible - in case something bad happens. But adding to this the need to manage expectation of potentially frustrated people, without a way to talk about concerns openly is something else entirely. It's even worst when we implement critical features that have been public for months, talked more than once by the team, that we deem necessary to modernize the game, as the reason it wasn't done before doesn't exist on modern computers anymore. That inevitably create outrage because 15-year old habit are modified a bit. Worst, it creates high tensions in the dev team: nobody wants to get shit upon (we have had enough of it already), and standing ground to get stuff done instead of going for a quick revert right away is not easy (recent example: explosion rework). There is a whole other chapter about the competitive side of the mod, but expending on that alone would certainly require twice as many word as already written above. To keep it short, let's say that everyone agree to make Legacy more appropriate for modern technology, until the point we actually change their habits built on 15-year old habits based on crust code that doesn't make any sense today. Be damned if you dare change anything, you fool! Also, be damned if you don't! // The future I probably ranted way too much already, so let's go to what you want to know: what happens now? ETL Legacy servers have been flourishing lately, and many people around are asking for newer builds. While ETL is open source and anybody can build by himself, the process isn't exactly easy. We didn't make it easy on purpose, as we tried to avoid spreading builds that might be buggy. So far, only TM got the build directly provided by us. These latest builds have new features but also security fixes, and so far only TM can easily enjoy them. Thus, it is time to make ETL test builds available to a wider range of servers and players, and also, time to end the exclusive relationship that started a year ago between TM and ETL dev team. You can read about our plans here. To quickly recap: ETL will provide public snapshot directly on the website, for anyone to be tested Players can test the latest ETL client (which was never distributed, we only shared the mod code with TM). MacOS players can now play on latest macOS version, as 2.76 client doesn't work currently Linux players can play on their latest distro version, as 2.76 client doesn't work anymore Server owners can install the latest server and Legacy mod version Regular update is highly encouraged (server side), or forced (client side). The stable version will still be available. We won't provide the info directly to you (in this forum), nor we will post in each interested community forums, but make it available publicly on our website/discord. Everyone interested can follow and test. These build are marked *unstable* by default even if they are more stable than anything before. Don't expect any stellar quality, bug will happen. Bug reporting to *us*, on discord or github, is encouraged. We'll not go fish for bug reports in the various community forums. Work for setting up these public builds has been done already. There are some non technical circumstances that slowed progress, but we hope to fix these shortly. It will certainly take time to create a servers base giving feedback, but we hope this will serve well for 2.77 release. Of course, TM is welcome to join in testing these builds. I'm tired after hours writing the above, so excuse me if some bad wording slip through. Many other aspect weren't touched on, but feel free to ask any question. Edit: Holy cow, that went even longer than I imagined. // Join us Also, I almost forgot: ETL team is small. Very small. We always need help, the more the better. In case you still have too much sanity left, don't hesitate any further, join us! We provide no pay, only extra work after your 7-5 main job, no special status nor any recognition, you'll probably get shit on by the community at some point, and you'll be delighted to deal with the occasional moron demanding a quick release after throwing an insult or two. Requirement: probably some coding skills, but artists are welcome too! Being a psycho to handle the pressure might be required, but maybe you are one already without knowing it! (NB: compensation for follow-up therapy sessions not included).8 points
Greatings Team Muppet crew and all fellow players. I have been intrigued with ET legacy since my son Xen strarted playing here some months ago. I used to play RTCW and ET back in the day and this mod i think is very nice to play, coupled with your server and community i have again been enjoying ploughing time into this old masterpiece. Thanks and bless TM cheers8 points
Hello, I use to play many years ago and just recently jumped back in. My time since coming back has been spent solely on your servers. I thought I should introduce myself as I expect to see you all pretty often. I am 26 years old. Have been married for a little over 2 years now. I reside in Denver, CO. I have worked in restaurants for over a decade and am currently furloughed due to this whole virus mess. I expect to be out of work for the next 1-1.5 months. Currently pursing a BSBA degree. Being furloughed and it being the summer, I have way too much time on my hands. So you will continue seeing me pretty often until then. My time outside of ET is spent cooking, exercising, watching movies, and hanging out with the Wife! I may not be the best player but I have been slowly seeing improvement. I may get the Most Deaths metal fairly often but I still enjoy myself! Thanks for having a community that I can call home while the world goes through this rough time. If any of you would like to know more, I am happy to share! I'll see you all online. Stay safe! MaximumGentleman8 points
UPDATED RULES FOR TEAMMUPPET ETL CAMPAIGN SERVER 1. HEAVY WEAPONS SPAWNKILLING (sk-heavy) Spawnkilling on FIXED spawns with HEAVY weapons is NOT ALLOWED. 2. LIGHT WEAPONS SPAWNKILLING (sk-light) Spawnkilling on FIXED spawns with LIGHT weapons is ALLOWED. 3. SPAWNKILLING AT CAPTURABLE SPAWNS (sk-capturable) Spawnkilling at capturable spawn / flag / command posts is ALLOWED with any kind of weapon. 4. SPAWNPASSING Spawnpassing is ALLOWED. 5. PUSHING Pushing your teammates at spawn exits is ALLOWED. IMPORTANT: Please note that the aforementioned rules are only valid on our ETL CAMPAIGN SERVER. Rules regarding spawnkilling, spawnpassing and pushing on our main TeamMuppet ETLegacy server are DIFFERENT! The rest of the rules haven't changed - they are the same as on our main legacy server (TeamMuppet ETLegacy)!8 points
I would start by saying something I love about this community but there have been so many things and so many people over the years who I have good memories about that I would be too much to say. @Virus @MOoN @BladeWarrioR @Macka @Andy @klants @StaR @VenoM @TOMOBRO @Darek @mylan @Donald @Eagle_cz @.AL @GreenMan @MadF.Lame @peyote @Miki @wwebe @Stumpel @Eagle_cz @Wolf @Jaden ... All of these guys and more have added to those memories. I hope all of y'all are doing great!8 points
Dear Muppets, Friends I would like to start fragile but very important issue about religions. As Many players on server there are as many believes, almost all biggest religions, their segments but also atheist, agnostics, apostate and many more. Every one of them have a right to believe and have their own opinion about religion. One are very spiritual other don't need it at all, but we need to respect what other think even if we think otherwise. This topic is very fragile, in the past when someone start in on server it end up with fights, abusing, one got mad, other offended, somebody got muted, we where in bad position because as admins we cannot take any side because what ever you think and feel you are right, that's why the best solutions was to end conversation. That's why we ask all of You to don't start such conversation and if You see other players don't answer and try to cut it before it start for good. If in the future will be needed we will make it as official rule.Till now we just ask better not start topic than have a big storm. cheers <=TM=>admins8 points
Guys, we have some TeamMuppet prizes to giveaway before Christmas and want some suggestions on the type of event that we can award the winner of, the last time we had events such as, guess the map, highest score of an arcade game, design a poster etc so this year we need suggestions for four events that everyone can participate in and as an equal chance of winning, these can be the same events as last time if you wish. The prizes will be in reverse order; A mouse mat A black cap A large mug And finally a beer stein8 points
yeah, agree ... ,...better to use goat skin pack ... EDIT: for ppl who don't know this skin pack - Axis have red towel and Allies blue one. This is Allied Cover Ops goat ...8 points
Breh, We have always respected you and your opinion as much as anyone else's. The people in charge consider every player on our server as equal when it comes to following our rules. We are doing the best we can in removing what is bad from our server and/or community. (we recently removed Joker from the clan for example) From my point of view the problem between you and Blondie seems very personal at the moment, attacks from both side have been made and if we would be perfectly strict we would have to 'punish' both you and him for it. We truly believe that both of you are more mature than to hold a grudge against a person you met online and that you are capable to let it go and not try to start something (a discussion or what not) when you are both on the server. From what I've seen both of you are guilty of that, and as everyone you two deserve the time to make a change for the better. When a problem with a member persists we will notice it and act on it, we are activly monitoring the server for such things. I would like to ask from you to be patient on this case and when you are on the server try to maybe ignore the people who annoy you rather than to fall for their trap and get involved in discussions you shouldn't be in. You have to believe that we are doing what we can, even if you can't see it.8 points
7 points
7 points
TeamMuppet presets: Muppet Winter World 🎄🎅 🎶Ho-Ho-Ho, It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go!🎶 So, as you may have noticed, we've decided to transform our website and server into a small muppet winter world. Our winter month has started with some smaller changes like adding a few "snowy" maps into the mapcycle. Be ready for some suprises soon! We can't say more because santa never reveal his secrets. We can say one thing: it's time to search for some warm gloves and make some hot chocolate because it will be ice ice cold! Besides the coming changes on our main server, we've also opened a special Xmas maps only server, IP = Merry Christmas and a happy new year, The Muppets7 points
We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Teammuppet community. We would like to say thank you to each and everyone for still supporting us after all these years. We hope all of your wishes come true and we wish you health and happiness. May this holiday season leave you with precious memories: A Christmas filled with love and light, perfect gifts, delicious foods, love and joy all around. A New Year with continuing blessings— friends, family, good work, great fun, and delightful surprises. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! By Joanna Fuchs7 points
7 points
... just wanted to leave a quick thank you to the web and server administrators for the winter & xmas look and feel (skins, map choice, ...). Dunno who does that here at TM, but it's awesome, and I am sure it takes work and dedication, so cheers - appreciate the effort. Best, Oldman7 points
With the main server doing really well right now the etpro guys have set up a ETL Campaign server so if you fancy something different give it a try. IP We also still have the Beginners server which also is something different if you can not connect to the main server IP points
Dear players, friends and members of TeamMuppet community, we want to give everybody a heads-up about a 10vs10 Baserace Cup event that is gonna be held on 26th April, 19:00 CET. Once again, TM members and friends are returning reunited together under the name Momentum to compete in this event and challenge our arch-rival, #follow.et team. As you might remember, in our last encounter #follow.et suffered a humiliating defeat (https://www.gamestv.org/event/60655-follow-et-vs-momentum/). The event is gonna be streamed on Facebook and twitch.tv (we will provide you with the links in the following days). All information about the cup and participants can be found here: https://battlefy.com/wolfetonline/wolfet-10vs10-baserace-cup/5e8f4bb069cc9310a619c969/info?infoTab=details. Call your friends, grab some popcorn and tune in! Thanks @Dmxj for artwork!7 points
Hey there. The admins had a chatter and we took our time looking in to this. We checked the logs spanning roughly an hour as well as a demo and come to our conclusion. Pharaoh you did indeed spawn kill and Jess took appropriate steps to stop something as devastating as a mortar sking. Before being kicked you were warned 4 times to stop your spawn killing and in my books that is quite generous. You then come back to the server later on and complained in main chat, something which we highly discourage. Jess requested you come to the forums but you continued in main chat, complaining and disrespecting an admin. We understand you were upset but this isn't acceptable. We much prefer issues be brought to the forums like you have eventually done. Please note one of the rules on the server: "NO insulting, disrespecting or swearing! This will result in a !mute/!kick/!ban without being warned beforehand." This led to your second kick. We encourage you to check the rules regarding heavy weapons spawn kill if you intend to use the mortar again Pharaoh. In brief, this is from the rules page on the forums, that last part applies to you.7 points
More info: The server is based on the same mod (ETLegacy) as our main and most important server of TM. @Bystry @sed and me created this second server because the main server is mostly full in these difficult 'real' life times. Our main goal is to create a server where people play more the objective then play for fun or for kills. A few things what we think is important. - max 1 rg per team - max 1 heavy weapon per team - small amount of landmines - 'etpro' based settings (rank your self up by receiving xp 'kills/obk/...) - 10 map cycle based on the etpro warzone maps (no votinglist) (mostly downloadfree) We created this server as pure as the game ET is nothing less nothing more. Earn your stars and go for the objective! Ps: your level will be the same as in the main server also /mc chat will work!7 points
Dear Members, Friends, Players and Visitors! It's been a long time since the last MuppetMail came out. Many things have changed! Our community has grown and the time passed by and now we are proud that we can show you the fresh MuppetMail 6th edition. Because many of you had questions about who is who and who leads us we've paid attention to those topics you care about. We did not want to write the entire book (although we were sure it could be a bestseller) so because of it it's only one page But if you will have any kind of questions don't be afraid to ask! Enjoy the reading!7 points
Halloween comes early this year! I've been trying to get in touch with AoS for a while now because some of our people have connections with some of their people. After some poking around I got very lucky and got in touch with @AoS|Fabi who really liked the idea of having a shared event. After a short discussion we agreed on hosting our event on the Infected mod, which happens to be one of the most fun mods we have to offer! (in my modest opinion) Get your zombie evading skills ready because next week we will find out which community has the best survival skills and which one has the best brain-devouring members! 7pm GMT we will kick off the event on our infected server. You can find the IP in the copy&paste section below! AoS loves being on TeamSpeak so Fabi has invited us to join them on their TeamSpeak for the event. Playing the game with a bunch of amazing people is one thing, actually speaking with them brings the experience to whole new level, I will be on their TS server, I hope I will meet some of you over there as well! The IP for that can be found in the Teamspeak section below! I'm looking forwar t--.. wait, is that a zombie i hear growling outside? I'll go have a look, hopefully I'm wro- F*CK! RUN! Please try to connect to the server before the event to make sure there are no problems with downloading the required files. If you need any help, feel free to leave a post on this topic and we will try to help you out as fast as possible! TL;DR section Infected event with AoS community, 4th of March, 7pm GMT (Uk time!), wear diapers Copy&Paste section /connect Teamspeak section AoS teamspeak: ts.aos-et.com:9253 ( Because someone is still puzzled, what time is UK time, this can be helpful: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/uk/london7 points
7 points
Firstly thanks Niki for starting this topic. I think we should remember to respect eachothers choices and i believe this topic will help 'to remember' . Since i came this server I rarely seen arguments and insulting talks about this subject while playing. But i can not say it never happened too. There are just a few people (i can not say more than 3) who being catalyst for this kind of arguments. Of course you may be a believer or not. Sometimes it's a choice like hoping, sometimes it's a choise like being a good person or bad one. I can go out to street and can fight with the first person who comes in front of me. Yea, i can do that, and believe me i can be very good at that too At the and it's just a chioce for me. But why? What's the purpose? What's the meaning? I have more important things to do and to think! People born, then start to grow up, then start to 'think'. With the power of knowledge and working brain, they try to make connections about life. Try to understand.. And after all decide something and make choices. And it's not like a thing that which football team you will support It doesn't matter which religion you follow, or you're a believer or not. The important think showing respect to your next person as a human. Try to understand him/her, even can't understand can give a friendly smile which means 'ok i accept you as the be you are'. The main purpose of being here playing the game and 'having fun'. But of course we can discuss about other stuff too, in game or out of game. But we should only do that if we believe we can show respect to other players and don't hurt them. Otherwise it's better not to start or get involved it Hope that one day we will achieve that truely in the worldwide.. *Sorry for my english mistakes if i've done7 points
Every religion wants the same thing. Love and unity amongst all the people on the earth. Specific religions have different ways of achieving that and some take personal and mental progress above spiritual development but they still strive to achieve the same goals. No religion has ever said that another religion is worth less or that their own way is the only true way. People that chose to bash on other people because their religions differ from eachother don't have a clue about what they believe in. Those people shouldn't call themselves catholic, muslim, etc. If people truly understand the religion they follow they would never get in fights over it on a server of an online game. Think about that next time you want to bash a muslim because you think you are a christian, or vice versa. Atheists that want to bash on people with a religion are not any better. If you need to start fights with people because they believe in something that makes their life better than you are a bad person. And if religious people need to start fights with atheists because they don't believe in the same things as you do they are bad people as well and miss the point of being religious. I'm not a religious man. I believe in the power of the mind and I want to understand what life is about. So far I have learned that many of things we do towards eachother not only hurts them but also hurts you in the long run. Why would we waste energy on being a toxic person in life that causes fights everywhere if we can just be friendly and feel happiness with much less effort? I think this post is great and I hope we can all take the effort to not fuel religious debates on the server. When you see it happening try to be friendly about it though. I don't think you need guidelines on how to do this, all of you have your own ways of dealing with situations. Just make sure that the people in question know that we are not trying to oppress their religious or political thoughts, we are just trying to keep the peace on our server.7 points
Thank you Mr, Mini and Virus, the work you have done is something that i admire and all i can promise is to keep your work alive.7 points
Who originally set up Team muppet and what year it was? It was me, I made it last year. - Who were the very first members to join the clan? I was - Did NoDownload server exist since the beginning? Jaymod started it all - Have you always been using etpub mod? Only when Jaymod is unavailible - Did TM ever attend to any lan events or open cups? Yes, we had a lan party in my basment - Did minimuppet (?) meet mr.muppet on enemy territory (My favourite question) Yes, I introduced them when they joined - What was the most memorable moment in teammuppet clan history? When I defeated the enemy and I rode my dinosaur to victory - Why "the muppets" were chosen as the name of the clan? Cuz you are all my puppets. hehe - Did TM ever play return to castle of wolfenstein? sure - Do most british members know each other in real life? We are all secretly Canadian - If you were able to what would you bring back from the team muppet clan past? Jaymod.... - Were there any true love stories during all the years? Sosa + Star , Macka + Star, Darek + Star, - Members who have been part of the community for long do you know each other very well? We are all related - Did TM ever face any conflicts? someone ate my sandwich once in the break room - Did TM somehow change yourself? Yes, I am now a horse.7 points
6 points
@Spyhawk Super interesting read, thanks for that. And also kudos to you and the ETL team - I would not have dared to install ET again a few months ago, until I accidentally discovered your work, which, since then, has provided me with many(!) hours of gaming-fun on the Muppet server! Love it... I think that's natural, as you look very differently at the game compared to regular players that most probably have no clue of 3d-game-development; I mean you've aten the red pill (admit it!), Neo! I haven't noticed the explosions-dont-gib bug. But at the pace, the game gets with 30 players and everything levelled up, I'd guess things like that are easily overseen; my attention is at heads popping up, not at bugs. 99 out of 100 players don't even know that you request bug reports, and how and where you request them? For someone who has experience in software develpment, it might come natural to visit a site like github and provide a reproducible example with a demo. I don't even have a demo of most of the games I play. "Thomas Bayes" - you think of Skill Rank, I think of an underground gabba dj in rotterdam There are always nagging people. Goldrush is to frequent. Fueldump is too white. Proning is too lame. Don't overrate it, but look at the many silent folks that play ETL with great passion and appreciate everything behind the development of it. Unfortunately, appreciation for work is often a silent thing. But I hope it's still on your radar. Thanks again and best, Oldman6 points