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Heavy Weapons  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Reduce Heavy Weapons

    • Under 14 players - 1 Soldier and 2 rifles. 14 and higher players - 4 soldiers and no rifle limit
    • No changes, keep it as is
    • Other. Comment Below

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Guest Cyber

First of all, to clarify the conditions for limits: 14 people total, so 7v7 excluding specs, I'd hope. And limiting 1 soldier and 2 rifles would be per team, therefore 2 soldiers and 4 rifles total. 


I think 1 soldier per team wouldn't be great. Imagine someone less skilled (like myself) takes mortar, spends 5 shots just getting aligned, land few, respawn for ammo and repeat. Altogether very little impact on game,while nobody can pick panzer or MG... 


Therefore I voted "other" with my suggestion being: under 14 players, allow 2 soldier per team and 2 rifles also (as originally suggested) 


Ps I see player Majrik in one of the screenshots... Whoever sees him, pls let him know that "cyber says you smell"... He'll know what I mean 😁

4 minutes ago, Charlie said:

Retired old man. Afker and Dragonball Z fan here. I'm not fond of limiting things in general - it's a slippery slope in my opinion.


You guys have spoken though on here and discord, and thanks to you regulars that voted/posted too. Even you Seb :D This where us admins pretend this topic doesn't exist now right? Right ...?


:sofa:  Watch this space.

Got my bifocals on


@Kevlar If mean me with that activity post, yes I m play sometimes and when have time I have played game so long, that its normal that I m not anymore so active. (What I have been years before many years in a row.. ) Most of that time played players have quit or they use their time only to chat.. I have seen things thid game all tears since it released.  I have played all that time over 20 years.. So its kind of useless to start talk about activity..

Posted (edited)

Hey Stumpel,

I think you're missing Kevlar's point, he just wants the part of the heavy weapons discussed here, you are giving possibilities what could of what could not happen if these HW going to be limited..

The most who backup Kev's idea are playing daily on ETL1, I don't think I see you often there ? Or I am blind tho ^^.  But please, if anyone knows whats he talking about, its Kevlar. I trust the man 100% that he has the best intentions for the servers, our clan and al the rest :)

Edited by c4ps
  • Like 1
9 hours ago, Stumpel said:

@Kevlar If mean me with that activity post, yes I m play sometimes and when have time I have played game so long, that its normal that I m not anymore so active. (What I have been years before many years in a row.. ) Most of that time played players have quit or they use their time only to chat.. I have seen things thid game all tears since it released.  I have played all that time over 20 years.. So its kind of useless to start talk about activity..

Im not sure I follow, are u suggesting that because you used to be an active player, over a span of 20 years, but admittedly don't play so much now, the server should be confiured to your preferences? More or less?  What do u even care if 100% of the players go medic, or panzer, or whatever, your never there....the point your missing is, your derailing smth that is a current issue for us current players, that were currently trying to resolve, and you've blabbed on for mutiple posts giving us your insights about a made up scenario that hasn't taken place. 

You don't even play 'when you have the time' - yesterday you sat here distracting from the topic for a few hours, could have played instead. But you didn't, so I'm inclined to think that you enjoy adding your opinion to the discussions more than the gaming aspect of the clan. 


@Kevlar I'm not sayin that erver things should be as I say, I m not anykind of admin, and the thing if I tell about my long playing hitory, doesnt mean that things have to change because I want.. No it doesnt go like like that. I t has never went that way, that if some sinlge player want something to changed by just because he/she wants then  the things really dont change.. Because always voting and democracy. <=TM=> isnt a dictator based place. And secondly I dont have nothing against changes BUT I hope that player classes goes more even between game rounds.. And I know your good guy Kevlar and I hope that you understand, that I m not trying to stop changes. I just know that commenting is always welcome.. Maybe I talk sometimes on game.. But I personally havent heard from players commenting back that I m doing something wrong.. Just have heard them saying they like my polite way, and that I try to listen..


Ok, yes thats tru you have seen me speccin much, I feel better spec when I see server full of some specfic class.. I hope that classes are almost the same not like that almost all jump into 1 class.. I know many of guys doesnt matter yes if all games are like server full and maps which can complete just by killing eatchothers with team 20 medics vs 20 medics, its not just medics it can be any class where players jumps.. example 20 flamer guys vs other 20 flmer guys it can be anyone class or 20 field ops vs 20 field ops if server full teams are 20 vs 20, I know its more than that.. I answer this post to your latest post to mee.. I know I cant win that vote because all other has choosen Charlies option and 2 others want some alternative option..   My point to start topics about it, its just that people saying too much rg's on air or too much mg shooting on air.. I see too many guys running with syringes and eating own medics and when others dying then they revive and see they got 2-5 bullets on clip, because the whole field-ops class has no player, why? because all loves medics.. But class can be anyone whats having too many guys... I just thinkin that 16 medics or more in single game is way too much, people saying more than 5 is much and same time they say 8 and over medics per team is fine and doesnt matter , even if the whole team is under medic class which makes game totally ridiculous then, that sentence I dont understand every other class if teams has like 8 and over I bet it would be big crying so I cry on this, because I think its unfair to relase medic that everyone can be medic same time.. If game goes just medics fighting then its quite boring game if askin me. Please choose some other class too... Sometimes teams are chosed quite well BUT usually they are having that people jumping into medic class.. 


But its only a democracy when it suits a few who don't play, this is the point ur missing. The majority have expressed these wants for a while and the same few people prevent it, thats not democracy. So you can't claim that. 

I cannot fully under stand the quote below I am sorry.

9 minutes ago, Stumpel said:

Ok, yes thats tru you have seen me speccin much, I feel better spec when I see server full of some specfic class.. I hope that classes are almost the same not like that almost all jump into 1 class.. I know many of guys doesnt matter yes if all games are like server full and maps which can complete just by killing eatchothers with team 20 medics vs 20 medics, its not just medics it can be any class where players jumps.. example 20 flamer guys vs other 20 flmer guys it can be anyone class or 20 field ops vs 20 field ops if server full teams are 20 vs 20, I know its more than that.. I answer this post to your latest post to mee.. I know I cant win that vote because all other has choosen Charlies option and 2 others want some alternative option..   My point to start topics about it, its just that people saying too much rg's on air or too much mg shooting on air.. I see too many guys running with syringes and eating own medics and when others dying then they revive and see they got 2-5 bullets on clip, because the whole field-ops class has no player, why? because all loves medics.. But class can be anyone whats having too many guys... I just thinkin that 16 medics or more in single game is way too much, people saying more than 5 is much and same time they say 8 and over medics per team is fine and doesnt matter , even if the whole team is under medic class which makes game totally ridiculous then, that sentence I dont understand every other class if teams has like 8 and over I bet it would be big crying so I cry on this, because I think its unfair to relase medic that everyone can be medic same time.. If game goes just medics fighting then its quite boring game if askin me. Please choose some other class too... Sometimes teams are chosed quite well BUT usually they are having that people jumping into medic class.. 


Posted (edited)

You can answer that way, Its ur way to answer, and it only means  that you didnt understand my point  and idea of topics since I started to talk about it at all.. And that I cant do nothing if you didn't undesrtand.. I edited this asnwer just because you write later post that you didnt even look what I answered, but that you didnt read reply wasnt my fault..

Edited by Stumpel
  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, Stumpel said:

Answered your colored message colors. :D I hope it maded you understood now. @Kevlar ok because so many posts  and I think this is the last one on this one I add some more names @P3Swan @Matu @Eagle_cz @Jessica @Mister J@0wN1x @StaR @Bomba @Charlie @MrMuppet @MiniMuppet @mylan @MOoN @Virus @Ande @miraro3 @hijack @Jackoe maybe some of names are so offline that they dont visit forum even.. But Will see how many will look..

So you brought more AFK people into the mix. What's this supposed to do? 


I didnt even read ur replies m8 - I stopped at A


May be TM ETL server can enforce this changes on some maps? For example erdenberg, adlernest, special delivery and similar maps. On these maps allies have to rush through tight corridors, narrow doors and not much space to escape heavy weapons and rifle grenades. Same goes for axis on Caen2. On larger maps such as Capuzzo, Oasis, Radar I believe limitations are not necessary. I am not sure if it is technically possible to work these limitation scripts on specific maps. Just my 2 cents.

Wishing everyone a great week and ET Experience.

Guest Cyber

I don't know the coding side of et, but we already have disabled mortar on some maps, so other weapons are surely doable also. But I feel like there's been so many limitations to make gameplay better... Ofc I'm not against stuff like our sk script, flo has done amazing work there pretty quick. But I think a lot of "problems" are just a result of huge server. If we chopped server to 20 slots, most of this would be gone 


Heavy weapons are issue when there are more players on server on chokepoint-like maps (adlernest, erdenberg, delivery,...) because AoE weapons will just deal more damage if there are more players jumping around. Restricting HW if there are less players on server therefore won't solve this issue.


IMO proper solution would be to edit such maps to have wider pathways, but I understand that probably ain't happening. Maybe some other solution could be with slower recharge, but it would also have to be applied to grenades somehow.


ET and it's maps weren't designed to be played 20v20, it just happened to be quite fun on public 😄

Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, Stumpel said:

Edit. Took rest the AFK names off,  and @P3Swan you usually dont read posts, so nothing new on that..

Cba to keep this nonsense talk going on

Edited by P3Swan

Post edited to more understnadable way to both of @Kevlar and @P3Swan and its not nonsense talk mates.. You maybe think ur latest comment was somekind of joke, if yes.. it wasnt good joke, because I'm not writing here to post trash posts, that why I deicded to edit my posts in more understandable way, that you both understand better what was the point of this all.. If you call that what I tried say as nonsense, posts edited understanble way tht you dont think that its somekind of space taking from forum and trashtalking no its not..  And final..  It good see peope talk about limits, and  @Charlies  option is havin many votes and I'm quite sure it goes to that.. Which isnt bad idea..  But I wish people split more in game between classes.. Than that as first choose take medic.. 


I hope that you both understood now.. That I cant do much if you dont read this post, atleast I told.. I think I have said now enough from this case..

4 minutes ago, Stumpel said:

Post edited to more understnadable way to both of @Kevlar and @P3Swan and its not nonsense talk mates.. You maybe think ur latest comment was somekind of joke, if yes.. it wasnt good joke, because I'm not writing here to post trash posts, that why I deicded to edit my posts in more understandable way, that you both understand better what was the point of this all.. If you call that what I tried say as nonsense, posts edited understanble way tht you dont think that its somekind of space taking from forum and trashtalking no its not..  And final..  It good see peope talk about limits, and  @Charlies  option is havin many votes and I'm quite sure it goes to that.. Which isnt bad idea..  But I wish people split more in game between classes.. Than that as first choose take medic.. 


I hope that you both understood now.. That I cant do much if you dont read this post, atleast I told.. I think I have said now enough from this case..

Ah, old boy, its good. Giving your opinion is always good but @Kevlar just dont want to talk about medics and other issues in "Heavy Weapon Restrictions" topic.

But Im sure we can open topic to talk about medics and other classes.  :cheers:

You and I have come long way from playing in AoS servers and now in TM server (both legacy and pre-legacy time) and you know you can always post things or comment. Just lets talk about heavy weapons here and other things in other topics.  :)


  • TeamMuppet coin 1
6 hours ago, P3Swan said:

Cba to keep this nonsense talk going on

Dont call pesone AFK.

There is a difference between AFK and present but silence :)

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

@CtrzThank bro, you my man who knows things. But about AoS time visit, I call it experence after that what hapoened to them.. I have longer time total in ET scene than you know played it since 2003 and in many groups and been even owner some places, but decided as final result that better be just be player and membee than be something very high because it makes gaming harder..    I m happy that Teammuppet we are diffrent that than exsmple hapoened in AoS that it hapoened what hapoened,  that we can keep Teammuppet working and alive together..  @MiniMuppet and Craig has maded working system which is raised up to top 3 activiest ET servers..       Sorry this goes totally offtopic just wanted thank you @Ctrz And sorry @Kevlar if maded you a bit abused by diffrent view discussion, yes it wasnt in the topics nain idea, and its true that maybe should open another topic to it, because it just sided idea, but it wasnt actually that, what people were voting about.. @P3Swan I sent finnish pm and said things in Finnish that he understood me.  :respect:



!slap Stumpel 10000 stay on topic, if want talk more something else than heavy weapons restrictions, open new topic.



Edited by Stumpel
  • Thanks 1

Script deployed yesterday on main server with conditions as agreed :

- less than 14 players: 1 soldier, 2 rifles, 8 landmines

- equal or more than 14 players: 4 soldiers, 4 rifles, 12 landmines

spectators are not considered as players.

Any feedback welcome

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

So it didnt go like Charlie was thinkin..  How its counted total or per team? And that example 1 soldier is it per gun or all soldiers just 1. Because if script count it way just 1 soldier  then less than 14 is total in game 1-2 depends does it count axis=1 allies=1  or axis=1 and  allies=locked or axis=locked and allies=1?




Edit: Forgot to say that I havent had time to play so I dont know how script counts.. And that why ask how it is..  And I think I'm still little too busy atm so IDK for sure when I have time..

Edited by Stumpel
15 hours ago, Stumpel said:

So it didnt go like Charlie was thinkin..  How its counted total or per team? And that example 1 soldier is it per gun or all soldiers just 1. Because if script count it way just 1 soldier  then less than 14 is total in game 1-2 depends does it count axis=1 allies=1  or axis=1 and  allies=locked or axis=locked and allies=1?




Edit: Forgot to say that I havent had time to play so I dont know how script counts.. And that why ask how it is..  And I think I'm still little too busy atm so IDK for sure when I have time..

It’s 14 players in total, so up to 7v7. And limits are per team based, meaning if less than 7v7 there can be only 1 soldier per team, whatever the weapon picked.

Posted (edited)

I if I understood right that 1 guy locks the whole class..  and in full teams 4 guys locks whole class..


So its 1 soldier only if 14 or less example if that 1 soldier takes thompson/mp40 then whole soldier class goes locked, and those guys who wanted take soldier too with other weapon goes maybe medic? And same with number 1 switched into 4 when server full.. And there will be even more medics maybe.. Just guessing that they go medic..


Which means medic amount will raise up for 100% sure.. But I'm not going to choose it.. But I can take screens about medic filled teams and send those to  our site, that which day we make new record on medic amount.. Maybe lock class medic that they cant revive other medics.. That wasnt my idea, its someone other thinkin about that in the topic where I have added screenshot about medic amount in teams.. Just to wake up people to reality..

Edited by Stumpel

stumple again mate your focusing the heavy weapons topic into a discussion about medics. Its full of maybes and if's, id suggest allow a little time for these maybes and if's to occur. 

Everyone hears you we heard you the first second and third time you mentioned it, but derailing one topic for another subject is why it appears no one is taking your side. 


One thing at a time. 


I will shed some light on this; when these talks take place, and people spit ball suggestions, its great and healthy but the technical aspect of it, is often not considered. I know these technical aspects, and when I make suggestions it is based on what is already available in game or is already available thro the community. 

ETLegacy does not support this suggestion, to do your suggestion, means we need to find, modify code & test the module from another mod. This is work. And currently there is work going on for the topic above. It's not like some one can go switch a button that stops medics healing themselves, this involves several checks to take place, it is more work for the server, it increases the amount of calculations the CPU has to do. And for an if or maybe it's not fair to ask anyone to do that at this point. 

This is why I keep saying one thing a time. My suggestion about medic in your other topic, is achievable within the game parameters, in fact my suggestion would remove an LUA add on, reducing the workload on server. 

Why not continue this medic discussion in a Medic Topic? :)


  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

Since flamethrower is already disabled, when there is 14 players all soldier slots are usable. Not sure who would got the soldier with the Machinen Pistole 40 or Thompson but anyways.  Yesterday I had some time in the server with the new rules. Not sure if allies were good yesterday or because of new rules but on maps like Erdenberg and Braundorf, they could penetrate easier into the objectives. Also on maps like adlernest, axis still could stand a solid ground, at least at the final ramp. Need more days to test the new rules to see their effect on game play. 


Edited by RosenCruz
Posted (edited)


@Kevlar writed:

"Everyone hears you we heard you the first second and third time you mentioned it, but derailing one topic for another subject is why it appears no one is taking your side. "


Well thats your way to answer and it isnt the truth if you think that is..  It seems that you didnt realize that I answered just about the new added script like @Flo said  when informed people about added script that comment and feedback is welcome, its just my feedback to him about his added lua script but it can be someother script too.. And where it should lead.. I m not askin any guy to taking anykind of side.. If you like see my comments the way that I m rounding topic then its your own problem not mine. Thanks 


Mr.Kevlar you have to just live with it. 


Edited by Stumpel

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