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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/28/2023 in all areas

  1. Hey there, I'm the brain dead slob that kicked you the second time. Nice to meet you. I kicked you for ignoring a warning then team killing 2 people, including myself. Your first kick was for teamkilling too I believe. This sure escalated quickly, but if you don't need any of us and don't depend on the server like you say, then you won't mind the cheeky little ban I just gave you. Have a nice life sweetheart ❤️
    12 points
  2. Hi friends, Hi Admins ❤️ how about we do a Server vote once a year, just for fun. The idea is to have certain titles that players can be voted on. for example: all the normal stuff like: best medic best engi best covert etc but then also have stuff like: biggest rambo medic biggest mortar degenerate biggest obj whore biggest spawnkiller best/worst aimer spammer etc it would be just for fun so people have something to vote and to interact with server and to see what the community thinks about each other what do people think?
    11 points
  3. TeamMuppet would like to wish everyone who keeps this community going a Happy New Year! May the new year bring you peace, joy, happiness and a whole lot of frags!
    9 points
  4. In general, I agree. ( Afterall its a trial, and we can always go back ) We can add a comment they have to fill in why they call the vote. I rather see it from level 3 and higher And we can advertise : You have more options as from level 3, like you can call Vote : Kick ( Only do it with valide reason ) When we see people abusing this vote option, players will get set back to level 2
    8 points
  5. As follows, to the dirty admin who kicked DonnieDarko: while I'm sitting in the corner as mortar, the player twaron, who I've also seen for the first time on the server today since I've been playing there, comes up to me from the side for no reason and does a team kill, shoots away the entire life bar on purpose, turns around and runs away. Completely intentional and no apology (ingame voice sorry) or any other information about what that means. and to top it off for the antisocial piece of shit, I get kicked off the server!!! because I think to myself, if that's okay, then I can just shoot him away for no reason if he can do that too. I don't know who gave you brain-dead slob admin rights, you little son of a bitch, but you can do that to your fat cheeseburger-eating mother, you bastard, store that deep in your brain. learn how to deal with admin rights and respect you miserable, perverted, stinking son of a bitch. I don't give a damn if the Chernobyl victim Twaron cries on Discord or somewhere else and is your friend, it happened as I wrote, so he should be kicked off the server and not me. And I don't need any of you and I don't depend on the server either. Nevertheless, disrespectful rubbish is fought with disrespectful rubbish. So Twaron and the pro admin please realize that you are sons of bitches, if I haven't mentioned it yet, fat sons of bitches whose wives won't let you near them anymore and that's why you're making a fuss online, you little deformed filthy children.
    6 points
  6. Hey. It seems that someone is bullying people in ETL1 and ETL2 servers while TM tagged community members are not online and makes playing a living hell. Also for great pun - that someone is using also other players names. That someone can be one or multiple person - dont know at this point. My suggestion is pretty simple and basic (but needs a script to be written) - give people in server right to use kickvote option. To keep it civil and organised, it also needs some terms. My best suggestion is: allow to start the kicvote from level 2 and up. vote can be initiated only against serverlevel 0 and 1 players. needs at least 51% of active people in server to vote. if specs could be included and allowed initiate and to vote - even better. needs at least 51% of voted people to vote "yes" for the kick to be happen person who will be kicked, will get X amount of cooldown from server (similar to current cooldown for too many sk) one person can only initiate one vote per map vote starters are logged and they should be informed that starting those kickvotes for any other reason than to kick the cheater might cause some consequences (we dont want people to start voting out random panzer or mortar or objective player) before kickvote or during kickvote - post about it should be made in discord (can make separate channel for it if needed This suggestion is made to allow kickvote to take place ONLY to kick out blatant namestealer/aimbot (or whatever cheat) user. Points 1,2 and 3 are very open to discussion. TM Members (serverlevel 6 and above) should have the kick or at least 3x !warn -> kick option. This change would be trial based and limited time. C#
    6 points
  7. Hello to the TeamMuppet community. I am Ryan, or also known as valk. I am 28 years old, and live in England, UK. I have played W:ET on and off now since 2003, my Father got me into the game. That's the plan for me, doing the same to my son when he's old enough, since my baby boy is due 19th August, not long to go ^^. I enjoy playing on the ETL main server, and I've started to dip my toes in to the ETL2 server too. TM offer the best within ET in my opinion, with a diverse map pool and active player base. Thought I'd come to the forums and say hello, you can find me in the TM discord if I'm needed. Regards, valk.
    5 points
  8. Yooo! Just wanted to say nice server and community you guys got here! I already play for a few months on the server, but im new here on Forum. My name is Felipe, im 29, Brazilian and a fan of FPS games. I played ET competitively for a long time (miss that tho), and this game gave me great friends all over the World. Greetings from Brazilllllll 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
    5 points
  9. Event: Team Deathmatch - TM vs the rest Server: Date: Saturday the 3rd of Februari (next Saturday) Time: 8PM CET Do you dare to challenge the almighty Team Muppet? Come join us in this fun event, everyone is welcome! It's pretty self explaining. We'll be playing on a Nitmod server with Team Deathmatch gametype. TeamMuppet members in one team, the other players in the other team. Don't forget to join our Discord if you want to! We hope to see you there!
    5 points
  10. We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Teammuppet community. We would like to say thank you to each and everyone for still supporting us after all these years. We hope all of your wishes come true and we wish you health and happiness.
    5 points
  11. Mini added callvote to server. All active members(exept our trial) is atleast lvl8 with kick command.If not,ask for it on server. Freeze will be added tomorrow morning to lvl 5s.Player will be unfrozen if killed so best is to freeze on spawn.
    5 points
  12. broke the chain - re-considering applicaiton vote
    4 points
  13. 4 points
  14. Sometmes i want to stab, shoot and blew up those sloths slowly leaving and blocking the spawn, but... kicking player for being a sloth? Lul You would need to kick half of the server if that is the case...
    4 points
  15. hello , I'm fratske and would like to join TeamMuppet Real name: Benjamin Name in-game: fratske Age: 32 Where are you from (Country): Belgium Server you play on: mostly beginners server Been in any other clan (please name): inspiron, genuine, very first clan was Wodanfire "=WF=" etpub 2.55 Why you are not in that clan anymore: most players stopped playing , like myself, took a very long break 5+ years. Started playing again around a month ago Who invited you to join: Goldfinger Other games you play: elden ring, rimworld, RDR2 Reason why you want to join: i talked to a couple of ppl of the clan already and they are very cool and fun to play with, also like to be part of a community and maybe i get the chance to play some competitive matches again Tell us about yourself: I work as painter in construction for 15 years now, my hobbies are working out, music, go out with friends and gaming ofcourse :p
    4 points
  16. If you want to solve this problem, then instead of debating it for weeks you should make decisions so he can't continue to be a menace. Any decision you do regarding giving more access to people, is in the right direction so don't be afraid to do it. And it is reversible so there really is no risk at all. Just remove peoples levels if they can't behave. It is still better than letting him roam free on the server. I suggest you give the kick, gib, freeze etc. to every TM member. To level 5 you could give the freeze and gib. And when this problem stops being a problem, reverse it back.
    4 points
  17. I think this is too preferential to ever happen, like making people play the way you want to play until they're "allowed" to play how the game is meant to be played. It's also not practical and will stack the defending teams, because for 5-6 minutes it's just target practice for them The only time I see it end this quick is when attack is very stacked or the defending team has players who are fixed to a spot looking for easier kills. Example for Braundorf once Allies have flag and gate. Axis camp the gate but Allies all switch to CP. Axis don't move back to OBJ because rather get easier kills at gate. There's no rule to say you have to go back and defend OBJ but if you choose not to then you'll have to accept the map might end quicker I agree, it's a shame when good map ends fast but that happens infrequently and if you're defending but don't care about OBJ you can always change your position/play slightly and make the map last longer yourself. Or if you're in a very good attacking team, move over to defending to even the teams and make the game last longer
    4 points
  18. Modifications on main server: increased warmup time from 30s to 40s inactivity timer to 10s at beginning of the map (after warmup), then 30s rest of the map balancer enabled during warmup 1mn inactivity timer for TM members, no matter the situation of the map
    3 points
  19. Its a bit patronising to have someone who doesnt play, come and tell us, who see and play on the server every day, what our issues are. Whats your backround with ET? Youve annoyed me a little, your steering the convo back to the usual and we are trying to make progress, and seemingly finally getting somewhere. Just place your vote & raise other issues another time. Yove been on the server 3 days ago for a little time, and previous to that 3 weeks ago.
    3 points
  20. I feel like the same maps are voted all the time for example supply, braundord, goldrush and delivery. Those maps are great and I have nothing against them. Is there a way to only vote new or less played maps after same maps have been played many times? For example today's voting list expectionally looked like this: Mlb temple Oasi Warbell Italy Fragginhart canyon Capuzzo Minas Helmsdeep Battery Library It would be cool to have similar maps to be voted so less played maps have to be played at some point.
    3 points
  21. Modified minMapAge from 13 to 15, let's see if it helps to enhance maps diversity
    3 points
  22. Yeah, there is a timer for people that are afk and will automatically be moved to specs after the timer runs out. So, yes, there was no logical reason to kick dundee. If he was afk he would've been moved to specs anyway. It was pointless to kick him.
    3 points
  23. Maps added Fuel dump_uvf, Rommel and UJE Italy
    3 points
  24. too many "coincidences" to be true anymore. Behavior is also reason enough. Banned
    3 points
  25. @Charlie Yo Charleston, you old duck! we unanimously (at least 20+ members) voted tonight, that we need to add Minas Tirith map back into the cycle of main ET:Legacy server! @EBO said you're a wuss if you don't and she'll 1v1 u anyday Please load it back asap, for free Charlie points
    3 points
  26. A bit late to this one, but I find the game a lot better to play without medics being able to self heal. There will always be rambo medics to some extent but the changes make it harder for them to act like that. It does appear to instil some more team play, admittedly sometimes only between the two medics on a team (healing each other etc), rather than just fragging (although I have seen that still). Make them easier to kill imo and thus a fairer game. As abve comments - I'm glad the changes were made 😀
    3 points
  27. Unfair to use cheats againts our bots! Banned
    3 points
  28. Knardo, you have initially banned for 90days because we received too many complains about your behavior and we had to take a look at your history and logs, which highlighted: insulting on a regular basis calling everyone noob and/or cheater on a daily basis doing threats against other players strong history: 4 kicks, 16 warnings, 82 spawnkills, 1 ban, and that only for the main server We indeed suspected some kind of mental illness when going through your logs. Man you should rest and relax, this is only a videogame, and stop being a police-wannabe, it will consume you for nothing. After that, you tried to overpass your ban and the system detected it. Thus the 99 years ban. All I can read from your messages is that you don't even admit anything, it's always others' fault. We already spent too much time on your case in the past, and you're still being disrespectful against the players who play on our server. See: https://teammuppet.com/home/forums/topic/20895-banned-for-what https://teammuppet.com/home/forums/topic/20890-cain-vs-knardo/ https://teammuppet.com/home/forums/topic/20880-robert-plant Just to confirm: no one hates you personnaly, lo$t, Jessica, TM team or whoever. We don't know you. We are just players willing to play on a healthy gaming environment, which has some rules like everywhere (first being: respect everyone everytime). You had your chances. Threatening players is a total NO-GO. Now decision is definitive. Please stay away from our servers and our players.
    3 points
  29. Well, nice try Nigero. No need to try to involve Eagle or MrMuppet. Je$$ica has been ruling the server for many years and has all latitude to do so. He’s protecting all regular players on a daily basis against cheaters/toxic people/spawnkillers/racist etc. Trying to cast such hasty asperions on him is pointless here. All this drama for a name change..it’s just pointing out that Je$$ica took the good decision on the server to avoid endless arguments and discussion so that it doesn’t disturb server normal playing. So in a nutshell, if an admin ask you to change your name, do it. And don’t try to be smarter or the most loud talker, it will lead you nowhere.
    3 points
  30. I understand that the way admins handled this leaves some room for improvement. I agree with you on that. However, it is not like you did any better. Instead of choosing something else as your name after getting kicked, you went with "shitheads". What did you think was gonna happen? On top of that, you have registered to the forum as "nigero". Not sure what it means but you can understand what it sounds like. Also, while unique usually means different that everything else, in this instance I think admins are looking for names that they can identify you under i.e. choosing a name that you stick with. qqqqqqqq sounds like a spam name. I'm sure admins will figure this out. Just be patient. Merry Christmas to all!
    3 points
  31. Hello, I'm Cedar, I'm from France. Playing the game since a while with a break of around 10 years. I'm glad to find an active community on ET. Forward to see you in game
    3 points
  32. Yes funny idea. Let’s also add a poll for best smoke user, even if we all know who will win 🤪
    3 points
  33. I don't see any point in playing ET (even pub) if you are not trying to win/defend the map. Why would anyone play engineer if there is no point in moving the map along? Also, what's the problem with moving onto another map? It can be equally frustrating for "objective" players when others in the team are not focussed at all on achieving/defending the objective. Beach can be incredibly frustrating as an allied player just getting spammed on the whole time or shot from a distance by someone high... the only reward from an allied perspective is to win the map through the objective. Some of us are not good enough to play 3v3 or 6v6 or simply don't want to return to competitive play. BTW, love having players as skilled as Mxt0r playing on the server... long may it continue, even if the maps end quickly
    3 points
  34. Much like you have the right to play the game in the way you want, so do everyone else. I understand the frustration though - but there's nothing you can really do about it except help the defence yourself.
    3 points
  35. New voice announce thx to @DKill_ ET Legacy 2023-07-29 04-44-31.mp4
    3 points
  36. Your easiest solution would be to enable balancer in warmup (it’s a variable inside the existent lua) and extend warmup to 40s. And a little code to set inactivity time to 10-15s in during warmup You will have little more warmup and teams balanced by script
    2 points
  37. If you know the topic why are you trying to derail it into another subject? This is what halts progress. Let us get one thing out of the way first..... Engy wont be locked, rifle will limited. Engy can tale smg, incase you arent aware. Players will need to take SMG engy as well, and it will encourage team work instead of people running around firing nades across the map playing tennis on a solo quest to get the most frags they can. No disrespect but another example of a mostly AFK player pasionatley opposing some decisions that may or may not happen in a game they play once in a blue moon. We brough this topic to the forum so that it wouldnt get side tracked and lost in endless chats. Can we please stay on topic.
    2 points
  38. Theres certain maps need to have some conscesions and impose stricter limits even at capacity to improve the game play - for example Adlernest, very popular map, anytime Axis go over board with rifles there is no chance for allies to move forward. Combinartion of MG flamer panzer 6 SMGs and 6 rifles all firing at allies at the same time. Too much to substain decent game play. Just is. Same with the mortar's on Supply firing into the window, no place for it. Take that off them and get them involved in the battle instead of getting 5 man kills for doing nothing. Its also massively swinging the game in one direction. Rockets should recharge every 60seconds imo. The player has an SMG to keep him warm. No reason to give him multiple attempts with rocket, if he misses, that his fault, theres 20 targets, git gut. So option 1, but with the caviat that some maps are considered for limitations even above 14 due to playability. And yeah Im willing to help compile a list of them.
    2 points
  39. I voted for option 1, but I think there also needs a limit on rifles above 14 players. Rifle spam is just too much sometimes. But it's more dependent on the map
    2 points
  40. Going through chatlogs, it appears to be a pure troll. Banned.
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. We are not talking about multi team kills
    2 points
  43. Happy New Year everyone
    2 points
  44. Ok, I'm going to lock this topic as this isn't going anywhere. Feel free to reach out to me or another admin if you've got your anger issues under control and if you're ready for a grownup conversation.
    2 points
  45. Nigero, We have a lot of cheaters and abusers and we need to be able to find people, even when they are offline. When you want to play with an unrecognisable name like qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq or kgjdjfdf you make it very hard for admins to catch cheaters, not saying you are one. So we have to make sure we recognise you next time, and with a kick we have a history to recognise you. About other players, when we search a name, it will give all result where that name is part of, so if someone uses i.e. name tpl it would give thousnads of hits, because its part of eTPLayer. The names you mention doesn't have that problem. All we ask is to play with a recognisable name, and this forum is for discussion, not in game. So, no drama needed.
    2 points
  46. Can we make new pull about this prone situation ? It is kinda pathetic and irritating that some players are overusing this "prone hitboxes bug".
    2 points
  47. Hi everyone. i'm Endriux. I stumbled upon your server by accident after many years away from ET. I found out about legacy mod and that's how I ended up here. I'm from Poland, greetings to everyone!
    2 points
  48. They all should, if they can't handle it they shouldn't be that level. Kickvote is harder to have it passed because only people on same team can vote, the dude is constantly changing teams and names, people won't know how to do /callvote <playerID> and the wrong player will be kicked, you have to write a brand new log system to control who calls a vote when....
    2 points
  49. Okok I listen and understand your answers guys ^^ And you re right but i have an example on Beach where I first save the obj and the 2nd Time with all explosions and co, i didnt hear that obj was taken and ended a few seconds later and the Map ended in total After .. yeah 2 or 3 mins so we clearly had a problem of defense but I couldnt be everywhere and sometimes i try to défend but its hard 😛 I understand your points and will try to even the thing ^^
    2 points
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