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Everything posted by Ctrz

  1. My suggestion was more for to become member and help us to keep the good athmosphere in server, forum, discord - you name it.
  2. Actually, there is something YOU can do about it. As a part of TM member, you have some better tools to help bring order to chaos into these situations. So .. apply and lend us your helping hand!
  3. Sadly there is little to do about it. I've seen many times even 5vs1 situations where people will stack vs bots and flame the guy who goes to the other team. We cannot do much about it. If bots would be moody and go also spec when they are like +2 in one team, then that would help. But this is a free and pretty old multiplayer, so hope for very clever AI solution is way over the top thinking . Sometimes there are jerks and nothing we can do about it. Im sorry.
  4. I would let boosted to try his vision about maps etc. for 1-2 months and see if that brings people into server or not. An empty server cannot go emptier.
  5. I see where you coming from, but during Covid and how people react to that virus, masks and everything .. "normal" is much wider spectrum than we knew and for some people some stuff are more normal than for us maybe. For example - some allies engineers plant mines in goldrush second truck barrier when map begins. Surely they are useful at one point but majority would like to see them planted elsewhere. If we have a rule that says "no re-planting team mines" then those mines should stay. But you can also argue, that when axis manage to build barrier and mines are still there, they are actually blocking allies route in a way .. I think we should discuss how detailed our rules should be written wider because with every new player in server, we get new set of worldview how to ´behave in our server and with every new TM member, we get new person with unique set of ideals, ethics and view on the game. And when some TM members are very strict and others can be more loose, then some guests dont know what are actually the limits in server and what is the culture we have.
  6. Throwing games like this is pretty much griefing and not in the spirit of our server and brand. I categorize it the same as placing landmines or arty on teammates route to objective. If that causes one team losing the game, then thats really unfair. Maybe we should think of adding that to our rules? That could be a point to discuss. Same goes for fops who stay next to spawn the whole map and just throw ammopacks without doing anything else to help the team.
  7. offtopic : Are you fine? ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
  8. Im not going even into that argument, because you should know that our servers have always valued honest players, even and fair teams, friendly enviroment and healthy gameplay. Whoever goes purposefully against that doesnt even need a loud voice. They are free to go elsewhere. Hackers, pottymouths, teamkillers, teamstackers - you name it. You are regular player, so dont think that comes as a suprise to you, but we dont usually move people without asking them first or informing, that we will make teams even if one-sided gameplay is seen long period of time. But if they group up in one team and doesnt care and other team cannot do anything else than just respawn after respawn, then we will fix this mess even if we hurt someones ego or "freedom". But agree with @Matu that luckily we have number of strong aimers and objective players who are willing to help out team that is struggling. And we never forget that.
  9. I think the last few min is just .. time to let that case go. Ive seen many times goldrush where allies struggle to get anywhere while having 1 less player and when they finally have gold and drive past ammobox then 2-3-4 axis will disconnect and after round end, you can see the axis guys saying "uneven teams all the time". I'd say we all should have same understanding what to do and when to do it. No need to constantly switch forward and back. Its also fine to swap with someone. If you see for example one team having 2 less players but 3 of that team players are the strongest we have in server, then you can just set them apart and move someone from other team in their place. When people join server, they should understand that we respect them and their freedom to play in whatever team they like but we have also responsibility to keep teams fair not just in numbers but also in gameplay sense. If they dont care about healthy enviroment and balanced teams, then I personally dont care about their arguments either. Whatever you do, please keep autorecord on, so we can see your perspective if we have someone complaining about injustice.
  10. yeap. also getting flag fast for example in supply, radar or oasis doesnt mean that attacking team is very strong. it can be very lucky timing that helps one or other side.
  11. There's the difference. Some players use it for selfkill before spawn and others use it in battle. Having known delay like 1.5s before selfkill kills you would make it hard to deploy it in battle but still possible to use it for spawn. Just dont tap out last second but lets say 2 sec before spawn.
  12. We have demos for both cases. These descision does not come easily or without multiple demo+multiple opinion about it.
  13. Maybe its possible to add delay between selfkill command and the action of it? That would make it hard to use in battle. Like delay 2s for example. Or remove forcetapout possibility...?
  14. Its just we have different "event server" for those things. If you have any other idea for beginner and halloween - let us know If we can do it, I see no point not doing it!
  15. I only liked noquarter because it was possible to pick up guns with more ammo.
  16. If they join - feel free to join spec or vote them off. If you report us or inform us in discord, we can also push them out. People will always behave badly. We cannot fix them by doing the same to them. I'm sorry, but thats very dumb way to solve anything in game, in real life .. We should discuss within community if we could fight with them more efficiently with some extended commands for example. I suggested to freeze them, disorient them etc.
  17. Mortar is pretty defensless when in action. So I dont see an issue, when its near spawn. In few maps, I think we have glassroof over spawn to prevent mortar camping there. But following the rules, you can kill the mortar in spawn with any light weapon as technically it shot first.
  18. I'm very confused what is going on here. The issue about exploit and crashing server has gone much further and it seems there is much more tensions underneath that are coming out now. If you need to discuss it, feel free to do it .. in some other place or some other topic. I dont think we need to talk here about other servers and how life is over there ..
  19. Well. Soldier roll is pretty much supportive role. 2 weaponchoices are pretty positional - mg42/browning and mortar. Cannot run around with them. Flamer and panzer can be more mobile but what you forget with most soldier classes - they cannot defend themselves too much. Panzer shoots his shots and then waits same amount of time that takes to empty out at least 2 magazines of bullets from mp40 or thompson. So what exact proposal do you have?
  20. There are so many streaming it @eMMiel is also interested?
  21. Hey. I know, its not a FPS game and not ET, but how many would be interested to play among us? Its few euro/dollar/whatevercurrency in steam and you dont need beast computer. Just some time, headphones and mic for voice chat and some time. https://store.steampowered.com/app/945360/Among_Us/ Let us know here if you are interested in having some fun ! If you dont care or dont like the game or idea of a event on it - dont bother responding here. Keep it to yourself.
  22. TBH, we had some kind of bug where medics had limited amount of needles. And this game is respawn based (with reduced spawntimes - not 20/30s like default or smth) so there is no big deal if the amount of needles would be limited (10 for example) and can be gained back with ammo packs or the needle would have some recharge time. But thats a decent debate to have but I would not count too heavily on people supporting changes.
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